Sunday, December 4, 2011

Nutritional Facts useful for your health

Nutritional Facts useful for your health

- Eating oranges and olive oil protects skin from wrinkles and dry, and makes you look younger as you get older, according to a study in the American Journal of nutrition.
Your diet should not contain more than 30% of the fat from the total you get it from Vtnola calories 60 grams of trans fat only.
Vitamin intake of antioxidants is beneficial also recognized the American Heart Association, research has shown that there is insufficient evidence on benefit of vitamin c and d, or as anti-oxidant.
Eating natural foods is better than taking vitamins and supplements because our bodies absorb nutrients from food more efficiently absorbed from the tablets.
Women burnt 300 calories less when they reach the age of five and thirty-we recommend a workout when you access this age, or reduce your calories as you get older.
Watch for what you eat salt because you'll find that you are taking about 18 grams of salt or three tablespoons a day, with the quantity of health is one tablespoon, according to the American Heart Association, as it should be noted that some of the food we eat contains on the amount of salt as high as luncheon meat and chicken stock and soy sauce.
When eating abroad make sure to eat the main dish only and do not eat side dishes or soft drinks and candy flying calories for the meal and increase your weight.
Eat omega-3 because it is a strong fighter for patients Vtnola 6 ounces of tuna twice a week, or eat a CD-Omega 3 to combat heart disease and cancer.



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