Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fish protects young women from heart disease

Fish protects young women from heart disease

Danes, researchers said that eating fish rich in B (omega 3), such as salmon, cod, contributes to the protection of young women from heart disease.
The Web site, "Health Day News", the researchers found that women of childbearing age who did not eat fish are more likely by 50% for heart problems compared with women who ate fish often, and more than 90% of the women who ate fish on a weekly basis.
The researcher Marin Storm of the Institute "Staatn Serum" in Copenhagen, "We found that even women who ate fish only a few times a month benefit", but stressed that for the best results of fish and fish oil, women are obliged to ensure that eating fish meal fundamental at least twice a week.
But the study published in the journal "Hypertension" did not show a direct link between eating fish and the decline of heart disease among young women.
The study included data from 49 F-pregnant women between 1996 and 2008, they raised questions about the quality and quantity of fish Atnolnh During the follow-up, which lasted 8 years, were registered 577 cases of heart disease, and 5 women died as a result of problems associated with them.
It appeared that the proportion of women who did not eat the fish were more than undergone treatment because of heart disease.
Previous studies have linked (omega 3) which contain fish such as salmon, cod, and sole, sardines and other protection from heart disease.

Women's Health


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