Common causes of infertility in men
Common causes of infertility in men
Irregular sperm
The sensitivity of sperm
Problems with ejaculation
Unknown causes of infertility problems
Fertility problems on both sides double
Common causes of infertility in menAccording to some figures that a couple of seven couples suffer from difficulties in reproduction. And about 32 percent of cases are due to problems in men, and 25 percent to problems in women, and 17 percent of the problems of double on both sides and the rest is still unknown causes.
If you have an intimate marital relationship without contraceptives for more than a year (or six months if you are over 35 years of age) did not get pregnant, you should consult a doctor because the treatment will solve the problems of infertility in many couples.
Read more about common causes of infertility, and treatments, and how many couples succeed in pregnancy with treatment.
Keep in mind that success rates may vary, as some couples suffer from multiple problems, and some clinics may be more successful than others in the use of technology is.ObstructiveSuffers a small percentage of men from a blockage in the duct to prevent access of sperm to the fluid ejection.
The epididymis is a convoluted channel store and carry sperm from the testicles, while the channels tankers carrying sperm ready for ejaculation from the epididymis. If the blockage or damage of channels, will prevent the arrival of sperm to the egg of the wife.
Can be inflammatory, and wounds, and congenital malformations or vasectomy cause this blockage.• Possible symptoms: non-existent• Possible solutions: surgery to open the blockage, or rehabilitation of vasectomy• Success rates: After the reform of vasectomy, sperm appear in the semen of 80 to 90 percent, while the work load at 40 to 50 percent of couples in a year or two.
The pregnancy rates of children through the adoption of technology across the pipe or enrichment inside the egg (ICSI) vary according to the extent of the problem of infertility, age of women. But the success rate of pregnancy in women that do not exceed 35 years of 28 percent in the case of adoption of the technology pipeline of children and 29 percent in the case of enrichment inside the egg (ICSI).
VaricoceleLead varicocele (which is similar to varicose veins, swollen legs in the scrotum) to the high temperature of the testicles, which may affect sperm production
• Possible symptoms: non-existent (the problem is discovered during the regular check-ups)• Possible solutions: surgery to repair the varicocele: technique Children tubes• Success rates: scientists still do not know how the impact of varicocele on the fertility of men and the quality of sperm. As all patients do not suffer from varicose testicular problems in their sperm. While surgery may increase sperm count and improve the quality, but that does not necessarily increase the chances of pregnancy. Needed to further studies in this regard. The doctor will tell you the best treatment has been reached.Irregular spermIf you suffer from a small number of sperm or her absence or lack of Hrakitha or of abnormal shape, it may fail to enrich your wife an egg on its own.• Possible symptoms: non-existent• Possible solutions: vaccination within the uterus or sperm of your animals if the number and shape of the natural dynamics to some extent; enrichment inside the egg (ICSI) or special drugs to stimulate fertility (which is for women to increase the number of eggs produced by)• Success rates: when taken fertility drugs that stimulate to produce eggs with intrauterine insemination, the percentage of successful pregnancy about 15 percent in a single menstrual cycle, provided that channels women and the sperm intact. The enrichment inside the egg (ICSI), its success rate is 29 percent in a single menstrual cycle in women that do not exceed 35 years old.The sensitivity of spermCan the body to produce antibodies that kill sperm Hionatk, after a vasectomy, or testicular torsion, or infection or a specific incident. The sensitivity of the sperm cause sterility in men leads to a rate of 3 percent of the cases.
• the broader potential: not found• Possible solutions: intrauterine inoculation or enrichment inside the egg (ICSI). Steroidal drugs are used (the derivatives of cortisone), such as prednisone as a treatment also.• Success rates: When fertility drugs are collected to increase the number of eggs produced with intrauterine insemination, the success rate of 15 percent in a single menstrual cycle provided that channels women and sperm used properly. As for the enrichment inside the egg (ICSI), the success rate is 29 percent in the session when women under the age of thirty five. Not recommended, many doctors using Alsteroydiat not proven effective in the treatment of allergic sperm, and can cause severe negative side effects.Problems with ejaculationRanging between the absence of ejaculation problems ejaculation ejaculation entirely to reverse (which happens after prostatectomy), which means the detention of sperm or delivered in the bladder. Cause certain diseases ejaculation problems such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury, or injury during surgery or psychological problems.
