Smoking cessation: Compare your choices available
For the immediate cessation of smoking once and without boot
Nicotine replacement therapy
Hypnotherapy or acupuncture

Pregnancy is a great incentive to quit smoking, but at the same time may limit the options in front of you to quit smoking. Perhaps you are not able to stop this harmful habit on your own - but you also should think carefully before exposing your child to drugs in the disks that help to quit smoking and the like. What are the best options available?Many people have succeeded in finding different ways to quit the habit. But does not fit all the way to all, and perhaps you need to try a few of the ways to quit smoking or a combination of two or more before Tstgari on what suits you and work with you. Here, we turn to some of the options available to you in this regard.
For the immediate cessation of smoking once and without bootHow is this: throw cigarettes and Oksma Discard them and not go back to smoking never forget.
Safety element may worsen your mood during the first few weeks, but you should note that the bold decision may set aside the damage yourself and your child. There is no evidence that quitting smoking has no effect on the fetus.
The success rate of this method: in general, does not follow the style for the immediate cessation of smoking once and without booting without any additional aid but very few people. However, you can enhance your chances of success by trying to take an alternative to nicotine or any other aids mentioned below.
The advantages of this method: not cost you anything, as a means safe consequences. Most importantly of all, you're following this method courageous and decisive, and you stop immediately exposing your child to carbon monoxide, nicotine and other hazardous chemicals in cigarettes.
Disadvantages of this method: If you are an avid smoker, you may have withdrawal symptoms of nicotine from the body for two weeks or three weeks after Aqlaek immediate smoking. And symptoms that may appear to you, agitation, depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and insomnia. Also significantly troubled during the first few weeks of the desire to smoke.
The cost of this method: none, it's free!
Nicotine replacement therapyHow is this: Nicotine is the substance in cigarettes that a smoker Edmnha. Nicotine replacement therapy helps to prevent nicotine withdrawal when you quit smoking, which is available in various forms including adhesive patches and gum and nasal spray.
Element of safety: The degree to which nicotine contributes to the decline in birth weight or premature birth (premature) or other complications is not yet known. However, since nicotine is a poison in cigarettes, this method is certainly safer for you and your child compared to smoking. Consult your doctor before considering nicotine replacement therapy, because they will discuss with you all the risks and benefits.The products that are taken by mouth, such as gum and tablets (rivets), sweetened, is considered a safer option because the small percentage of nicotine in them are small doses of up to the body through patches (or through direct smoking). However, the patches remain a suitable option, especially if you feel nauseous when acute testing of any other means. The adhesive patches that last for 24 hours, do not use in pregnancy, but using the adhesive patches that last for 16 hours only, and the latter is not in the same power of patches, but the intervention of a smaller amount of nicotine to your body.
The success rate of this method: You may double your chances of nicotine replacement therapy to quit smoking successfully.
The advantages of this method: Nicotine replacement therapy helps to alleviate the cravings for cigarettes. May be the means of this treatment is very useful if you are an avid smoker or suffer from withdrawal symptoms resulting from the immediate cessation of smoking once and without reboot.
Disadvantages of this method: there is a possibility going to be harmful nicotine replacement therapy for your child if over-used.
AdviceHow is this: whether I got some words of encouragement from the doctor or joined to the session of individual or group with an expert on smoking cessation, the receipt of advice may help you to maintain focus on your goal and motivation.
Element of safety: is a safe method of the consequences.
The success rate of this method: it is useful to find an expert to your side are supported. Promotes receive advice to quit smoking, the chances of your success in quitting smoking at a rate ranging between 5% and 10%.
The advantages of this method: address to receive advice, and directly, your thoughts and Slot, which represents the difference between success and relapse. Besides, appointed to speak to someone on the deregulation of stress and tension, which is helpful regardless of the smoking habit.
Disadvantages of this method: almost non-existent. If you find that forum or consultant unless they succeed in helping you, then you have another.
Hypnotherapy or acupunctureHow is it that says some practitioners and ex-smokers that this type of therapy helps those who do not suffer from cravings to smoke.
Element of safety: is a safe method of the consequences.
The success rate of this method: not study any of these methods on a large scale, but there is no significant evidence that they help smokers quit the habit. However, the hypnotherapy and acupuncture grows ever prevalent. If you decide to try a hypnotherapy or acupuncture, it must look for that address are eligible.
The advantages of this method: both methods does not use drugs and unsafe consequences.
Disadvantages of this method: not proven the feasibility of these methods to help quit smoking.
