Ten best goals of health for the year 2012
Medical News. A study conducted in 2002 at the beginning of each year in January, nearly one of every three Americans resolve to correct itself better in some way. A small percentage of people are applying these decisions. While there are about 75 percent of people cling to their goals for at least a week, less than half (46%) are still in place on the same target for a period of six months.

It is difficult to maintain enthusiasm for months, but it is not impossible. Choose this year and one worthy of the following decisions, and stuck out, it is good for your health.
1. Weight loss
The fact that the continuation of this decision-making is among the most popular and suggests how difficult it is bound by it. But you can succeed if you do not expect success overnight.
He also added, follow the plan will help you in this way. The use of food journal to track what you eat and support, and support your system.
2. Stay around you who to contact
It's good for your health to restore your relationship with them. Research suggests that people who have strong social ties live longer than those who do not.
Suggests a study conducted in 2010 and published in the medical journal PLoS that in fact, the lack of social ties that occur Dharrsaha as alcohol abuse, smoking, and even more from obesity and lack of exercise.
No longer easy in the era of technology to stay in touch or renew your relationship with friends and family.
3. Smoking cessation
The fear that you have failed many times to try again? Speak to any of the former smokers, and you'll see that multiple attempts are often where the road to success.
Try different methods to find out what this should do. And think how much money will, (and we know that you know of the huge health benefit beyond that).
Dr. Merle Myerson, director of the prevention program of cardiovascular disease in a hospital, St. Luke's in New York City "It's one of the most difficult habits to quit it." "But I always tell people if I say well how much are they going to think of money."
4. Save money
Save money by making changes in the pattern of life be healthy. Such as going to work on foot or ride your bike, and do not use cars if possible. (This means more money in your pocket and less air pollution).
Reduce costs through the practice of sports at home instead of gyms.
Evaluate what you have in the fridge, and select what you want to buy from the grocery store. The shopping without a goal leads to poor and hurting your diet Bmahfeztk there is no provision for money.
5. Reduced the tension
Exposure to a little pressure now and again does not kill us, but in fact, short bouts of tension give us a boost of energy. But if stress is chronic, can increase the risk for insomnia, depression, obesity, heart disease, and more.
Says Dr. Robertala integrative medicine specialist in New York City that working long hours and little sleep, and lack of exercise, poor nutrition, lack of spending time with family and friends can contribute to the tension.
She added that "Stress is part and parcel of life." "Relax, sleep and socialization, and holidays All these things we say to ourselves that we deserve, but do not allow ourselves to apply it."
6. Do volunteer work
Peter Knares public education coordinator for the Association of New York State Psychiatric We tend to believe that happiness Tatmdaly improve ourselves, but also increase our joy when we help others.
The study found in 2010 that happiness is good for your health, and that people who have positive feelings about 20% less likely than their counterparts Aloktrchaama Alasalbh of heart attack or heart disease. Other research suggests that positive emotions can make people more flexible and Dhaoua.
Knares added that "the person who makes this kind of resolution is applied to it are likely to get a personal benefit in a huge circle of happiness."
7. Back to school
Whatever your age, The return to class helps you to renew your career, and make new friends, and even increase your mental capacity.
A study was conducted in 2007 found that middle-aged adults who have returned to the study (including the study night) at some time in the last quarter of the previous century they had a stronger memory and verbal skills of a high than those who did not. What is more, several studies have linked higher education to achieve a decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Icolknares "You gain a sense of accomplishment through the acquisition of new knowledge, that the meeting with people and find different possibilities were not there before."
8. Reduce alcohol intake
A lot of people are still overindulge in drinking alcohol and this is still a big problem. (In fact, drinking too much alcohol appears to be on the rise).
Alcohol affects the neurotransmitters in the brain and the excess can increase the risk of depression, memory loss, or even seizures.
Heavy drinking enhances the risk of chronic liver disease, heart and high blood pressure, stroke, lack of memory, and even cancers of the mouth and throat, liver and breast.
9. Get more sleep
You probably already know that sleep through the night may be good, you can do Almadzatpthassan mood and your appearance. But the sleep of great benefit to your health.
Has been linked to lack of sleep with increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. And sleep is vital to enhance memory (a process called reinforcement or support).
You have to take a nap, do not feel guilty about it.
10. To travel or trips
Can see it says that it can be for weddings and holidays that last long after putting the bag away. "Often, we get not to travel bless commentators, and we can not get out of this in our own way." "Everything has become a familiar and very routine."
But travel allows us to take advantage of Kalmgamaren life, and we can make changes in our lives without the need to do anything bold or very exciting.
"The travel makes you feel renewed in your youth." And "It's you out of the scene and its typical Tenctk, with another form of the new discovery and learning, which is great for the soul and body."
