Friday, December 9, 2011

Exercise for the prevention of back pain

Exercise for the prevention of back pain
Back pain are common medical problem experienced by most people once at least in their lives.

If you are not serious attention to this pain may last a long time may make the patient seats. The most common causes of back pain is muscle cramps. Movement can lead to inappropriate acute muscle spasm, and this is what causes the "shrinking" the back that caused him severe pain.Can occur muscle spasm after bending or twisting movement is appropriate. This may happen because of a simple cough or sneeze. The simple movement such as bending to tie shoes or rotate the trunk of the body can cause cramping. Can also occur when the muscle spasms heavy weight lifting incorrectly. Can occur also long-lasting back pain after accidents that lead to a back injury.There are many other causes of chronic back pain such as disc herniation (disc) and osteoarthritis and degeneration of joints, back, arthritis, and tumors .. This is why dealing with the treatment.The best way to prevent back pain is exercise back exercises regularly. Advisable to do exercises to strengthen the back and Tmtith twice or three times a week. There is another good way to prevent back pain and leg is the commitment to the status of the sound back at home and work. Any care to stay upright position while sitting or standing.Try not to bend your back. Instead, try to discourage your knees or bend at the hips when you lift something heavy or when you connect to wear shoes or socks or pants. The weight loss and avoidance of accidents can also protect you from back pain.
What are the benefits of exercise?The practice exercises for the muscles of the back a quarter of an hour, three times a week with three primary benefits are:• strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders. This reduces the likelihood of back injuries.• make the back more flexible, which increases the capacity of movement and endurance• relieve muscles and relieve pain.
What types of exercises?There are two types of back exercises:(1) exercises to improve flexibility by stretching muscles (stretching exercises)(2) and exercises improved strength through resistance (resistance training)
What stretching exercises?We offer the following back exercises that improve flexibility by stretching the muscle:Amtt pelvic tilt exercise the muscles of the back and abdomen and increases the flexibility of the hips.1. Lie on your back with knees bent, feet Menbsttan on the floor or carpet, you wait at your sides. Must be equal to the distance between the feet to display the hips. Must be less than the distance between the knees of the distance between the feet.2. Mark the lower back flat so that touching the ground completely. This movement tends to make the hips forward.3. Keep this position a few seconds, then relax4. Repeat the exercise five times.

Lift one leg exercise Amtt muscles of the hips and lower back and buttocks.1. Lie on your back with bent one of the legs, feet and let the leg touching the ground, while the other leg stretched out completely.2. Use the same arm, grab the chest toward the knee flexor continuous movement while keeping the lower back and the soles of the other knee Mlamsin of the land.3. Keep this position for 5 seconds.4. Down your leg to the starting position and relax.5. Repeat the exercise five times of the leg itself.6. Repeat for other leg.
Exercise pulling the knees to the chest muscles Amtt the hips, buttocks and lower back.1. Lie on your back with knees bent, feet Mlamstan of the land and arms on both sides.2. Lift your knees to your chest, every knee or knees on the unit together. You can use your arms to help in pulling the knees to the situation. Use your arms to flatten the knee (or knees) to the chest.3. Keep the situation five Thun.4. Lower your legs one after the other and relax for a short time.5. Repeat the exercise five times.

Exercise pretzel (or cake) leads to significant stretching of the hips and the interior of the legs.1. Lie on your back with knees bent2. Put one of your legs on the other leg's knee3. Hold the leg flexor pulling your legs toward your chest.4. Keep the situation five seconds.5. Free your legs from the tensile strength and prepared to the first position.6. Repeat to switch between the legs.
Elongating lateral muscles pull the back and sides.1. Put your hand on your head and bend your trunk to the other side of the movement of fluid. Place other hand on your waist. You should not sway or vibrate during bending.2. Keep the situation five seconds3. Return to start position and put your arms at your sides.4. Repeat the exercise five times.5. Turning to the other side and repeat the previous four steps.
Exercise arc Amtt back muscles, back, shoulders and hips.1. Stand upright so that the distance between your feet is equal to the display so that your shoulders and feet are heading forward.2. Breathing quietly, breathing in and breathing out, until you feel relaxed.3. Bend your trunk to the back Sanda your back with your hands without bending your knees. Process then exhale as you bend backwards.4. Keep this position five seconds5. Return to the starting position gradually.6. Repeat the exercise five times.

