Exercises to strengthen bones
The exercise is an important part of a comprehensive strategy to improve health and strengthen the bones of the body. Has not yet been determine optimal exercise to reduce the incidence of disease osteoporosis, but these guidelines are based on current knowledge available to us. It is well known that exercise can have a powerful effect when combined with obtaining rights to adequate levels of estrogen and calcium and vitamin D. Must be followed diet low in fat and contain grains, fruits and vegetables.
Everyone thought that the bone is a rigid body, such as rock, but the fact that our bones consist of living tissue is changing permanently. Bones grow and fully in the period from age 20 to 30 years and then slowly weaken over the years. The bones become weak during the first few years following menopause. A recent study that a diet rich in fat may lead not only to heart disease and obesity, but thinning and osteoporosis. And affect the foods we eat, the amount of physical activity we do and the environmental and genetic factors other positively and negatively on bone health.
If you have osteoporosis you should see your doctor before you start your sport.
The effect of body position and good and badAffect the way the movement and sit down and play directly on the spine. And if we look from the side angle is found on the spine curve takes the form of letter S and have a stronger backbone dozens of times when we maintain the integrity of the natural bow. Good position and also contribute to the reduction of exposure Ouallam back and protect the spine from fracture.
The status of the body:"During the stand that there is an imaginary line and placebo vertically up between ear and shoulder and hip."Do not do strain the knees fully."Nationalist strain the abdominal muscles" or inhaled "to prevent sagging."Must be the lower back curved slightly forward.
Seating:"I do not sit in the same position for prolonged periods of time."Make sure to tighten the body while sitting with the rest (or stick) and rear back on the chair without being in the back of the bow."Use a cotton pad to maintain the natural curve of the lower back."It must be tight and the head of a straight line forward."Do not do suddenly from the chair, but a progressive forward a bit, then get up.
Movement and liftingStrive always to be back in a straight position"Use the power of the feet instead of the back to carry things, even if lightweight. You can do squat with the movement of the chest and maintain strain integrity."Avoid bending forward. If I had to bend down, then you must bend it straight, without bending the center."When you carry things should be in the vicinity of the body."Avoid twisting movements that require and should be my approach to the direction you move your foot."It takes a lot of training to Tatada to these rules in your daily activities and Tnama fruit of preserving the integrity of the afternoon in the long term. Watch for how many times a day Valuation bend and how many hours you Tqdanha sitting day: for example, bending while cleaning basin shower or bending to carry your baby or open a bag or sports equipment to clean the park and hours Tqdanha to watch TV or Tqdanha hours in front of the computer. Start with simple changes to your activities and watch your moves decisively to provide the necessary protection for your spine.
FlexibilityMost women spend hours of their day in the sitting position, thanks to scientific progress has been forced to bend to do different household activities during the day and this will lift some of the muscles and the spine above the load capacity. Strive to increase the flexibility of the spine and muscles of the thigh front and back and chest muscles by doing exercises daily tides. Avoid exercises that Tdtrk to bend forward to limit the exposure of the bones of the spine to further effort. National extension of the muscles to the point of tension is not to limit the pain and kept on a tide for a period of 15-30 seconds and repeat 3 or 5 times daily or according to physician instructions.
Strength exercisesTo increase bone density in the spine you can benefit from free weights or sports equipment, and ask the specialist exercise program is designed to extend a balanced work on a private key to activate the muscles and muscles of the hips, wrists and spine (areas of bone at high vulnerability). Exercise aimed at the top and bottom of the back and those that Tsetdf abdominal muscles until you get a force necessary to help you on the status of compliance is good.
Various sports activitiesResult from the exercise of walking or running or jumping on the compressive strength of bone and this would encourage the building of bones. For this reason it is important to participate in weight-bearing exercise regularly and to suit your fitness level and health status of the bones. For example: walking speed and walking in the hills high and climbing stairs, jumping rope or jumping activities and other aerobic exercise and play tennis, squash and basketball are all good exercises for building bone.
You should, in all cases, the practice of exercises that fit over your stamina, muscle and bone and can find out by consulting your doctor.
