Hunger of memory important
A study conducted by scientists that the hunger hormone (ghrelin) can
Increase the number of neurotransmitters in the brain that are formed
The memory of events and new releases this hormone into the bloodstream
When the stomach is empty and is known as a
Activates nerve receptors all over the brain.
So it is better to review the lessons or go to the exam a stomach
Empty because hunger helps to enhance information retrieval and memory
Although scientists know that the hormone affects the area of the brain
Called the hypothalamus, or under the bed, the visual effects
The other remained obscure and now scientists have found that it affects another area
Called the hippocampus flared in the brain that is known about its importance in learning the most rights.
The scientists said the study authors that the mice
Twaldt that after the loss of gene-born hormone (ghrelin) I have
Connectors between nerve cells, neurons in this region, while the back
The injected mice sound quantities of the hormone led to increase the number of
Connectors nerves in the hippocampus, boosting memory and capacity to learn
A study conducted by scientists that the hunger hormone (ghrelin) can
Increase the number of neurotransmitters in the brain that are formed
The memory of events and new releases this hormone into the bloodstream
When the stomach is empty and is known as a
Activates nerve receptors all over the brain.
So it is better to review the lessons or go to the exam a stomach
Empty because hunger helps to enhance information retrieval and memory
Although scientists know that the hormone affects the area of the brain
Called the hypothalamus, or under the bed, the visual effects
The other remained obscure and now scientists have found that it affects another area
Called the hippocampus flared in the brain that is known about its importance in learning the most rights.
The scientists said the study authors that the mice
Twaldt that after the loss of gene-born hormone (ghrelin) I have
Connectors between nerve cells, neurons in this region, while the back
The injected mice sound quantities of the hormone led to increase the number of
Connectors nerves in the hippocampus, boosting memory and capacity to learn

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