Friday, December 16, 2011

How does your menstrual cycle

How does your menstrual cycle
Explanatory information
What are the normal menstrual cycle?
How your hormones work?
The process of ovulation, or release an egg
After ovulation

Explanatory informationGenerate the girl and with nearly 200,000 eggs stored in her ovaries. When you start its monthly between the ages of 10 and 14 years ago, mature egg from one egg each month. Egg is released from the ovary surrounded by velvet with the parties to the fallopian tubes, which are transferred to the uterus through the movement of a nice wavy. If the egg is fertilized by a man or a Ntafth me through this journey, you will settle down once it reaches the uterus and grow, where consists of the fetus and placenta. In the absence of fertilization occurs, it will be disposed of together with the egg layer lining of the uterus during the menstrual cycle. More information about how to be a fetus in the next section topics.

What are the normal menstrual cycle?Menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, on average, and starts counting from the first day of the current session to the day before the next session. Menstrual cycle may be shorter in some women, to last for 21 days only, and goes on much more than the other women up to 35 days. Likely that the courses are shorter or longer than this are not normal, and you should consult a doctor in this matter. You should also see your doctor if you bleed between periods or after doing intimate relationship with your husband.
How your hormones work?Your menstrual cycle is subject to a group of hormones that are produced in different parts of the body:
• Jonadotrovin (stimulant of genital glands) - Assistant to the hormone secretion - (produced in Alheibutalamos (as under the bed is located under the visual thalamus in the brain)• Follicle stimulating hormone (produced in the pituitary gland, which is also in the brain)• hormone Luteinising (produced in the pituitary gland)• Estrogen (produced in the ovaries)• Progesterone (also produced in the ovaries)

Jonadotrovin - Assistant to the hormone secretion - is produced in Alheibutalamos heading in the brain to the pituitary gland and asked to edit the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The recent spread of this hormone in the body through blood circulation and stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs. Then start between 15 and 20 egg-containing sacs called follicles begin to mature in the ovaries. And One follicle (very occasionally, two or more) grows faster than others, for reasons still unknown.

FSH also stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen, which encourages the eggs to mature and to make the lining of the uterus thicker and therefore more willing to support a pregnancy, should fertilization occurs.

The process of ovulation, or release an eggWith a high level of estrogen, FSH levels fall temporarily and soon be accompanied by a large batch of hormone luteinising LH from the pituitary gland. This makes the most mature eggs off outside the ovary in a process called "ovulation." Immediately, holding the egg in the fallopian tube last. At this stage, your body temperature rise rate of one degree Celsius.
Produce cervical mucous thick opaque material can not be the sperm penetrate. Such as the process of ovulation, estrogen alters the properties of the mucus and making it more agile, transparent and flexible. Thus gives an opportunity for sperm to swim through the cervix into the uterus and fallopian tubes to reach the place where the process of fertilization.

After ovulationBegins with the membrane, which contains the egg inside the womb, in the break-up and turns yellow and begins to secrete the hormone progesterone. Progesterone prevents the mucus in the cervix again so as not to penetrate the sperm, as well as impacting on the wall of the uterus and makes thick and Asefnjia and ready to receive the fertilized egg. With increased levels of progesterone, you may feel tingling in the breasts and stretched. Stop the pituitary gland for the secretion of FSH, prevents further maturation of eggs in the ovaries.

Women's Health


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