Friday, December 9, 2011

Appropriate diet

Appropriate diet
Permanent diet and appropriate help to reduce weight in a healthy and sound

In recent years, there are several systems that are random slimming Atjda useful, after the stop followed back to gain all the weight you have lost through it, and most importantly, are mostly a danger to human health.The perfect solution to get the process of reducing the weight to be successful in changing your lifestyle and food habits are true throughout the life and adherence to guidelines and instructions of health for a long time.Valuable tips to help you to reach a successful way to reduce weight:• The importance of conviction of the need to reduce weight.• to set yourself a goal you want to achieve realism.• patience and not to despair.You reduce your weight gradually and slowly, from 1 to 2 kilogram per week, but if the rate of decrease so at the expense of the water and the muscles in your body.By following the diet starting from the second or third month, you can stop the rate of loss of weight, and this is normal, when back-up system for the body weight loss.
What is sound and healthy way to reduce weight?To maintain a normal weight and ideally there should be a balance between the amount of food consumed and energy expended in the day. The poor eating habits and lack of movement of the factors that limit and prevent the reduction in weight.
Some guidance and advice to help start racing the change (if every change requires adequate time and appropriate in order to reach the goal to be achieved)* Reduce the amount of food consumed per day• get used to the pouring less in the main dish• stop eating once you start feeling full• chew food well and eat slowly• Do not eat the quantities of food than you need for dailyIf you want to know how much food is right for you at every meal, open your palms and put your hands side by side, this area reflects the size of the dish for you.• the amendment to the quality of the food consumed• Reduce the fat in the diet by reducing the consumption of fried and follow the method of roasting or boiling (when you follow the healthy way to cook all the food allowed)• limit the intake of foods containing sugars and processed Kalhloyat chocolate and move away from the store.• Eat more foods rich in dietary fiber Kalkhdhar and fruits with meals and between them because they are rich in vitamins and minerals and give a sense of satiety
* Lifestyle modifications• reduce the time it is consumed without movement such as sitting in front of the TV screen and get rid of eating normally in front of the TV.• If you are not willing to exercise, try to go shopping on foot and use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Which consists of your healthy diet?There is no diet that works for all, if necessary, can consult a dietician to make you an appropriate diet and a special follow you throughout your life.Some guidelines that help in the preparation of a balanced diet helps to lose weight and secure the necessary nutrients:
• Preferably Eat 5 small meals a day instead of eating two or three large meals a day.• Do not refrain from eating breakfast or lunch because you will eat opine in the evening meal.You need a day to:• two servings of a milk and derivatives, low-fatHelps to prevent weight gain and fat in the body and the best sources of calcium.• Three servings of vegetables, cooked or raw, at leastYou can add a little olive oil with them, Valkhaddar fiber-rich food and water• two classes or three servings of fruitFruit and the perfect meal alternative for sweets and all types are allowed. Careful to drink fresh juice, if canned preferably without added sugar and the amount of juice ½ cup per day.• Five servings of bread and cereal groupReplace white bread Balosamar Ballolaav rich and eat whole grains such as rice, bulgur and brown that make you feel full.• two classes or three servings of meat and beans group (protein)Reduce the consumption of red meat and replaced Ballosmak, poultry and legumes• Ensure drinking water a dayDrinking water helps to get rid of sediment resulting from weight loss, prevent constipation, increase diuresis, prevent fluid retention.Best to drink 8 glasses of water a day before and between meals, can green tea and mint, thyme, chamomile green with a little honey when feeling hungry.

How to make sure that the diet followed by the right for you?• Must be appropriate for your age and your height and your weight and your health• must contain your favorite dishes and that the system is conveniently• must include the five food groups• sense of hunger indicates that the system is not suitable• Do not prefer to lose weight quickly and a large• successful system is that you can be followed throughout your life
What is the ideal lifestyle?• Make sure not to go back to bad eating habits are leading to weight gain of the new• advised the work hours of sports daily during six days a week• The importance of breakfast• Monitor weight and quantity of food consumed• Reduce the intake of food outside the home• You must measure your weight once a week Fiqiash day does not show any change Mmiada of frustration and despairAny diet program and ensures a successful weight loss involves three factors:Balanced nutrition, physical activity, change in behavior and lifestyle.

Body Building, health


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