Weight gain during pregnancy

How much can I earn weight during pregnancy?
Will my weight during pregnancy?
Calculate body mass index (BMI)
Your body mass index (BMI) and weight gain in pregnancy
What if you are overweight?
What if you are owners of low weight?
What if you're diabetic?
How to control my weight?
How much can I earn weight during pregnancy?First and most importantly, Taatqubla issue of weight gain during pregnancy! You are on this because your body is growing and changing to provide the best conditions for your child to start his life. Here are the source, who adds to the weight of kilograms more:
• At birth, your baby will weigh approximately 3300 grams.
• During pregnancy, grow muscle layer of the uterus greatly to add 900 grams of weight.
• placenta (after birth), which provide food for your baby, weighing 600 grams.
• breasts and adds weight by 400 grams.
• increase the amount of your blood and give additional weight 1200 g.
• The Stsiden 2600 grams because of the extra fluid in your body, and the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby.
• As Stakhtznin some fat during pregnancy to provide you with an additional card to carry out breastfeeding. And is estimated at about 2500 grams.
So, with the end of the pregnancy, your weight will increase nearly 11 kilograms. It is what we have adjusted for the increase does not necessarily apply to you or to all women. The way we estimate the increase in weight of pregnant more personally give you an indication of weight possible that Tkspinh in pregnancy. The amount of weight gain while you are pregnant over weight and weight before pregnancy occurs. More precisely, the body mass index, which I did (BMI), (see below how to calculate body mass index).Will my weight during pregnancy?Not long ago, had taken the weight of pregnant women in each appointment to visit the doctor for prenatal Agraevhossat. Later, doctors realized that this procedure calls for many women to feel worried or embarrassed, the overweight, This was not any good way to assess the health of the pregnancy. As also realized that the weight gain associated with pregnancy based on body mass index, Ms. before becoming pregnant. For this reason, it is recommended now that the doctor calculates your body mass index Thdzen your appointment or when you open the file you register with the pregnancy or clinic for pregnant women.
Calculate body mass index (BMI)In order to calculate your BMI, your doctor should know your height in meters and weight in kilograms. If you want to do this yourself, Follow the following manner:
1. National operation hit your weight calculation for the same meter. If your height in meters 1.6 meters, multiply 1.6 in 1.6 the result is 2.56.
2. Then a national weight in kilograms by dividing this number. If you weigh 60 kilos, the BMI is 60 divided by 2.56 = 23.43.
Instead, if you're not a fan of the account, you can calculate your BMI using the calculator body mass index (BMI) of our own. The following is how to classify your body mass index (BMI):
BMI less than 18.5 - minus the weight
BMI 18.5-25 - Ideal Weight
Body mass index 25-30 - overweight
Body mass index 30-40 - obesity
Body mass index over 40 - obesity
Your body mass index (BMI) and weight gain in pregnancyIn the nineties, the Institute of Medicine recommended in the United States that women seeking an increase in the index based on the weight of their bodies before pregnancy:
• If your body mass index (BMI) from 19.8 less, more weight should be 12.5 to 18 kg.
• If your body mass index (BMI) between 19.8 and 26, you must Thdwi to an increase of 11.5 to 16 kg.
• If your body mass index (BMI) above 26, you should be increase 7 to 11.5 kg.
The following summarizes the rule simplified this way is easy to understand:
• If you are overweight before pregnancy, should seek to increase about 6.4 kg.
• If your weight was normal before pregnancy, you have to increase his as much as 12.8 kg.
• If you weigh less than normal before pregnancy, you should be increased and the weight about 9.4 kg.
If you are under 20 years, put in mind that the maximum increase in weight must be equal to the increase for someone with the same body mass index before pregnancy.
What if you are overweight?British doctors agree with their American counterparts that women with a body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy high, they reduce the amount of weight gain. Could double the excessive weight gain the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and pregnancy and the birth of a big baby. However, do not try to follow the diet. Instead, take some advice from your doctor on how to follow a nutritious food and acceptable guarantee to you is not the accumulation of kilograms, and in return makes you you and your child's happiness and good health. The moderation is the best solution, with a balanced diet and to abstain from sweets and fats.
