Thursday, January 5, 2012

Estrogen improves hot flashes at night and not sleeping

Estrogen improves hot flashes at night and not sleeping
Medical News. According to a new study, women who Tstikzn at least three times during the night because of nagging feeling hot gifts, you'll wake up less when you take estrogen, but the quality of their sleep is still the same.

Said lead author Dr. Kathleen Reap the vice president for medical affairs and health of women in the Watson Pharmaceuticals, "there may be a benefit to treatment with estrogen, but in any case you can not use estrogen as a general Msaadhaly sleep."

Reap said told Reuters that estrogen is already known to reduce hot flashes in women, which is in menopause.

The study was funded by the Research and Dormid the test. Now Teva Women's Health R & D, and Reap, and colleagues studied the impact of a combination of synthetic estrogen to 145 of the women who suffer from hot flashes and that makes them wake up at night. The results were published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Use a third of women high-dose estrogen 0.625 mg a day, one third to take a low dose of 0.3 mg per day, and another third took a fake pill and estrogen-like disk, but not inside the hormones.

The study lasted for three months, women recorded the number of times where I woke up, how he sleep well, and feeling sleepy during the day. The women also wore an electronic bracelet several times during the study period, where this bracelet measure limb movements during sleep.

I woke up all women less often at the end of the study than it was in the beginning, I woke up in the medium group, which takes high doses of less than five times a week, and a low dose awakened less by about four times a week, compared with women who took a fake pill.

In addition, at the end of the study, about one third of women who took estrogen no longer have insomnia at night as a result of hot flashes, compared with 1 \ 10 of the women in the other group.

Women reported that the amount of sleep measured bracelet monitoring, and quality of sleep and sleepiness during the day, remained the same throughout the study period.

Menopause associated with intermittent sleep:
Reap said that there are several factors can cause sleep disturbances, and not just hot flashes.
Said Dr. Quentin Riggstin, a professor at Harvard Medical School who was not involved in this study, that the quality of sleep declines as we age, many elderly suffer from interrupted sleep.

He told Reuters that the "age of despair dominates the deterioration of sleep, which differ significantly between the women."
He added that waking up during the night can be stressful for people, and helping people to stay in bed for a long time can help reduce anxiety.
"I think it is not in itself awake, but how much you upset them," he said, "and so for those who are Ozaajtahm vigilance and how they spent it, this is a good thing."

The study did not measure the effect on the mood of women during treatment, and more research is necessary to determine whether the use of estrogen helps women sleep better at times when the menopause.

Reap noted that women in the study do not necessarily have sleep problems or concerns sleepiness during the day before the start of the study, the study of women who suffer from sleep problems can be useful.
Can be described as treatments for hot gifts in a variety of products that enter the estrogen.
Reap said it is important that women discuss the benefits and risks associated with estrogen to treat hot flashes.
Studies have found that some types of hormone therapy may increase the risk of stroke and other health problems.

Can also have estrogenic side effects, such as weight gain, increased breast size and pain in the stomach.



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