Wind and bloating in pregnancy
Why do I suffer from the wind and I'm pregnant?
Where it comes from wind and gases?
How can pregnancy cause an increase in the wind?
Can I feel a little comfort if you change my diet?
What do I do also feel some comfort?
Can pain be a sign that the wind on the existence of something wrong?

Key points: The wind or gas are common and not harmful in pregnancy. Eat your food slowly and Aatmda meals in small amounts and try yoga.
Why do I suffer from the wind and I'm pregnant?There are all people (pregnant and non pregnant women) Wind in the abdomen. And may surprise you to know that the average person produces between 1 to 3 pint (unit volume is equal to 0.551 liters scale U.S., and 0.568 liters British scale) of the daily wind also produces gas about 14 times a day. Since you are pregnant, could suffer more than the average known. Not Taataajabi If you find yourself having to disassemble the buttons pants as a result of swelling of the abdomen until several weeks before the onset of pregnancy you.
The reason for this is that the large amount of the hormone progesterone, which your body produces early in pregnancy, all working to relax the muscles and soft tissues, including your digestive system. This relax and slow down the digestion process, becoming more and more the amount of wind, bloating, belching, flatulence and disturbed feeling in the stomach, especially after eating a large meal of food.
In the last stage of pregnancy, the uterus fills the growing size of the cavity in the abdomen, and can slow digestion and movement of pressure on the stomach creates a feeling more bloated after eating. It is possible to feel a burning sensation in the mouth of the stomach or constipation happens to you during pregnancy, but did not suffer from these symptoms in the previous period.
Where it comes from wind and gases?There are two ways to trap wind inside your digestive system. The first occurs when the Aptlaek the air, and the second comes as a natural result of the bacteria in the colon, which analyzed the food is not digested. The main reason for the existence of the wind and bloating in the abdomen, is the ingestion of air that comes out usually in the form of burp and may remain a small part of it reaches the large intestine (or colon) come out the other.
Formed most of the wind that causes flatulence gas, when you break down food in the large intestine by bacteria that live within them, which did not digest the food enzymes the small intestine. Play as foods that contain certain types of carbohydrates a role in the formation of gas. Although the protein and fat are two main reasons are not in the wind, but that fat may give a feeling of fullness because of its contribution to the slow process of emptying the stomach.
How can pregnancy cause an increase in the wind?Reduce the load on the working speed of the process of digestion, bacteria, and shall be granted more time to the functioning of the material that is not digested, before removal. From here, the percentage of fermentation and the amount of wind formed inside the abdomen. In fact, anything can lead to slow down the process output waste, to be an additional reason to increase the wind. Thus creating a feeling of fullness and constipation increased the amount of wind.
Can I feel a little comfort if you change my diet?The most effective way to reduce the problem of wind and bloating in pregnancy is to abstain from eating foods that are believed to be the primary cause of the wind. But if it refrained from all the foods that cause gas, it will be difficult to get a balanced diet. May prefer to start reducing the foods that are common causes of the problem, and if this method give you some comfort, try adding these foods again, and gradually to your diet so that you can identify the food causing gas. Also, keeping a diary of the day you register with the food consumed may help you to find a relationship between specific types of foods and the increasing wind.
What do I do also feel some comfort?
The following suggestions may help in alleviating the symptoms and their frequency:
- Do not eat large amounts in each meal, and take its place and multiple small meals and throughout the day.- Do not talk while eating, and Give yourself time to eat your meal with a good chewing.- Try to reduce the drink in the middle of the meal (you can compensate by eating between meals, drinks).- Drink in the cup and not bottle or straw, bagasse, and Ttgraei drinks quickly.- Stay away from soft drinks.- Sit in a state of mild during eating or drinking, even during snack.- Wear loose, comfortable clothing and avoid the guest, particularly around the waist and abdominal area.- Do not do chewing gum or sucking sweets rigid and harsh.- Stay away from products sweetened substance sorbitol (the substance used in some types of chewing gum and sweets).- Exercise, even if limited to just walk fast, it will help you to refresh your digestive system slowing.- Oqlaa smoking (you have to be taken off the habit before the pregnancy).- An intellectual exercise or yoga exercises help to relax and methods of proper breathing. (Some people swallow more air when they are concerned or excitement if they are susceptible to respiratory allergy).
Can pain be a sign that the wind on the existence of something wrong?Check with your doctor if the harassment turned to gas colic or severe abdominal cramps, especially if focused on one side, or if the wind was accompanied by severe diarrhea or constipation, or a large increase in episodes of nausea and vomiting.Click here to find out more!
