Friday, December 9, 2011

Components of the basic food

Components of the basic food
Food is very important to sustain life, and contains background material plays an important role in maintaining human life.
What are the basic components of food?Is called the nutrient or nutrients that work to provide the body with the required energy and materials needed for tissue building and repair and its importance in the organization of biological processes within the body and protects the body from infectious diseases, and because the human body can not manufacture these items so it is necessary to provide them through a food safety and continuity.And these nutrients are divided into six sections, namely:Ø carbohydrates (sugars)Ø lipids (fats and oils)Ø proteinsØ WaterØ vitaminsØ metalsVary the proportion of nutrients for different type of food, but they are often a mixture of most food products are milk, for example, contain protein and fat, vitamins, minerals and water, whereas rice contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and vitamins and minerals and water.

Daily need of food:Andmaalmana that the nutrients essential to human health must be to know how much we need them to meet our daily needs. Therefore, these quantities can be determined through the different stages of life and by sex and physiological status (pregnancy and lactation). Is determined the amount of food needed by the person by age, sex, and length and muscular activity (nature of the work), health status and then translate these needs of different nutrients to the diet is divided on the three main meals a day to two meals and two small.Increasing interest in the world of health care day after day, and there is great interest and clear for the role played by some food for the prevention of some chronic diseases and dangerous.And in general can be summarized as percentages of recommended nutrients in the diet daily, which should be guided by their dietitians when planning a meal integrated as follows:Ø Carbohydrates: ranges between 55-60% of total caloriesØ Fiber: from 20-30 grams ̸ todayØ Fat: 25-35% of total calories, not to increase the proportion of saturated fat to 7% of total calories, the fat is saturated Vnsptha 20% between single-and multi-saturation.Ø protein: 10-15% of the total energy.
Carbohydrates:Is the main source to provide you with energy for the movement and work and life as it gives one gram of carbohydrate 4 calories, which are starches and sugars found in foods, such as bread and pasta, rice, dry beans, peas, potatoes, grains, vegetables and fruits.Carbohydrates are divided into:
Ø sugars single: called simple sugars and are found in fruits, honey and corn.Ø sugars Inaúah: found in cane sugar and molasses and sugar beet and fruit and vegetables, milk and barley.Ø complex sugars: include starch, found in cereals, legumes and tubers, while the fiber we find democracy in legumes, vegetables, nuts and whole grains and fruits.Food needs of sugars:Usually recommended to eat 100 grams of carbohydrates a day at least.
Lipids:Lipids include fats (solid) and oils (liquid), a rich source of energy Valgram one gives 9 calories and contains essential fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins.There are different types of dietary fat, namely:Ø trans fats are either monounsaturated fat are found in olive oil and canola in most vegetable oils, or a fat multi-unsaturated and are found in sunflower oil and seed oil, cotton, flax oil and soybean oil and corn oil and oil rapeseed oils and some fish, the body needs to help in the formation of coated membranes for each cell of the body.Ø saturated fat: working to raise the level of blood cholesterol and harmful if ingested in large quantities and rights are found in animal fat and whole milk and chicken skin, butter and some vegetable oils such as coconut oil and groundnut oil and palm oil.Ø cholesterol: There is only in animal foods such as brain and egg yolk and fish eggs, caviar, liver, heart, kidneys and pancreas and butter and cream cheese and milk and full fat and skin of chicken. Advised not to eat large quantities because it raises the level of Alkolsterolbaldm.You should be dealing with small amounts of foods rich in saturated fat and Balkolsterol you should read the nutritional facts label for products that tell you about the content of fat. Some fats rich in omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil and flax seed and prevent hardening of the arteries and inflammation of the joints and can be found in watercress.Food needs of the fat:For women must address the lady in the middle of the 60-75 grams of fat The men they have access to 90 grams, and cholesterol should not be more than 300 mg ̸ today.

Proteins:Of nutrients is very important, as it is involved in various tissues of the body building and maintenance, and the intervention in the installation of certain hormones and enzymes, and without it there can be no life on earth.Proteins are made up of 22 structural units containing nitrogen, called amino acids and proteins differ from each other for different number of amino acids and the relay, giving each gram of protein 4 calories.
Proteins are divided according to the characteristics of food:Ø complete proteins (proteins of high quality) are proteins containing all essential amino acids and in sufficient quantities to ensure that the crisis needs of the body for growth and for maintenance of damaged tissue. Examples include all animal proteins (except gelatin) protein such as eggs, milk, meat, fish and poultry.Ø proteins is incomplete (proteins of low quality) are proteins lacking valine or more and the amount of acid which is insufficient to ensure the body's need, and its example plant proteins including wheat, rice, pulses, seeds and other with the exception of soybean is one of the Complete proteins.Ø complete proteins in part: They contain a limited amount of essential amino acids and as a result is able to preserve life, but do not help growth. Such as some cereals, legumes, nuts and grains help and beans mixed together in the production of sufficient protein synthesis in the body.
Food needs of the proteins:Needs an adult to about 0.52-0.57 grams of protein per kg diet weight per day and needs of the child in the growth stage 2.5 g protein per kg diet of weight per day as well as in adolescence.

Water:Water is essential for human diet as it is an essential component of all tissues of the body, water helps to regulate body temperature and the transfer of nutrients to cells and waste products out of them. And you need to drink eight glasses of fluids a day until offset Matvkdh.

Health and food


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