Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sit for long hours, threatening the health of the heart

Sit for long hours, threatening the health of the heart
Confirmed many of the studies that sitting is a deadly disease, where the body begins after a few hours of sitting, the disabled and the freezing of any activity that is vital to the process of metabolism, leading to slow down blood circulation and reduce the process of burning fat and calories, and increases the risk of heart disease.
In this regard, a recent medical study has shown by researchers and doctors, U.S. sit on the chair for long periods and continuously leads to the accumulation of fat in the waist and buttocks by up to 50% for those who attend to walk regularly.
The researchers pointed out that the pressure on the regions of the body such as buttocks and waist continuously during the sitting, could double the accumulation of fat in those areas, especially when lying down on the couch and watch TV and eat meals unhealthy such as French fries, soft drinks and non-sports activities on a regular basis, as provided for Agency "News Middle East."
They added that people who suffer from paralysis, kidney disease or Parkinson's disease and can not walk and have to sit on the wheelchair are more susceptible to obesity, especially in the lower part of the body.
Also found the results of a study conducted by the American Cancer Society, more than 123 thousand people during a period of 14 years, that women who sit for more than six hours a day, are more likely about 40% of death than those who sat less than three hours a day one, and men were more likely to die by about 20%.
The study focused on the massive number of people who have died, while other studies have focused on the particular circumstances that affect most Americans, and things like heart disease, cardiovascular, obesity, diabetes, and depression. In those studies have also been associated with long periods of sitting serious illness closely linked.
And published the American Journal of Epidemiology earlier this year, that people who work in jobs which do not move much more likely than others, about twice the risk of a certain type of colon cancer.
Dr. James Levine, an endocrinologist at Mayo Clinic, and a leading researcher in this area, in the November last issue of the journal Diabetes, said, "sit down to have a job biological roots, it needs energy for themselves to lie down, but while sitting, the person is aware of its surroundings. "
He added: "sit moderate .. not bad, but the increase is damage .. It is a matter of concern that the chair in the living room is the headquarters for most people in the developed world. Permanent."
In a study of the alarm, and warn of damage to sit for long hours, British experts said in a recent study, to work for 11 hours a day instead of the usual pattern of 8 hours per day from nine am to five pm increases the risk of heart attack.
And long working hours increase the risk by 67%, say experts who relied in their conclusions on the study of the health status of seven thousand employees. The study says that doctors should ask their patients about the number of hours they work.
The Professor Mika Kivimaki senior researchers that the doctor spoke to the working hours of the disease process is simple and useful, and should become routine. We must help this new information to make better decisions in the treatment of heart patients. "
It may also be the results of this study, a warning to those who work long hours, according to what he sees Professor Kivimaki. The study indicates that the 192 people who monitored their over 11 years have experienced heart attacks.
Those who worked 11 hours or more a day exposed to infection than others and a half times. When added to the long working hours other risk factors such as high blood pressure can be obtained in a much clearer picture.
Experts say the study authors said that if the doctors asked about working hours to all the questions that Augeunha to their patients may have the possibility to save 6 thousand people out of 25 thousand suffering a heart attack a year in Britain.
The expert adds that there is a need to conduct additional studies to ascertain whether the reduction in the number of working hours contribute to improving the health of the heart.
The Stephen T. Holgate, Professor of the Medical Research Council, who helped fund the study, said "This study will make us rethink the famous saying:" Hard work will not kill you. "
For his part, said Professor Mark Hamilton, a professor of biomedicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Missouri, that the less body movement, decreased the amount of sugar it burns, which means that two hours of sitting Kveltan raise blood sugar by 7%.
And confirmed Professor Genviav Healy, a researcher at the Institute of Cancer at the University of Queensland, to sit for a long time destroys the spine as well, even in the case of exercise for an hour or half an hour a day, noting that exercise for an hour is not enough to ward off the danger of sitting for hours.
All experts agreed that the solution to this problem is more regular exercise, and cut long periods of sitting for some exercise.
The metabolism is the sum of the processes that take place in the body to convert food we eat into energy.

Doctors recommend taking into account some important steps to avoid bad habits and diseases resulting from bad to sit for a long time in front of the computer screen.
The doctors that level must be the head upright while sitting at the computer to avoid bending the neck as much as possible, and should move the person sitting in front of computer from its place for at least two minutes every half hour with doing some aerobic exercise Mini at a time and must be mode is the head and spine straight, and must shut down the computer screen from time to time and the concentration of the external view to relieve the muscles of the eyes.
Finally, you should not eat while you work on your computer to avoid weight gain.



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