Friday, December 9, 2011


What is AIDS and what are its symptoms and how to prevent it?

What is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and what is AIDS?That the (HIV) is the equivalent of HIV. A virus is part of a group of viruses called virus reverse.
HIV is Edmrnoaa of the cells in the body called cells (CD4 T). These cells are the type of lymphocytes (white blood cells) which protect the body against bacteria, viruses, and various other bacteria. Both HIV (HIV) actually reproduce inside the cells (CD4 T). Can not white blood cells to destroy the virus that continues to change the outside cover and are thus protected.The AIDS (AIDS) is a synonym for HIV. This term includes infection and diseases that result from a weakened immune system caused by the virus (HIV) or HIV.
Note:When your injury is initially infected (HIV) or HIV, you're not infected with AIDS. There is an interval of up to several years between the first injury Bal (HIV) and what followed the evolution of infection and other problems related to AIDS. This is because the lack of cells (CD4 T) Kadittalb several years to reach the level at which your immune system suffers from weakness.Can be carriers of the virus (HIV) or HIV can pass the disease to others even if they do not suffer from any symptoms.
How to become infected with Bal (HIV) or HIV?· Sexual transmission:(Through sexual contact) This is the most common method of transmission of the virus. You can become infected if you have sexual contact with an infected person (whether through vaginal intercourse or oral sex or the other). Both semen and vaginal secretions and blood of an infected person contains all of the virus (HIV). The virus can enter the body through the lining of the vagina or vulva or penis Ooualemstakim or mouth during sexual contact.
· Subscribe to use the same injection:That the virus (HIV) (and other viruses such as HIV infection, hepatitis B and Z C) can be their transition between the drug addicts who share needles, syringes and other injecting equipment contaminated with infected blood.
· Contaminated blood:Suffered in the past some cases the virus through transfusions of contaminated blood and blood products. It is rare and now this happens. Altdhomund in the Kingdom in 1985 are examined all blood products for the detection of the virus (HIV) before use.
· Exposure to acupuncture inadvertently contaminated:And the risk of infection in this way is very low as the rate of injuries to employees in the field of health care and who have been contaminated needles and Khozhm by chance is 3 in the 1000 only.
· From mother to child:Women of pregnant women infected with the virus (HIV) or HIV can transmit the virus to their young during pregnancy or childbirth. The studies suggest that it is likely to one child with the virus out of every 7 children born to mothers infected with the virus (HIV). Although this rate is higher in Africa but the drug therapy of anti-virus (HIV) during pregnancy reduces the risk of transmission of the virus to the child. The birth by Caesarean section reduces the risk even more. It can sometimes transfer the virus to infants through breast milk through breastfeeding. If the availability of industrial milk are encouraging mothers infected with Bal (HIV) to stop breastfeeding
Note:Your injury is so mind (HIV) or HIV must enter some blood or semen or vaginal Alaffersat contaminated into your body. Can not pick up the infection Bal (HIV) through regular communication with a person infected with Bal (HIV), such as hugging or shaking hands or touching or sharing food or utensils or towels or swimming pools or phones.

To what extent the spread of the (HIV) HIV?We have been estimating the number of people living with the virus (HIV) worldwide in 2007 about 33.2 million people and representing a decrease of 16% for published statistics for 2006. In any case, the number of people who are diagnosed with PAL (HIV) in a steady increase, mainly among young drug users and homosexuals, or gay men. Every day 6,800 people become infected Bal (HIV), while in 5700 of AIDS die every day all over the world. This is due mainly to insufficient access to prevention of the virus (HIV) as well as the lack of curative services in some developing countries.
How the virus causes (HIV) in the problems of the body?Once the entry of the virus (HIV) to your body, it Ertat-type cells (CD4 T), but goes to the inside. Here, the virus uses DNA (the genetic code within the cell) to reproduce (produce copies of itself). During the exit of the new virus particles from the cell (CD4 T) cell dies. Here, the new virus particles enter a new cell of the cells (CD4 T) and the process continues in this way. Are the synthesis of millions of new virus particles inside the cells (CD4 T) as a day that millions of the cells (CD4 T) die every day. To combat the destructive effect of the virus in the body continues to produce new cells of the (CD4 T) on a daily basis. And In spite of this it with the passage of time, the virus is the one who usually wins and number of cells (CD4 T) less gradually (usually over several years). Once the low rate of the cells (CD4 T) to a certain extent, it weakens your immune system. If you hit your immune weakness resulting from severe infection with the virus (HIV), it is likely many of your injury opportunistic diseases. It is a result of the infection spread germs around us. In normal circumstances you do not become infected from such bacteria if your a healthy immune system. The low rate of the cells (CD4 T) increases the risk of the emergence of other cases, helps the immune system in prevention, such as certain types of cancers.