Why do I suffer from the wind and I'm pregnant?
Where it comes from wind and gases?
How can pregnancy cause an increase in the wind?
Can I feel a little comfort if you change my diet?
What do I do also feel some comfort?
Can pain be a sign that the wind on the existence of something wrong?
Key points: The wind or gas are common and not harmful in pregnancy. Eat your food slowly and Aatmda meals in small amounts and try yoga.
Why do I suffer from the wind and I'm pregnant?There are all people (pregnant and non pregnant women) Wind in the abdomen. And may surprise you to know that the average person produces between 1 to 3 pint (unit volume is equal to 0.551 liters scale U.S., and 0.568 liters British scale) of the daily wind also produces gas about 14 times a day. Since you are pregnant, could suffer more than the average known. Not Taataajabi If you find yourself having to disassemble the buttons pants as a result of swelling of the abdomen until several weeks before the onset of pregnancy you.
The reason for this is that the large amount of the hormone progesterone, which your body produces early in pregnancy, all working to relax the muscles and soft tissues, including your digestive system. This relax and slow down the digestion process, becoming more and more the amount of wind, bloating, belching, flatulence and disturbed feeling in the stomach, especially after eating a large meal of food.
In the last stage of pregnancy, the uterus fills the growing size of the cavity in the abdomen, and can slow digestion and movement of pressure on the stomach creates a feeling more bloated after eating. It is possible to feel a burning sensation in the mouth of the stomach or constipation happens to you during pregnancy, but did not suffer from these symptoms in the previous period.
Where it comes from wind and gases?There are two ways to trap wind inside your digestive system. The first occurs when the Aptlaek the air, and the second comes as a natural result of the bacteria in the colon, which analyzed the food is not digested. The main reason for the existence of the wind and bloating in the abdomen, is the ingestion of air that comes out usually in the form of burp and may remain a small part of it reaches the large intestine (or colon) come out the other.
Formed most of the wind that causes flatulence gas, when you break down food in the large intestine by bacteria that live within them, which did not digest the food enzymes the small intestine. Play as foods that contain certain types of carbohydrates a role in the formation of gas. Although the protein and fat are two main reasons are not in the wind, but that fat may give a feeling of fullness because of its contribution to the slow process of emptying the stomach.
How can pregnancy cause an increase in the wind?Reduce the load on the working speed of the process of digestion, bacteria, and shall be granted more time to the functioning of the material that is not digested, before removal. From here, the percentage of fermentation and the amount of wind formed inside the abdomen. In fact, anything can lead to slow down the process output waste, to be an additional reason to increase the wind. Thus creating a feeling of fullness and constipation increased the amount of wind.
Can I feel a little comfort if you change my diet?The most effective way to reduce the problem of wind and bloating in pregnancy is to abstain from eating foods that are believed to be the primary cause of the wind. But if it refrained from all the foods that cause gas, it will be difficult to get a balanced diet. May prefer to start reducing the foods that are common causes of the problem, and if this method give you some comfort, try adding these foods again, and gradually to your diet so that you can identify the food causing gas. Also, keeping a diary of the day you register with the food consumed may help you to find a relationship between specific types of foods and the increasing wind.
What do I do also feel some comfort?
The following suggestions may help in alleviating the symptoms and their frequency:
- Do not eat large amounts in each meal, and take its place and multiple small meals and throughout the day.- Do not talk while eating, and Give yourself time to eat your meal with a good chewing.- Try to reduce the drink in the middle of the meal (you can compensate by eating between meals, drinks).- Drink in the cup and not bottle or straw, bagasse, and Ttgraei drinks quickly.- Stay away from soft drinks.- Sit in a state of mild during eating or drinking, even during snack.- Wear loose, comfortable clothing and avoid the guest, particularly around the waist and abdominal area.- Do not do chewing gum or sucking sweets rigid and harsh.- Stay away from products sweetened substance sorbitol (the substance used in some types of chewing gum and sweets).- Exercise, even if limited to just walk fast, it will help you to refresh your digestive system slowing.- Oqlaa smoking (you have to be taken off the habit before the pregnancy).- An intellectual exercise or yoga exercises help to relax and methods of proper breathing. (Some people swallow more air when they are concerned or excitement if they are susceptible to respiratory allergy).
Can pain be a sign that the wind on the existence of something wrong?Check with your doctor if the harassment turned to gas colic or severe abdominal cramps, especially if focused on one side, or if the wind was accompanied by severe diarrhea or constipation, or a large increase in episodes of nausea and vomiting.Click here to find out more!

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