Thursday, December 8, 2011

Food healthier . More sperm movement

Food healthier More sperm movement
Web site, "Health Day News," U.S. researchers at the Universities of "Rochester" U.S. and "Murcia" Spanish found through Mracbathm in two separate studies that food may affect the movement of sperm.

The researcher is responsible for one of the two studies, Audrey Gaskins said that "the important result that we found through our work is that of a healthy diet seems beneficial to the quality of semen."

Gaskins said that the health system, especially the author of the higher quantities of fish, fresh fruits, whole grains, vegetables, improves the ability of sperm to the movement means that a greater number of moves.

And adopted the findings on the control diet 188 men aged between 18 and 22 years, and conduct tests to evaluate the movement and numbers of sperm.

Although showing no effect of diet on sperm count, but the quality of the food affected the movement of sperm.

The researchers stressed the need for further research to better understand how the impact of diet on sperm.

Health and food, sexual health


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