Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Brown bread eliminates fat

Brown bread eliminates fathttp://www.q8castle.com/uploaded/328555_21313896794.jpg
Tufts University study that "those who wish to get rid of excess fat in the belly of the human

But what he has to deal with brown bread and avoid white bread. "

According to the results, the black bread made ​​from grain, including what is known as dandruff or bran

Does not cause the formation of fat in the abdomen and only slightly less than white bread, which consists mostly of carbohydrates.

The study was prepared by the 2,800 people under the supervision of a nutritionist Nicole Mekonn

That the "white bread does not harm health, but more than fat in the abdomen, a important member in the body."

They pointed out that "the credit for reducing the fat and fat in the abdomen due to eating white bread

Due to the containment of brown bread made ​​from whole grain elements do not cause obesity

And vitamins B 12 and 14, and salts eliminate fat and Tzoppe easily. "

He noted the study authors that "in case of consuming three servings of brown bread and quantities

Not more than three slides per day in addition to a meal of white bread and over the medium term ranging between two or three months,

The weight of the body decline with the disappearance of a clear note in the amount of fat deposited in the abdomen and lashes its members.



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