Exercise hamstring strain Amtt the back of the thighs.1. Lie on your back with bent legs and make one by touching the ground, with the other leg stretched out completely.2. Lift the leg outstretched until you feel a mild strain along the back of the leg. Hold the leg above the knee with your hands and helped raised a bit, then maintained this position. If it is difficult for you to hold above the knee or even thigh stuck to your leg and Chdha.3. Keep this position five seconds.4. Down your leg slowly and let it relax to the ground.5. Repeat the exercise five times6. Repeat on other leg.
What strengthening exercises?Exercise strengthens the muscles of the pelvic lift buttocks.1. Lie on your back with knees bent, feet that be Mlamestin of the land and the distance between them equal to shoulder width, with your arms at the sides.2. Lift your pelvis Vxia something. It is important to raise the pelvis without arching your back. Be careful not to curvature of the back. Try to keep a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.3. Hold this position for five seconds4. Slowly lower your pelvis to the starting position.5. Repeat the exercise five times

Exercise sitting or partial crushing strengthens the abdominal muscles.1. Lie on your back with knees bent, feet that be Mlamestin of land, with your arms at the sides.2. Place your forearms are cross on your chest keeping the mid and lower back touching the ground. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor a bit. Lift the panels so that the shoulder is Mlamsin of the land. Do not worry if you can not perform her exercise in the beginning, this is normal.3. Keep this position a few seconds. With perseverance you can stay on this situation from five to ten seconds.4. Return slowly to the rest position on the ground.5. Repeat the exercise five times.

The cat and camel exercise strengthens the muscles of the abdomen.1. Start to be the hands and knees on the ground so your weight is evenly distributed and the neck parallel to the ground.2. Arch your back to lift up through the abdominal muscles and buttocks, leaving your head descends a little lower.3. Keep this position five seconds.4. Let your back hanging gently towards the ground while keeping your arms straight. Let your weight evenly distributed between the arms and knees.5. Keep this position five seconds.6. Repeat the exercise five times.

Exercise strengthens the muscles of the arm extension of the shoulders and upper back.1. Start to be the hands and knees on the ground so your weight is evenly distributed and the neck parallel to the ground.2. A simpler your arms in front of you and be sure not to raise your head. Let your weight evenly distributed between the arms and knees.3. Keep this position five seconds.4. Return to start position.5. Repeat the exercise five times6. Repeat on the other arm.
Leg extension exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks.1. Start to be the hands and knees on the ground so your weight is evenly distributed and the neck parallel to the ground.2. Simplest leg slowly back and make them parallel to the ground. Let the foot juncture that make you feel better. Extend your leg while careful not to relax your back or your head or your stomach. Make sure there is no one behind you during the implementation of this exercise.3. Keep this position five seconds.4. Return to start position. Repeat the exercise five times.5. Repeat on other leg.

On the wall slide exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, pelvis and legs.1. Stand so that your back on the wall and feet shoulder width apart by. Put your hands on your hips or at your sides, and relieves you. Let your head flat by looking straight ahead.2. Slid gently down to the squat position so close to the knees bent about 90 degrees, as if you were sitting on a chair. If it is difficult for you to reach this limit you to only half that amount.3. Keep this position five seconds.4. Slid gently to the top until the status of an erection.5. Repeat the exercise five times.
How to carry out exercises?Must be implemented to the extent that exercises prescribed by your doctor or health care Musharraf, a period not to exercise 15 to 30 minutes, repeated twice to three times a week.Start the workout stretching exercises. He then moved to the strengthening exercises, and then try to end the period with more stretching exercises.Do not rush or strain yourself during the exercise. Remember in the first stage you may not be able to stay the status of elongating five seconds may not be able to repeat the exercise a lot. With perseverance, you can increase the endurance and the number of times to repeat the exercise.You can combine exercise with a similar situation. For example:• Start the exercise carried out by you in the supine position.• Scroll to the exercise carried out by you are in a standing position on hands and knees• conclude the exercises carried out by you are in a standing position.You have to add to the elongating and strengthening exercises some types of aerobic exercises approved by your doctor. Examples of aerobic exercises walking or riding a bike or swimming. To ensure the implementation of these two types of aerobic exercises in March and then back on March aerobic exercise the next day, and so forth. Aerobic exercises not only benefit your back but also reduces muscle tension and reduce stress and improve sleep habits as well as other benefits.ConclusionThe back pain is the most common medical problems. Which is often caused by muscle spasm and the deterioration of the discs between the vertebrae. Without attention to this pain, it may make the patient seats. Back pain affects most people at some stage of their lives. You can protect yourself from back pain or delay the deterioration of the discs between the vertebrae. And preventive measures:• Do exercises to strengthen back muscles and make them more flexible.• comply with the instructions relating to health status-and the method of implementation of the exercise• Avoid accidents• reduced weight if you are overweight.



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