Thursday, December 8, 2011

Yoga reduces the problems of menopause and insomnia

Yoga reduces the problems of menopause and insomnia
Study suggests that the two sessions of yoga sessions a week can help alleviate sleep problems and other problems of menopause.


The study was published in the journal Menopause The study included postmenopausal women were diagnosed to suffer from insomnia.
Posted by Dr. Helena Hachal the authors of a study e-mail sent to the health agency told Reuters: "We do not say that yoga can treat symptoms of menopause," "but it can improve symptoms and reduce them."

Hachal and her colleagues randomly selected 44 women were divided into three groups. 15 women did not take the treatment at all, and 14 women have taken the physical therapist twice a week, and 15 women participated in yoga classes twice a week.
Yoga sessions included a variety of conditions to flatten the body and techniques of Tibet used to strengthen and speed up breathing.

According to women in the yoga group after four months, that the problems of menopause was lower compared to those women who did not do anything.

According to a study of women's health in 2002 stated that often face women in the menopausal hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, and irritability during menopause, and some difficulty sleeping or feeling the need to sleep longer. Hormone replacement therapy reduces many of these problems, but her risk of heart disease, stroke and breast cancer.

Since then, a small number of women are taking hormones, and many of them aspire to alternative ways to deal with their problems, including such as taking herbs like black cohosh and red clover when feeling hot gifts. However, one study found that these treatments are not better than placebo.

In contrast, research has shown that yoga reduces stress levels and controls the activity of the sympathetic nervous system response to «fight or flight" reaction of the body to a threat or hazard.

Mr. H. said Catherine Booth LaForce that recent results show that "this is the part of the accumulation of evidence showing the benefits of yoga."

She said LaForce, who studied alternative treatments of menopause in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Washington but was not part of the new study, that "doctors were starting to recommend yoga, not just for menopause and menopause, but for a variety of circumstances."

"I'm concerned that there is no description of the status of yoga that is practiced and how many women end the yoga sessions"

In the study, women completed questionnaires before and after receiving treatment.
A questionnaire and one for the classification of the symptoms of menopause or menopausal symptoms were moderate 0-18 and 18-35 were medium and 35 or more symptoms were severe. After just four months, the women who practiced yoga on the degree of the average 12.4, while women who take William treatment, they were 19.9 degrees.

Questionnaire looking sleep 0-28, at 28 was thinner too, who had had Omaalnads yoga average was 9.7., While those who did not take the treatment average was 13.7.

However, there were not any clear differences between women who had exercises to flatten their bodies compared with Menkamoa practice yoga.

Ms. LaForce Bo "D body on the table to do sports and strain the body helps to relax," he added, "but in yoga the focus is on what the person and the link between mind and body, and this is the best strain Alerav only." .

Ms. LaForce, encourage women to practice yoga, and recommends gentle yoga class.

"I'd like to suggest that women take yoga classes once a week, and then try to practice yoga 15 minutes a day at home."



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