Medical News. A study conducted in 2002 at the beginning of each year in January, nearly one of every three Americans resolve to correct itself better in some way. A small percentage of people are applying these decisions. While there are about 75 percent of people cling to their goals for at least a week, less than half (46%) are still in place on the same target for a period of six months.
It is difficult to maintain enthusiasm for months, but it is not impossible. Choose this year and one worthy of the following decisions, and stuck out, it is good for your health.
1. Weight loss
The fact that the continuation of this decision-making is among the most popular and suggests how difficult it is bound by it. But you can succeed if you do not expect success overnight.
He also added, follow the plan will help you in this way. The use of food journal to track what you eat and support, and support your system.
2. Stay around you who to contact
It's good for your health to restore your relationship with them. Research suggests that people who have strong social ties live longer than those who do not.
Suggests a study conducted in 2010 and published in the medical journal PLoS that in fact, the lack of social ties that occur Dharrsaha as alcohol abuse, smoking, and even more from obesity and lack of exercise.
No longer easy in the era of technology to stay in touch or renew your relationship with friends and family.
3. Smoking cessation
The fear that you have failed many times to try again? Speak to any of the former smokers, and you'll see that multiple attempts are often where the road to success.
Try different methods to find out what this should do. And think how much money will, (and we know that you know of the huge health benefit beyond that).
Dr. Merle Myerson, director of the prevention program of cardiovascular disease in a hospital, St. Luke's in New York City "It's one of the most difficult habits to quit it." "But I always tell people if I say well how much are they going to think of money."
4. Save money
Save money by making changes in the pattern of life be healthy. Such as going to work on foot or ride your bike, and do not use cars if possible. (This means more money in your pocket and less air pollution).
Reduce costs through the practice of sports at home instead of gyms.
Evaluate what you have in the fridge, and select what you want to buy from the grocery store. The shopping without a goal leads to poor and hurting your diet Bmahfeztk there is no provision for money.
5. Reduced the tension
Exposure to a little pressure now and again does not kill us, but in fact, short bouts of tension give us a boost of energy. But if stress is chronic, can increase the risk for insomnia, depression, obesity, heart disease, and more.
Says Dr. Robertala integrative medicine specialist in New York City that working long hours and little sleep, and lack of exercise, poor nutrition, lack of spending time with family and friends can contribute to the tension.
She added that "Stress is part and parcel of life." "Relax, sleep and socialization, and holidays All these things we say to ourselves that we deserve, but do not allow ourselves to apply it."
6. Do volunteer work
Peter Knares public education coordinator for the Association of New York State Psychiatric We tend to believe that happiness Tatmdaly improve ourselves, but also increase our joy when we help others.
The study found in 2010 that happiness is good for your health, and that people who have positive feelings about 20% less likely than their counterparts Aloktrchaama Alasalbh of heart attack or heart disease. Other research suggests that positive emotions can make people more flexible and Dhaoua.
Knares added that "the person who makes this kind of resolution is applied to it are likely to get a personal benefit in a huge circle of happiness."
7. Back to school
Whatever your age, The return to class helps you to renew your career, and make new friends, and even increase your mental capacity.
A study was conducted in 2007 found that middle-aged adults who have returned to the study (including the study night) at some time in the last quarter of the previous century they had a stronger memory and verbal skills of a high than those who did not. What is more, several studies have linked higher education to achieve a decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Icolknares "You gain a sense of accomplishment through the acquisition of new knowledge, that the meeting with people and find different possibilities were not there before."
8. Reduce alcohol intake
A lot of people are still overindulge in drinking alcohol and this is still a big problem. (In fact, drinking too much alcohol appears to be on the rise).
Alcohol affects the neurotransmitters in the brain and the excess can increase the risk of depression, memory loss, or even seizures.
Heavy drinking enhances the risk of chronic liver disease, heart and high blood pressure, stroke, lack of memory, and even cancers of the mouth and throat, liver and breast.
9. Get more sleep
You probably already know that sleep through the night may be good, you can do Almadzatpthassan mood and your appearance. But the sleep of great benefit to your health.
Has been linked to lack of sleep with increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. And sleep is vital to enhance memory (a process called reinforcement or support).
You have to take a nap, do not feel guilty about it.
10. To travel or trips
Can see it says that it can be for weddings and holidays that last long after putting the bag away. "Often, we get not to travel bless commentators, and we can not get out of this in our own way." "Everything has become a familiar and very routine."
But travel allows us to take advantage of Kalmgamaren life, and we can make changes in our lives without the need to do anything bold or very exciting.
"The travel makes you feel renewed in your youth." And "It's you out of the scene and its typical Tenctk, with another form of the new discovery and learning, which is great for the soul and body."

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