• Possible symptoms: problems with ejaculation, or inability to defamation or libel detention• Possible solutions: drugs shut down pipes connected to the bladder to avoid ejaculation in the wrong place, or drugs to treat psychological problems that prevent erection or ejaculation, or catalysts, electronic or percussion to help the ejaculation of sperm or correct techniques to help pregnant• Success rates: in the case of reverse ejaculation, successful techniques to help pregnancy by 60 to 100 percent, according to the type of problem and the treatment used to correct the sperm.Unknown causes of infertility problemsThe doctor has diagnosed you are suffering from problems with infertility of unknown cause, if unable to find out the reason for not getting pregnant. And is considered by some experts that environmental toxins and pollutants contributing factors, but do not have a direct link between these toxins and infertility problems.• Possible symptoms: non-existent• Possible solutions: fertility drugs with insemination into the uterus, tubes or children's technology-enriched inside the egg (ICSI)• Success rates: when combined with fertility drugs to increase the number of eggs produced with intrauterine insemination, the success rate of 15 percent in a single menstrual cycle, provided that channels women and the sperm intact. The success rate in women that do not exceed 35 years old, stands at 28 percent of children in the case of technical pipes, and 29 percent in the case of enrichment inside the egg (ICSI).Fertility problems on both sides doubleWhile the couple suffers from fertility problems, a condition called twin problems of fertility between the parties.• Possible symptoms: Symptoms vary according to the reasons• Possible solutions: There are several treatments based on the reasons• Success rates: different rates depending on the reasonsSuccess rates based on rates mentioned statistics were conducted in Britain.
Common causes of infertility in men
Irregular sperm
The sensitivity of sperm
Problems with ejaculation
Unknown causes of infertility problems
Fertility problems on both sides double
Common causes of infertility in menAccording to some figures that a couple of seven couples suffer from difficulties in reproduction. And about 32 percent of cases are due to problems in men, and 25 percent to problems in women, and 17 percent of the problems of double on both sides and the rest is still unknown causes.
If you have an intimate marital relationship without contraceptives for more than a year (or six months if you are over 35 years of age) did not get pregnant, you should consult a doctor because the treatment will solve the problems of infertility in many couples.
Read more about common causes of infertility, and treatments, and how many couples succeed in pregnancy with treatment.
Keep in mind that success rates may vary, as some couples suffer from multiple problems, and some clinics may be more successful than others in the use of technology is.ObstructiveSuffers a small percentage of men from a blockage in the duct to prevent access of sperm to the fluid ejection.
The epididymis is a convoluted channel store and carry sperm from the testicles, while the channels tankers carrying sperm ready for ejaculation from the epididymis. If the blockage or damage of channels, will prevent the arrival of sperm to the egg of the wife.
Can be inflammatory, and wounds, and congenital malformations or vasectomy cause this blockage.• Possible symptoms: non-existent• Possible solutions: surgery to open the blockage, or rehabilitation of vasectomy• Success rates: After the reform of vasectomy, sperm appear in the semen of 80 to 90 percent, while the work load at 40 to 50 percent of couples in a year or two.
The pregnancy rates of children through the adoption of technology across the pipe or enrichment inside the egg (ICSI) vary according to the extent of the problem of infertility, age of women. But the success rate of pregnancy in women that do not exceed 35 years of 28 percent in the case of adoption of the technology pipeline of children and 29 percent in the case of enrichment inside the egg (ICSI).
