Friday, December 9, 2011

Smoking and tobacco use

Smoking and tobacco use
What are the dangers of smoking and what are the benefits of quitting?

What are the dangers of smoking?Can cause a pipe or cigarette smoking and the use of other tobacco products in:· Lung cancer, mouth or throat or esophagus· Diseases of the heart and blood vessels· Chronic lung disease· StrokeCigarettes are filled with toxic substances that enter the lungs during inhalation of cigarette. Every cigarette contains over 4000 chemical substance and 43 workers from cancer-causing agents. The nicotine in tobacco is highly addictive and can lead to high blood pressure you have.In addition, smoking is a risk to others. Suffers non-smokers who inhale tobacco smoke are also health risks such as the risks faced by smokers themselves. Can be infected children sitting in the smoking areas further from the common cold or ear infection or other breathing problems.Contains tobacco smoke does not do, such as chewed and soaked more nicotine than cigarettes. Could use this type of tobacco to the white patches or red sores in the mouth which could develop into cells that become cancerous. Users suffer this kind of tobacco is often of dental problems such as protrusion of the teeth and gums, tooth decay, and roots.
What are the benefits of quitting smoking and tobacco use?· Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.· Improved breathing and energy you have?· Reduced risk of cancer.· Longer life compared to individuals who smoke regularly and use tobacco.· If you are pregnant, avenue Oqdil you a chance for the birth of a healthy child.· Will contribute to reducing the health risks faced by non-smokers when they stop smoking.· Improved sense of smell and taste you have.· Will not send from your body and your clothes and your car and your home smell of tobacco.· Save money.
How can I stop smoking?Talk to your doctor about how to quit smoking. Inquired about the courses and support groups in your area. Get the support and encouragement and learn how to deal with the pressure. Talk with your doctor about medicines and other assistance that will help you to quit smoking.Before attempting to quit smoking, you must comply with this decision. Smoking is a learned behavior, you must quit. It is not easy to stop smoking, but you can if you are serious in this regard. Will help you stop smoking to live a longer life with more health.
What are the steps to quit smoking?
1 - Ready to quit smoking· Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.· Smoked half a cigarette at a time.· Do not smoke only in certain hours a day.· Clean the Tafaat cigarettes and start to get rid of them one after the other. Clean the curtains or the car or office, or anything else smell the smoke from tobacco.· Look for a friend or companion who shares in quitting smoking.· Start exercises before quitting smoking.· Replace the brand of cigarettes that you smoke mark is your favorite.· Get ​​rid of cigarette lighters backup.· Smoked your own if you prefer to smoke with others.· Understand the reason behind smoking each cigarette. Avoid things that lead you to smoke.· Register the first list of five reasons for calls you to quit smoking. Read this list daily.Select a date to quit smoking and included in the reduction of smoking times that up to this date. In this time, stop smoking completely. If you smoke a lot at work, stop smoking during the holiday.

2 - the day set for smoking cessation· Get ​​rid of your cigarettes and Kdahatk and the remaining of the extinguishers.· Ask for help from family members and friends· Plans for the day and Engage yourself. Spend your time in places where smoking is prohibited, such as the library or the cinema. Is your daily routine.Take your eight glasses of water every day. This helps to rid your body of nicotine.· Always carry the numbers of celery or sweet or chewing gum is not candy or popsicles or teeth cleaning sticks to put in your mouth because you have already got used to put something in your mouth.· Try to do exercises a deep breath and listened to music tapes that give rise to relaxation.· Do moderate exercise.Eat meals regularly.· Save the money you saved by Bamtnaek thanks to your decision to buy cigarettes in the piggy bank.· Kavie yourself in the end of the day when you stop smoking completely on that day.
3 - next stepsMay try to overcome the withdrawal symptoms and cravings that you will continue over the coming days and weeks. Exercises can help you relax and overcome the withdrawal symptoms of irritability and anger or irritability. Will go through times where you need to actually smoking. Slowing down. This desire will disappear in a few minutes pressing. Breathe slowly and deeply until you relax and forget the urge to smoke. Drink the water slowly and keep it in your mouth for a period of time. To contemplate in smoking by thinking of something else, or focused on things that will be it. Get up and move. Record all the success achieved by day in the calendar. Kavye yourself daily and weekly.
What do I do if re-smoking?Difficult to quit smoking. Many individuals try several times before they succeed. When you return to smoking, do not let desperation attempt to loose weight. Remind yourself the number of hours, days and weeks which was able to quit smoking. Select the reason that led you to smoke. Add to the list of things that need to be avoided or think of a way to deal with it next time. Remind yourself Aqlaek because of smoking. Prepared to think about the things that you need to do when you feel the urgent desire to smoke. Kavye yourself on the strength of your will and your courage.



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