Friday, December 9, 2011

Exercise for the prevention and treatment of neck pain

Exercise for the prevention and treatment of neck pain
The neck holds the head and keep the integrity and the one with the body. The upper part of the spine protects the spinal cord inside and take the muscles and joints.

There are discs between the vertebrae. Separating these disks between the vertebrae and reduce the collision and friction during movement. Connecting joints between the vertebrae and allow them to traffic flow. These joints are called facet joints.Graduated from the nerves of the spinal cord between the vertebrae. These nerves carry signals from the brain to the rest of the body. It allows the brain to control body movements, such as arm movements. Related to the muscles of the shoulders and neck bones of the spine and head. This allows the muscles of the head to rotate from side to side, and this movement is called Pivot. It also allows the muscles of the neck to bend forward and back and these movements are called bending, and the tide. Can also be inclined neck from side to side, and called this movement by folding the side.Is called the amount of movement of the joint range of motion. The field of movement of joints of the neck is greater than the movement of any other joint in the body. Most of the movements of the neck is the integration of all movements: bending and axial rotation and extension and lateral bending.

What are the causes of neck pain?The most common causes of neck pain are:• Status: the right of the body, and movements is correct, this Miada to muscle pain or associated tendon and ligaments. The neck in the development of a sound when the ears and shoulders and Alorkan straight one. When the status of your body incorrectly can befallen you pain in the neck and back.The sudden movement of the muscles of the neck may cause pain. This can happen during exercise. Be sure to stretch the muscle before exercise and then slowly extend the muscle. The excessive use of muscles, especially in one position, can cause pain. For example, this can happen while holding the phone between your shoulders and your head for a long time. The neck muscles that do not practice consistently to become weak and more susceptible to pain. Can cause accidents and injuries neck pain permanent or temporary. The backlash is the most common injuries in the neck. Can be caused backlash from accidents in which sudden movements, such as car accidents and falls.• degeneration (roughness) joints of the neck (cartilage or disc) and this Miada to herniation or protrusion of cartilage, causing pain or cervical compression on the nerves in severe cases (photo below)• the reasons for less common but more serious and require special medical attention, such as tumors or inflammation of the paragraphs ..

What are the benefits of exercise?Exercises for the muscles of the neck three benefits:• strengthen the muscles of the neck and upper back and shoulders• make it more flexible neck and increase range of motion.• relieve neck and relieve pain.The exercises are one way of preserving the integrity of your neck. Another way:• maintaining the status of health• Avoid accidentsBefore you begin exercises neck, talk with your doctor, especially if you have suffered an accident in the neck, or if you have problems earlier in the neck or have other symptoms may indicate the presence of pathogens need to review the medical (eg, presence of pain in the arm or numbness in the hands or muscle weakness may indicate the presence of disc herniation and compression on the nerves)
What types of exercises?• stretching exercisesHere are exercises that improve flexibility by stretching muscles:
Exercise (1)Tilting the head back and forth to the maximum extent possible.• hope your head slowly back enough to look at the top.• Keep this position for 5 seconds.• Count slowly to your position first and then slowly look down without bend your back.• Keep this position for 5 seconds.• Go back to your position and then relax the original• Repeat the exercise 5 times.
Exercise (2)Tilting the head toward the shoulder while maintaining the stability of the shoulder• Let your head, walked to the front, hope slowly to the side but not touching the ear to a shoulder.• Keep this position 5 seconds• prepared to put your head slowly erection• Repeat the same movement to the other side• Refer to the development of erectile dysfunction and then relax• Repeat the exercise 5 times
Exercise (3)Management of the head from side to side to the maximum extent possible.• Turn your head slowly to the maximum extent possible• Keep this position 5 seconds• Re-position your head to the central• Turn your head to the opposite• Repeat the exercise 5 times
Exercise (4)Carried out a circular head movements• perform the movements slowly rotate the head as if you draw circles Bonevk move with the clock and make 5 districts• Go back to the status of natural relax• Repeat the exercise again and draw 5 districts unlike the movement of the clock.
Exercise (5)Move the chin forward while maintaining the integrity of the neck, then move it back across the tilt light to the bottom.• Move the chin forward while maintaining the integrity of the neck.• Keep this position 5 seconds• Turn your head to the back and kept on the chin straight or tilted down slightly• Keep this position 5 seconds• Refer to the original position and then relax.• Repeat the exercise 5 times

• Resistance exercisesThese exercises increase the strength of the neck muscles of the neck through the resistance:Exercise (1)Place the hands on the front with an attempt to move the head forward and his hands to resist.• Place your hands on your forehead• Try moving your head forward with the resistance movement with your hands. Increase the pressure of the hands on the front gradually, but without allowing any movement to happen. Use the muscles of the neck to resist the pressure and keep your head in place.• Keep this position 5 seconds• Refer to the normal position and then relax• Repeat the exercise 5 times
Exercise (2)Inextricably linked hands behind the head of the resistance movement of the head back, try to push your head back against the force of reluctant hands.• Plug your hands behind your head• Try to move your head to the back, but resisted the movement with your hands. And then increase the momentum and force reluctant hands gradually, but without allowing any movement. Use the muscles of the neck to keep the head.• Keep this position 5 seconds• Lower your hands and then relax• Repeat the exercise 5 timesExercise (3)On the right hand side of the head, try to touch your shoulder with your ear and resisted this movement with your hand.• Place your hand on the side of the head• Resist the movement of the head with your hand touching the shoulder seeking to ear. Z compression force gradually, but do not allow any movement to happen. Use the muscles of the neck to install your head in place.• Keep this position 5 seconds• Lower your hands and then relax• Repeat the exercise 5 times• Re-exercise on the opposite side and repeated 5 times.
Shoulder exercisesWhen you have problems in the neck, rarely the problem in the neck only, usually includes pain, spine and shoulders. We recommend the implementation of the exercises of the shoulders along with exercises to soften the neck region.
Exercise (4)Lift your shoulders to the top of the can without pain, then Akhvdahma to the lowest limit of normal.• Look forward and keep the integrity of the neck• Lift the shoulders together slowly• Keep this position 5 seconds• Akhvdahma to the lowest position of the exercise, which began• Return to normal• Relax• Repeat the exercise 5 times
Exercise (5)Near your shoulders forward and then backward neighbor Erdjahma the shoulder blades together. Let your movement and the wide, slow and repetitive.• Raise your arms bent so Tkonan of the facility and the level of the shoulders• Move your forearms forward together to a neighbor of the shoulder blades together• Keep the position 5 seconds• Refer to the status of the start and return your forearms close to the back between the shoulder blades• Keep this position 5 seconds• Refer to the start position and then relax• Repeat the exercise 5 times

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