The exercise is an important part of a comprehensive strategy to improve health and strengthen the bones of the body. Has not yet been determine optimal exercise to reduce the incidence of disease osteoporosis, but these guidelines are based on current knowledge available to us. It is well known that exercise can have a powerful effect when combined with obtaining rights to adequate levels of estrogen and calcium and vitamin D. Must be followed diet low in fat and contain grains, fruits and vegetables.
Everyone thought that the bone is a rigid body, such as rock, but the fact that our bones consist of living tissue is changing permanently. Bones grow and fully in the period from age 20 to 30 years and then slowly weaken over the years. The bones become weak during the first few years following menopause. A recent study that a diet rich in fat may lead not only to heart disease and obesity, but thinning and osteoporosis. And affect the foods we eat, the amount of physical activity we do and the environmental and genetic factors other positively and negatively on bone health.
If you have osteoporosis you should see your doctor before you start your sport.
The effect of body position and good and badAffect the way the movement and sit down and play directly on the spine. And if we look from the side angle is found on the spine curve takes the form of letter S and have a stronger backbone dozens of times when we maintain the integrity of the natural bow. Good position and also contribute to the reduction of exposure Ouallam back and protect the spine from fracture.
The status of the body:"During the stand that there is an imaginary line and placebo vertically up between ear and shoulder and hip."Do not do strain the knees fully."Nationalist strain the abdominal muscles" or inhaled "to prevent sagging."Must be the lower back curved slightly forward.
Seating:"I do not sit in the same position for prolonged periods of time."Make sure to tighten the body while sitting with the rest (or stick) and rear back on the chair without being in the back of the bow."Use a cotton pad to maintain the natural curve of the lower back."It must be tight and the head of a straight line forward."Do not do suddenly from the chair, but a progressive forward a bit, then get up.
Movement and liftingStrive always to be back in a straight position"Use the power of the feet instead of the back to carry things, even if lightweight. You can do squat with the movement of the chest and maintain strain integrity."Avoid bending forward. If I had to bend down, then you must bend it straight, without bending the center."When you carry things should be in the vicinity of the body."Avoid twisting movements that require and should be my approach to the direction you move your foot."It takes a lot of training to Tatada to these rules in your daily activities and Tnama fruit of preserving the integrity of the afternoon in the long term. Watch for how many times a day Valuation bend and how many hours you Tqdanha sitting day: for example, bending while cleaning basin shower or bending to carry your baby or open a bag or sports equipment to clean the park and hours Tqdanha to watch TV or Tqdanha hours in front of the computer. Start with simple changes to your activities and watch your moves decisively to provide the necessary protection for your spine.
FlexibilityMost women spend hours of their day in the sitting position, thanks to scientific progress has been forced to bend to do different household activities during the day and this will lift some of the muscles and the spine above the load capacity. Strive to increase the flexibility of the spine and muscles of the thigh front and back and chest muscles by doing exercises daily tides. Avoid exercises that Tdtrk to bend forward to limit the exposure of the bones of the spine to further effort. National extension of the muscles to the point of tension is not to limit the pain and kept on a tide for a period of 15-30 seconds and repeat 3 or 5 times daily or according to physician instructions.
Strength exercisesTo increase bone density in the spine you can benefit from free weights or sports equipment, and ask the specialist exercise program is designed to extend a balanced work on a private key to activate the muscles and muscles of the hips, wrists and spine (areas of bone at high vulnerability). Exercise aimed at the top and bottom of the back and those that Tsetdf abdominal muscles until you get a force necessary to help you on the status of compliance is good.
Various sports activitiesResult from the exercise of walking or running or jumping on the compressive strength of bone and this would encourage the building of bones. For this reason it is important to participate in weight-bearing exercise regularly and to suit your fitness level and health status of the bones. For example: walking speed and walking in the hills high and climbing stairs, jumping rope or jumping activities and other aerobic exercise and play tennis, squash and basketball are all good exercises for building bone.
You should, in all cases, the practice of exercises that fit over your stamina, muscle and bone and can find out by consulting your doctor.

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