Ten ways to burn calories
Are you looking for effective way to increase the rate of burning calories, and at the same time change the Slot in the food to reduce the calories gained in the body.Here are ten ways a magic to help you reduce the calories gained, without the need to follow a strict diet.Herbal Tea:Limit beverages daily to be confined to the herbal tea and drinking water only, and not eat fruit tea flavor, preferably to eat fruit because they are rich in fiber and contain large amounts of sugar.Disobeyed the food Chinatan:Make sure to eat food by bacillary "Chinese", so that you can eat less food, as the use ensures that you take longer to eat and slow in performance, which makes you feel fuller soon.This method well-suited for people who eat fast food, Fastkhaddamanm of sticks makes them slow down the rate of speed in eating food.Astahba Sports in Action:Do not waste long working hours, without Tstglleha in the exercise, accompanied by some simple tools with you, such as jumping rope, once daily five minutes of jumping rope stimulated to burn more calories.Avoid low-fat diet:Of errors which are usually located where many of the ladies, is to follow a diet low in fat on the pretext that one of my friends tried it and it proved successful in reducing weight, without taking into account any of the side effects that may have to follow such a diet, and that the results of each diet depends on the the nature of each woman.Therefore, nutrition experts advise you to make a lot of fat stored in each of the grains of avocado, olive oil and fish.Lymphatic system and its role in weight loss:Catalytic device of the lymphatic system through the exercise of certain activities by working on it, such as jogging and jumping, practice of these two Ariyadtin specifically good way to enhance your digestion and outstanding Tkhalask of toxins in the body.Add to that my sport jumping and running for your schedule usual sports, to stimulate the process of burning calories.The secret of cinnamon Fitness:If you are an amateur prose cinnamon on your coffee to you this information, studies have shown U.S. Department of Agriculture that the scattering of cinnamon on some drinks or food reduces the feeling of hunger as a result of controlling the rate of rise in insulin in the blood, which in turn how you feel hungry.Avoid creamy textures of food:As far as possible avoid eating creamy textures, such as foods that rely heavily on dairy products, as they often contain unhealthy fats obstructed the process of digesting, and do not forget to use olive oil in cooking to reduce the proportion of fat gained.Increase the load weight:Weight-bearing sport of the most sports, which increase the rate of digestion, so experts advise you to increase the fitness weights weight-bearing "Dambalz."Do not worry about increasing loads on the grounds that it may increase the appearance of the muscles in your body, but on the contrary, increase in and a half kilograms of the weight normally carried working to increase the fat burning body, so if you are carrying weight and mining of the No. 15 So try as much as possible to try hard in the past several effort significantly from the previous count.Sugar sativa:If you love eating sweets or sweetened juices, no sugar Tstkhaddma usual Astbdlah sugar sativa, it does not contain any of the chemicals do not cause a higher rate of insulin in the blood responsible for the feeling of hunger.Read the ingredients before you buy canned food:Do not forget never read the ingredients written on the canned foods before you buy, so as to avoid buying foods that contain hydrogenated oils or fats.

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