For the immediate cessation of smoking once and without boot
Nicotine replacement therapy
Hypnotherapy or acupuncture
Pregnancy is a great incentive to quit smoking, but at the same time may limit the options in front of you to quit smoking. Perhaps you are not able to stop this harmful habit on your own - but you also should think carefully before exposing your child to drugs in the disks that help to quit smoking and the like. What are the best options available?Many people have succeeded in finding different ways to quit the habit. But does not fit all the way to all, and perhaps you need to try a few of the ways to quit smoking or a combination of two or more before Tstgari on what suits you and work with you. Here, we turn to some of the options available to you in this regard.
For the immediate cessation of smoking once and without bootHow is this: throw cigarettes and Oksma Discard them and not go back to smoking never forget.
Safety element may worsen your mood during the first few weeks, but you should note that the bold decision may set aside the damage yourself and your child. There is no evidence that quitting smoking has no effect on the fetus.
The success rate of this method: in general, does not follow the style for the immediate cessation of smoking once and without booting without any additional aid but very few people. However, you can enhance your chances of success by trying to take an alternative to nicotine or any other aids mentioned below.
The advantages of this method: not cost you anything, as a means safe consequences. Most importantly of all, you're following this method courageous and decisive, and you stop immediately exposing your child to carbon monoxide, nicotine and other hazardous chemicals in cigarettes.
Disadvantages of this method: If you are an avid smoker, you may have withdrawal symptoms of nicotine from the body for two weeks or three weeks after Aqlaek immediate smoking. And symptoms that may appear to you, agitation, depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and insomnia. Also significantly troubled during the first few weeks of the desire to smoke.
The cost of this method: none, it's free!
Nicotine replacement therapyHow is this: Nicotine is the substance in cigarettes that a smoker Edmnha. Nicotine replacement therapy helps to prevent nicotine withdrawal when you quit smoking, which is available in various forms including adhesive patches and gum and nasal spray.
Element of safety: The degree to which nicotine contributes to the decline in birth weight or premature birth (premature) or other complications is not yet known. However, since nicotine is a poison in cigarettes, this method is certainly safer for you and your child compared to smoking. Consult your doctor before considering nicotine replacement therapy, because they will discuss with you all the risks and benefits.The products that are taken by mouth, such as gum and tablets (rivets), sweetened, is considered a safer option because the small percentage of nicotine in them are small doses of up to the body through patches (or through direct smoking). However, the patches remain a suitable option, especially if you feel nauseous when acute testing of any other means. The adhesive patches that last for 24 hours, do not use in pregnancy, but using the adhesive patches that last for 16 hours only, and the latter is not in the same power of patches, but the intervention of a smaller amount of nicotine to your body.
The success rate of this method: You may double your chances of nicotine replacement therapy to quit smoking successfully.
The advantages of this method: Nicotine replacement therapy helps to alleviate the cravings for cigarettes. May be the means of this treatment is very useful if you are an avid smoker or suffer from withdrawal symptoms resulting from the immediate cessation of smoking once and without reboot.
Disadvantages of this method: there is a possibility going to be harmful nicotine replacement therapy for your child if over-used.
AdviceHow is this: whether I got some words of encouragement from the doctor or joined to the session of individual or group with an expert on smoking cessation, the receipt of advice may help you to maintain focus on your goal and motivation.
Element of safety: is a safe method of the consequences.
The success rate of this method: it is useful to find an expert to your side are supported. Promotes receive advice to quit smoking, the chances of your success in quitting smoking at a rate ranging between 5% and 10%.
The advantages of this method: address to receive advice, and directly, your thoughts and Slot, which represents the difference between success and relapse. Besides, appointed to speak to someone on the deregulation of stress and tension, which is helpful regardless of the smoking habit.
Disadvantages of this method: almost non-existent. If you find that forum or consultant unless they succeed in helping you, then you have another.
Hypnotherapy or acupunctureHow is it that says some practitioners and ex-smokers that this type of therapy helps those who do not suffer from cravings to smoke.
Element of safety: is a safe method of the consequences.
The success rate of this method: not study any of these methods on a large scale, but there is no significant evidence that they help smokers quit the habit. However, the hypnotherapy and acupuncture grows ever prevalent. If you decide to try a hypnotherapy or acupuncture, it must look for that address are eligible.
The advantages of this method: both methods does not use drugs and unsafe consequences.
Disadvantages of this method: not proven the feasibility of these methods to help quit smoking.

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