What if you are owners of low weight?Ideally, should not the lady with underweight before pregnancy should try to reach the same weight to normal. This is due in part to the lack of weight can affect your fertility. (Read more about weight and fertility). Also, if you suffer from a lack of weight and became pregnant, Sttardan for the chance to put a small child, and in some cases, young children suffer from many problems. If you have already become pregnant, talk to your doctor to get some advice about the best diet for you and your baby during the coming months.
What if you're diabetic?If you have diabetes, it is very important and in particular is to begin pregnancy with a body mass index (BMI) healthy. If you read this article before you can get pregnant, visit your doctor Check your and your diet. If the pregnancy has occurred already, you should get more care to maintain a stable blood sugar level, so ask specialists to take advice on the best diet possible to keep you and your baby in the health and safety. Most maternity hospitals a special team of doctors and nurses who are specially trained to care for pregnant women with diabetes.
How to control my weight?Most of what you do is eat sensibly, and put in mind that a pregnant woman needs about 2500 calories a day. Sensible diet includes five portions of fruit and vegetables every day, and foods from all the major food groups:• About 10% of your calories should come from proteins, such as meat, fish, eggs and legumes.
• Nearly 35% of your calories should come from dairy products, such as butter, cheese, oils and nuts (fats), slightly less if you are overweight, there is nothing wrong with milk curd (yogurt) and foods that can be painted on the bread to be low fat.
• About 55% of your calories (for the most part) should come from bread, pasta, potatoes, rice and cereals (carbohydrates). And whole wheat products are better than refined white wheat products, as they maintain the stability of the sugar in your blood and helps to avoid constipation and leave you feeling of fullness and satiety for a longer period.
• There is no harm in eating chocolate every now and then, but remember that the extra weight during pregnancy Tkedzpinh will appear very clearly after the birth of the child, and will not be easy to lose weight in the first months of motherhood.
How much can I earn weight during pregnancy?
Will my weight during pregnancy?
Calculate body mass index (BMI)
Your body mass index (BMI) and weight gain in pregnancy
What if you are overweight?
What if you are owners of low weight?
What if you're diabetic?
How to control my weight?
How much can I earn weight during pregnancy?First and most importantly, Taatqubla issue of weight gain during pregnancy! You are on this because your body is growing and changing to provide the best conditions for your child to start his life. Here are the source, who adds to the weight of kilograms more:
• At birth, your baby will weigh approximately 3300 grams.
• During pregnancy, grow muscle layer of the uterus greatly to add 900 grams of weight.
• placenta (after birth), which provide food for your baby, weighing 600 grams.
• breasts and adds weight by 400 grams.
• increase the amount of your blood and give additional weight 1200 g.
• The Stsiden 2600 grams because of the extra fluid in your body, and the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby.
• As Stakhtznin some fat during pregnancy to provide you with an additional card to carry out breastfeeding. And is estimated at about 2500 grams.
So, with the end of the pregnancy, your weight will increase nearly 11 kilograms. It is what we have adjusted for the increase does not necessarily apply to you or to all women. The way we estimate the increase in weight of pregnant more personally give you an indication of weight possible that Tkspinh in pregnancy. The amount of weight gain while you are pregnant over weight and weight before pregnancy occurs. More precisely, the body mass index, which I did (BMI), (see below how to calculate body mass index).Will my weight during pregnancy?Not long ago, had taken the weight of pregnant women in each appointment to visit the doctor for prenatal Agraevhossat. Later, doctors realized that this procedure calls for many women to feel worried or embarrassed, the overweight, This was not any good way to assess the health of the pregnancy. As also realized that the weight gain associated with pregnancy based on body mass index, Ms. before becoming pregnant. For this reason, it is recommended now that the doctor calculates your body mass index Thdzen your appointment or when you open the file you register with the pregnancy or clinic for pregnant women.
