Thursday, December 8, 2011

Acne .. Affects 85 percent of adolescents, and treatment is available

Acne .. Affects 85 percent of adolescents, and treatment is available
Acne problem for many people and all of the faces abound have queries on how to deal with it and methods of treatment as it begins with puberty and affects both men and women as well as one of the most skin problems common among young people, especially in adolescence have little recourse to clinics, skin search for a solution save them from it.
The acne or acne of chronic inflammatory skin diseases characterized by the appearance of blisters in the skin areas rich in fat and secrete mainly on the face and upper trunk.
Causal factors:Dr Karim Bitar, a specialist dermatologist, "The hypersecretion fatty and suppuration nozzles follicles fatty play an important role in the occurrence of these skin lesions, pointing to the existence of factors help get the count, including genetic, ie where the injured slope of the parents suffered one or both of the disease in his youth ".
Bitar added that it also helped get where septic infections nozzles follicles and papules or pustular meningococcal cluster Alprobonah bacilli in addition to psychological factors, which increase during the examinations in cases of unemployment and the vacuum dietary factors are not confirmed as infected.
With regard to glandular hormonal factors explained dermatologist chemical studies demonstrated that accompanies acne disorders in androgen hormones in men and estrogen and androgen in women, indicating that the count arises with each menstrual cycle has a lot of girls and occurs in cases of ovarian disorders in women.
A common problem:In turn, drew Dr. Majd Abu Alwan, a specialist in diseases of the skin and beauty to the counting is a common problem accounting for 15 percent of the auditors clinics, skin and infect 85 percent of young people, and often appear from the age of 15 to 20 years and have the males and females by approximately one but forms strong affects males more than 10 times.
Types of acne:And showed Abu Alwan, it was noted in recent years, the prevalence of acne in adults above 45 years, noting that the forms of acne is acne vulgaris, which occurs at puberty, most people play genetic factors, germs and hormones play an important role in it, promised to newborns and produces at the instigation of hormones and parental affects 1 of between 5 live shows after a few days to 3 weeks of birth and pretend Bahttat on the face and neck and extends away within weeks to 3 months without leaving scars.
They noted that there is a counting baby that appears aged 3 to 6 months in the form of blackhead and blisters may leave scars where the infants infected susceptibility severe forms of acne during puberty, and the counting of the child is rare and reflects the state of tumors in children, both the adrenal gland or sex glands, while the count Zaana a white and black heads may turn to count papulopustular seems from blisters may form a red inflammatory nodules and cysts, painful and cruel fear at this stage of scars.
Demonstrated specialist that count Almekpb more forms of acne severity and affects males more than females and the blackhead and pustules bleeding and painful harsh and often leave scars after healing, pointing to the existence of other types of acne Kalmgulwb and the kidnapper and automatic and toxic which occurs often enactment is ideal age for the injury and the reasons for inducing such as oils and tar ointments and make-up in addition to counting rare tropical and summer, which begins in the spring and in summer and intense pink.
The need for treatment:And on the treatment of acne confirmed Abu Alwan need to see a doctor when the infection in order to address current and reduce the risk of recurring in the future and reduce the ill effects that arise if the neglected condition of the patient and the most important of scarring and pigmentation affecting the face.
Abu Alwan explained that in cases of mild intensity count enough processing external ointments and Algsolat has described some of the ointments with anti-bacterial property, and advised not to age or injuries rubbed Nail and avoid using cosmetics that increase fat excretion.
In severe cases, setting calls for the patient to give some oral medications and prefers not to be used only under the supervision of a doctor.
While in cases of chronic and complex must conduct the surgery, which aims to empty cysts and extract the Zaan and directed by the pain of some cysts small, you may need scars that follow this work and in the face to collagen injections, either topically or by the process of peeling of the face to stop acne.
Modern methods of treatment:The Abu Alwan to the existence of modern methods of treatment is chemotherapy using optical and laser non-abrasive, like a laser pigmentosa spring 595 nano-meters.
The psychological factor is important:For his part, the guide psychological Haitham Abu Said, the important point in how to deal psychologically with acne when the patient is not to the people around him reference or Balasthjan or ridicule of his problem because it make him feel embarrassed and upset and that he banished or rejected by his peers and his family, and must be supported the patient and encourage him to convince him that the count does not constitute a basis in the evaluation.
For its part, expressed a positive count, which began acne then at the age of 17 years is pleased to be able to deal with acne over a short period calling for young people to accept this issue and the lack of discomfort and speed the review of specialist doctors to address them.
And advised the other patient was suffering from acne and clear, has had his treatment by medical peeling sessions not to tamper with the acne that leaves an impact that is difficult to advocate the treatment process to avoid therapeutic mixtures that are described from sources other than competent



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