VaricoceleLead varicocele (which is similar to varicose veins, swollen legs in the scrotum) to the high temperature of the testicles, which may affect sperm production
• Possible symptoms: non-existent (the problem is discovered during the regular check-ups)• Possible solutions: surgery to repair the varicocele: technique Children tubes• Success rates: scientists still do not know how the impact of varicocele on the fertility of men and the quality of sperm. As all patients do not suffer from varicose testicular problems in their sperm. While surgery may increase sperm count and improve the quality, but that does not necessarily increase the chances of pregnancy. Needed to further studies in this regard. The doctor will tell you the best treatment has been reached.Irregular spermIf you suffer from a small number of sperm or her absence or lack of Hrakitha or of abnormal shape, it may fail to enrich your wife an egg on its own.• Possible symptoms: non-existent• Possible solutions: vaccination within the uterus or sperm of your animals if the number and shape of the natural dynamics to some extent; enrichment inside the egg (ICSI) or special drugs to stimulate fertility (which is for women to increase the number of eggs produced by)• Success rates: when taken fertility drugs that stimulate to produce eggs with intrauterine insemination, the percentage of successful pregnancy about 15 percent in a single menstrual cycle, provided that channels women and the sperm intact. The enrichment inside the egg (ICSI), its success rate is 29 percent in a single menstrual cycle in women that do not exceed 35 years old.The sensitivity of spermCan the body to produce antibodies that kill sperm Hionatk, after a vasectomy, or testicular torsion, or infection or a specific incident. The sensitivity of the sperm cause sterility in men leads to a rate of 3 percent of the cases.
• the broader potential: not found• Possible solutions: intrauterine inoculation or enrichment inside the egg (ICSI). Steroidal drugs are used (the derivatives of cortisone), such as prednisone as a treatment also.• Success rates: When fertility drugs are collected to increase the number of eggs produced with intrauterine insemination, the success rate of 15 percent in a single menstrual cycle provided that channels women and sperm used properly. As for the enrichment inside the egg (ICSI), the success rate is 29 percent in the session when women under the age of thirty five. Not recommended, many doctors using Alsteroydiat not proven effective in the treatment of allergic sperm, and can cause severe negative side effects.Problems with ejaculationRanging between the absence of ejaculation problems ejaculation ejaculation entirely to reverse (which happens after prostatectomy), which means the detention of sperm or delivered in the bladder. Cause certain diseases ejaculation problems such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury, or injury during surgery or psychological problems.
• Possible symptoms: problems with ejaculation, or inability to defamation or libel detention• Possible solutions: drugs shut down pipes connected to the bladder to avoid ejaculation in the wrong place, or drugs to treat psychological problems that prevent erection or ejaculation, or catalysts, electronic or percussion to help the ejaculation of sperm or correct techniques to help pregnant• Success rates: in the case of reverse ejaculation, successful techniques to help pregnancy by 60 to 100 percent, according to the type of problem and the treatment used to correct the sperm.Unknown causes of infertility problemsThe doctor has diagnosed you are suffering from problems with infertility of unknown cause, if unable to find out the reason for not getting pregnant. And is considered by some experts that environmental toxins and pollutants contributing factors, but do not have a direct link between these toxins and infertility problems.• Possible symptoms: non-existent• Possible solutions: fertility drugs with insemination into the uterus, tubes or children's technology-enriched inside the egg (ICSI)• Success rates: when combined with fertility drugs to increase the number of eggs produced with intrauterine insemination, the success rate of 15 percent in a single menstrual cycle, provided that channels women and the sperm intact. The success rate in women that do not exceed 35 years old, stands at 28 percent of children in the case of technical pipes, and 29 percent in the case of enrichment inside the egg (ICSI).Fertility problems on both sides doubleWhile the couple suffers from fertility problems, a condition called twin problems of fertility between the parties.• Possible symptoms: Symptoms vary according to the reasons• Possible solutions: There are several treatments based on the reasons• Success rates: different rates depending on the reasonsSuccess rates based on rates mentioned statistics were conducted in Britain.
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