Calculate body mass index (BMI)In order to calculate your BMI, your doctor should know your height in meters and weight in kilograms. If you want to do this yourself, Follow the following manner:
1. National operation hit your weight calculation for the same meter. If your height in meters 1.6 meters, multiply 1.6 in 1.6 the result is 2.56.
2. Then a national weight in kilograms by dividing this number. If you weigh 60 kilos, the BMI is 60 divided by 2.56 = 23.43.
Instead, if you're not a fan of the account, you can calculate your BMI using the calculator body mass index (BMI) of our own. The following is how to classify your body mass index (BMI):
BMI less than 18.5 - minus the weight
BMI 18.5-25 - Ideal Weight
Body mass index 25-30 - overweight
Body mass index 30-40 - obesity
Body mass index over 40 - obesity
Your body mass index (BMI) and weight gain in pregnancyIn the nineties, the Institute of Medicine recommended in the United States that women seeking an increase in the index based on the weight of their bodies before pregnancy:
• If your body mass index (BMI) from 19.8 less, more weight should be 12.5 to 18 kg.
• If your body mass index (BMI) between 19.8 and 26, you must Thdwi to an increase of 11.5 to 16 kg.
• If your body mass index (BMI) above 26, you should be increase 7 to 11.5 kg.
The following summarizes the rule simplified this way is easy to understand:
• If you are overweight before pregnancy, should seek to increase about 6.4 kg.
• If your weight was normal before pregnancy, you have to increase his as much as 12.8 kg.
• If you weigh less than normal before pregnancy, you should be increased and the weight about 9.4 kg.
If you are under 20 years, put in mind that the maximum increase in weight must be equal to the increase for someone with the same body mass index before pregnancy.
What if you are overweight?British doctors agree with their American counterparts that women with a body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy high, they reduce the amount of weight gain. Could double the excessive weight gain the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and pregnancy and the birth of a big baby. However, do not try to follow the diet. Instead, take some advice from your doctor on how to follow a nutritious food and acceptable guarantee to you is not the accumulation of kilograms, and in return makes you you and your child's happiness and good health. The moderation is the best solution, with a balanced diet and to abstain from sweets and fats.
What if you are owners of low weight?Ideally, should not the lady with underweight before pregnancy should try to reach the same weight to normal. This is due in part to the lack of weight can affect your fertility. (Read more about weight and fertility). Also, if you suffer from a lack of weight and became pregnant, Sttardan for the chance to put a small child, and in some cases, young children suffer from many problems. If you have already become pregnant, talk to your doctor to get some advice about the best diet for you and your baby during the coming months.
What if you're diabetic?If you have diabetes, it is very important and in particular is to begin pregnancy with a body mass index (BMI) healthy. If you read this article before you can get pregnant, visit your doctor Check your and your diet. If the pregnancy has occurred already, you should get more care to maintain a stable blood sugar level, so ask specialists to take advice on the best diet possible to keep you and your baby in the health and safety. Most maternity hospitals a special team of doctors and nurses who are specially trained to care for pregnant women with diabetes.
How to control my weight?Most of what you do is eat sensibly, and put in mind that a pregnant woman needs about 2500 calories a day. Sensible diet includes five portions of fruit and vegetables every day, and foods from all the major food groups:• About 10% of your calories should come from proteins, such as meat, fish, eggs and legumes.
• Nearly 35% of your calories should come from dairy products, such as butter, cheese, oils and nuts (fats), slightly less if you are overweight, there is nothing wrong with milk curd (yogurt) and foods that can be painted on the bread to be low fat.
• About 55% of your calories (for the most part) should come from bread, pasta, potatoes, rice and cereals (carbohydrates). And whole wheat products are better than refined white wheat products, as they maintain the stability of the sugar in your blood and helps to avoid constipation and leave you feeling of fullness and satiety for a longer period.
• There is no harm in eating chocolate every now and then, but remember that the extra weight during pregnancy Tkedzpinh will appear very clearly after the birth of the child, and will not be easy to lose weight in the first months of motherhood.

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