What are the symptoms of Bal (HIV) HIV and AIDS (HIV)?
1 - initial infection the virus infection (HIV)At the beginning of your injury Bal (HIV) or the so-called (primary injury), it is probably not suffering from any symptoms at this time. Despite this, some people suffer from some symptoms of influenza-like symptoms after exposure to infection for a period ranging between 6-8 weeks. And sometimes called the period (seroconversion illness) because then the show antibodies for the first time in the bloodstream. The symptoms may include fever, sore throat, rash, red skin, nausea, diarrhea, swollen glands, headache, fatigue and aches and pains in the body. And can continue these symptoms for three weeks, and it is often believed Flu or viral disease. This is not AIDS or HIV, but it is a reaction to the first Asabhbal (HIV). Special tests may be a PAL (HIV) negative at this early stage of infection.
2 - After initial infection the virus (HIV)After the initial stability of any injury you Bal (HIV) without any treatment. Can Tbakybdon any symptoms for several years. And on average it can continue without symptoms for about ten years. In the absence of any symptoms during this time, many people do not even realize they are infected Pfirosal (HIV), but the virus continues to multiply. While the number of cells tends (CD4 T) to decrease gradually, and in this case, you can transfer the virus to others. On the other hand, some people with Bal (HIV) are subjected to swelling of the constant in the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy is diffuse and continuous) during this period or are at increased sweat at night. At the time when the problems in the history you have, such as mouth sores or recurrent infection Cngelz or recurrent herpes (shingles) Oelthab Zhamy skin (a condition caused by a yeast) or the virus may activate an old tuberculosis infection in some cases, this happens even before the advent of AIDS, especially in the developing world. He spoke some of the symptoms that can occur as a result of injury Bal (HIV) even before the development of AIDS and the symptoms include diarrhea, skin rash, fatigue, loss of weight.
3 - symptoms of AIDSThe term AIDS is used to describe the more advanced stages of the infection (HIV). AIDS is is a general term that includes many of the diseases that can result from a very weak immune system: usually a person with AIDS suffer from:· A very low rate of cells (CD4 T)· Injury to one or more opportunistic diseases.· Incidence of certain types of cancers.· Injury to one brain diseases associated with AIDS (AIDS dementia).· Incidence of severe physical wasting syndrome.

What tests will be conducted?It is very important to check out the virus (HIV), especially if you think you're at risk of infection it. So it is now possible in some clinics to obtain the test results on the same day which was conducted in which the examination.
1 - confirm the diagnosisBal infection can be diagnosed (HIV) through blood test or saliva or even urine test2- Assess the extent of the diseaseThey conducted tests for the diagnosis of AIDS-related conditions
What is the treatment of the virus (HIV) HIV?Although there is no cure so far the virus (HIV) but now has become an effective treatment as it allows for people with Bal (HIV) to live their lives as normal as possible. Since the provision of drugs for the treatment of HIV Bal (HIV), mortality rates have dropped dramatically. Also, the drug slows the development of the (HIV) to AIDS. Most people infected with the virus remain fit and in good condition for eating treatment. Have been developed since the nineties of drugs called anti-viral drugs reverse. Are anti-viral drugs against the inverse of the infection (HIV) by slowing the multiplication of the virus in the body. The newer drugs are more effective than drugs that have been used in the past.
When to start using anti-viral drugs reverse?As a general rule is usually to start using anti-viral drugs reverse in the following cases:· The emergence of a disease or a opportunism problems associated with AIDS.· Low level of the cells (CD4 T) have to a certain extent.In any case, the treatment of the (HIV) medical field changing and evolving rapidly. Experiments are conducted to determine whether it should use antiviral drugs reverse early in the people who do not suffer from any symptoms. Even begin to be addressed with the onset of PAL (HIV). The experiments aimed to clarify the extent of the benefits of treatment before symptoms appear, which outweigh the side effects of drugs. It is possible while taking the treatment to undergo regular blood tests to monitor side effects.
How is the prevention of the infection (HIV)?There is no vaccine for the virus (HIV). And the development of a vaccine to prevent it is still proving day after day it is very difficult, because the virus (HIV) mutates and changes constantly. So the only way to prevent the virus infection (HIV) is to avoid all activities that put you at risk of infection such as participation in using the same needles and unprotected sex (not safe). The use of condoms protects against transmission of the virus (HIV). It can prevent some cases of the (HIV) in other ways. For example:· If you are taking drugs by injection is not shared with the one in the use of needles or other injection equipment. And use local program to replace the needles if available in your area.· Should the field of health care workers to follow the guiding principles of the domestic opportunities to reduce the incidence of contaminated acupuncture. If your injury was a puncture of the needle must refer to a specialist health professional immediately. Is to begin a treatment program of the anti-virus (HIV) during the period of one to two hours of the injury which could prevent infection with HIV Bal (HIV).· If you are pregnant and have Pfirosal (HIV), then you need a special kind of prenatal care to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to your baby. And can be taken to treat the (HIV) during pregnancy.

Mmaho over the life expectancy for AIDS patients?In the mid-nineties could not the majority of people that survive for a period of more than a year to two years after the onset of AIDS on them. But after the discovery of antiviral drugs reverse has improved vision significantly for those Aloahas, especially those who have the opportunity to receive such treatment. Most people with Bal (HIV) and AIDS in the country's richest now living a full life and natural. Further improvement in the average life expectancy for people with Bal (HIV) and AIDS significantly. For example, concluded a research study - published the journal The Lancet in 2008 that we are at the present time we should think of a virus of the (HIV) as a case of chronic medical conditions such as disease sugar instead of that we consider to be a killer. The study examined more than 43,000 patients Bal (HIV) and found that the person who is diagnosed with the virus now at the age of twenty can expect to live 49 years other (assuming that he has access to modern treatment). However, most people with PAL (HIV) live in developing countries do not have the opportunity to obtain effective drugs. To continue this global epidemic called Bal (HIV) in the elimination of millions of lives each year.



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