Friday, December 16, 2011

Could it be that I have a fertility problem

Could it be that I have a fertility problem

How do I know if I have a fertility problem?
For women: what are the factors associated with fertility problems?
Men: What are the factors associated with fertility problems?
What should I do if I suspect a problem?
How do I know if I have a fertility problem?A few months later to marry without any signs of pregnancy, start a lot of husbands and wives asking: Do we have a "problem"? However, the time it takes a pregnancy varies greatly among people. Even if everything was going well, will not exceed the chance of getting pregnant each month the proportion of 20 to 30 percent. Tries about 84 percent of couples in earnest pregnancy within one year of marriage, so most doctors do not consider that the couple's fertility problem only in the event of frequent intercourse without the use of contraceptives over the full year at least.
Can have the effect of age on the period of time that Tstgrginha to get pregnant. While you may pass on the couple in the early twenties about five months on average to take the wife, it was found that the period goes to older women as shown in the table of life and fertility. Since the chances of conceiving decrease with age, it makes sense to ask for help Tlji to six months after the start of attempts if you are over thirty-five years of age.
The proportion who have low fertility and one out of seven people. If you suffer from poor fertility, it does not mean that there is no hope for you in having children. Many couples have children and wives who have been told they are infertile, but they often need more time or medical intervention until pregnancy occurs.
Generally, if you're trying to load since less than a year, you do not have to worry at all. So make sure you're doing all you can do to enhance the chances of pregnancy, careful to the following:
• The importance of regular intercourse
• the timing of ovulation as well as monitoring of ovulation
• What can I take also to increase the chances of pregnancy?
For women: what are the factors associated with fertility problems?If any of the situations listed below apply to you, you should Tnaakeca the matter with the competent doctor. May not have to wait for six months or a year in attempts to conceive naturally the best option for you - even if it shows there is a problem, you will have plenty of time to rectify the matter.If you have a previous state of:
• swelling in the lining of the uterus• polycystic ovary syndrome• pelvic inflammatory disease• fibroids• sexually transmitted diseases, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (which usually results from infection transmitted through intimate physical relationship) (chlamydia) or gonorrhea• irregular menstrual periods, or painful menstrual period• surgery in the pelvis or abdomen, such as appendicitis or polycystic ovarian• ectopic pregnancy• recurrent miscarriage• chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disease and asthma or lupus• problem in the chromosomes, such as Turner syndrome.
Or if you are at the present time:• are taking medications such as antibiotics (NSAIDs), or antidepressants• smoke• suffer from overweight (body mass index over 29)• suffer from a lack of weight (body mass index less than about 19).
Men: What are the factors associated with fertility problems?If any of the situations listed below apply to you, you should discuss this with your doctor. The wait for a period of six months or a year in trying to conceive in nature may be a waste of time.Case from previous:
• sexually transmitted diseases, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (which usually results from infection transmitted through intimate physical relationship) (chlamydia) or gonorrhea• HIV infection, inflammation of the parotid gland after puberty• chronic diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disease or heart disease• undescended testicle• testicular tumors and cysts or cancer• surgery in the groin area or injury to the testicles• problems in the erection or maintain it• problems with ejaculation• problem in the chromosomes, such as Klinefelter syndrome.
Or if you are at the present time:• taking medicines such as antihistamines and male steroids (androgens) and medicines for high blood pressure• smoke tobacco• working in a hot environment or have hobbies, such as the use of the bathtub with hot water, which could raise the temperature of the testicles too• working in a job where Taatars of chemicals or radiation• suffer from overweight (body mass index exceeds 29) or underweight (body mass index less than about 19).
What should I do if I suspect a problem?If you decide to seek medical help, the best of you is to consult your doctor. At best, it should be on the couple to go together because the chances of having fertility problems are equal on both sides. You should not hesitate to disclose any concern or concerns Traodk not care, period of time that has passed since the pregnancy attempts. You will find the appropriate answers to the doctor healing to your questions, you may arrange some tests (tests) the primary, and if necessary refer you to a physician specialist in diseases of fertility and infertility.

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