Six yoga exercises to resist facial wrinkles
After the age of thirty you start a journey to find the Holy appropriate for the skin, to protect it from wrinkles that appear as you get older, and with a lot of supply in the specialty shops might you face uncertainty in the choice, especially since each type promises the outcome of effective and you certainly do not need to experiment on your skin.
But perhaps Being amazed if you know the existence of exercises Yoga protects your face from wrinkles for as long as possible, lies the secret of these exercises is that it works to stimulate blood circulation in the body from the head and even the lower body, as that works on the flow of blood to the head and thus up oxygen and important nutrients for the skin, which stimulates the production of collagen, which helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles in the face.This is not only Vtmarin Yoga helps you to breathe properly, which works on the speed of blood flow in all parts of the body, thereby enhancing the production of collagen.
Learn about us at the six most important yoga exercises reduces the appearance of wrinkles in the face:
After the age of thirty you start a journey to find the Holy appropriate for the skin, to protect it from wrinkles that appear as you get older, and with a lot of supply in the specialty shops might you face uncertainty in the choice, especially since each type promises the outcome of effective and you certainly do not need to experiment on your skin.
But perhaps Being amazed if you know the existence of exercises Yoga protects your face from wrinkles for as long as possible, lies the secret of these exercises is that it works to stimulate blood circulation in the body from the head and even the lower body, as that works on the flow of blood to the head and thus up oxygen and important nutrients for the skin, which stimulates the production of collagen, which helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles in the face.This is not only Vtmarin Yoga helps you to breathe properly, which works on the speed of blood flow in all parts of the body, thereby enhancing the production of collagen.
Learn about us at the six most important yoga exercises reduces the appearance of wrinkles in the face:
Exercise I: plow:- Lie on the floor, then raise your legs to the top of the list to form an angle of 90 degrees.- Unfold your hands along your body on the ground.- Return your legs back so that your feet touch the ground parties, networking with your hands and Hdahma down.- In case if you can not come into contact with the parties to the ground your feet, put your hands down the back and push back, so push your legs back.- Habitations in that position for 45 seconds, then gently go back to your situation normal.
The second exercise: Raise your shoulders:
- Lie on the ground straight up, hands to align your body.- Push the ground with your hands and raise your legs up, with the support of your waist put your hands above the rear and lower back with open fingers.- Try as much as possible to dispense with your hands in this exercise, with the adoption of that position for about three minutes, then return to normal gently.
Third exercise: lie down on the abdomen:- Lie on the floor so that your face facing the ground.- Lift your hands and your feet up, leaving a space between your hands.- Unfold the legs so that your knees Mshidodtan, to find in the end your body shape in the form of a letter "V".- I do not mind to stand on the tips of the fingers to be Sacak Mshidodtan, and with time, try as much as possible the heels of your feet touching the ground without prejudice to pull your legs.- Finally, try from time to time to rest your neck.
Exercise IV: bending forward:- Stand straight with your feet leave the space between the occasion.- I bow to the front half of your upper body with your hands networking.- Erhristi your neck and habitations in that position for 45 seconds approximately.
Exercise V: Dolphin:- Unfold your body so that your face is facing the ground.- Lift your body off the ground so take the form of a letter "V"- Asenda your wrists on the ground so that the arm elbow touches the ground.- Just make sure that your legs Mshidodtan your arms as well as with the adoption of that position for 45 seconds.- Do not let your shoulders Elamsan your ears, do not forget the tail lift to the top.
Exercise VI: fish:- Straighten your body on the ground so your back is tight and Sacak.- Put your hands down your ass so Kuaak touches the ground.- Push ground with your hands to help you lift your chest up to the counter of the roof.- Motor Kuaak place from time to time so you can keep your chest is brought to the longest possible period.- Put your arms on the ground gently and Rest a bit.

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