Top 10 signs of pregnancy
In case you are very attentive to your body and rhythm, you may Tstpehin you are pregnant shortly after the occurrence of fertilization. But many women will not know of any early symptoms of pregnancy to be suspended and the fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall, after several days of fertilization. While other women do not notice any signs of pregnancy for weeks until they begin to wonder "Am I pregnant?" After menopause only. In the following lines to the list of the first signs of motherhood:
1. Insatiable desire for food. Yes, it is a known state, but insatiable desire for food can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy. Do not rely on it as one of the positive symptoms (may be all in your head or even the sign of the shortage of certain food in your body), but if the owner of this desire for some of the symptoms mentioned in this list, start and after calculation of days since last menstrual period.
2. Dark color in the aura surrounding the breast Bhelmh. If you become a circle around the Helmatk dark color, perhaps the process of fertilization has been successful, although the issue may be related to hormonal disorder also has nothing to do with pregnancy or that the effects of the remnants of a previous pregnancy.
3. Seeing drops of blood or cramps occur as a result of implantation and the stability of a fertilized egg.After about three days to ovulation, you may take some blood to the implantation, which is a light pink spots or brown in color, along with some contractions, due to the implantation of the egg in the lining of the uterus of the Interior. The notice also the descent of some blood in your menstrual cycle date.
4. Frequent urination. When lined the fetus and the pregnancy hormones start secreting hCG may find that you Tktherin from entering the bathroom.
5. Stress and the desire to sleep. Do you feel tired? But stress. May make you high levels of the hormone progesterone Thrawlin you feel like you're in a marathon when all they did was go to the employment office. The fatigue of the outstanding qualities of pregnancy, although it is not conclusive evidence in itself.
6. Tenderness and swelling in the breast. If you are pregnant, your breasts may become Trien, as is the case before the coming of your menstrual cycle, but little more. As your body gets used to the flow of hormones, the pain will subside. Increase breast size if this is your first pregnancy with the emergence of blue lines on the skin and feeling some pain with the change of color of the nipple so that tends to brown.
7. Changes in taste. You may notice that your sense of taste has changed. Some women say they feel a metallic taste in the mouth, while other women may taste of coffee or tea or a particular food were usually Ergpinh.
8. Morning sickness. If you're lucky, morning sickness will not Adahmk only a few weeks after fertilization. (A few unlucky not get it in total). But may Experiencing nausea and discomfort. This does not only happen in the morning, Valgthian associated with pregnancy may be a problem in the morning and at noon or evening.
9. The absence of the menstrual cycle. If your menstrual cycle was regular practice has been delayed, this time, you should do pregnancy test. The absence of the menstrual cycle a sure sign of pregnancy among women in the age of fertilization if it were a regular menstrual cycle.
And finally ...
10. Positive pregnancy test result. If you wait at least until the first day of the absence of the menstrual cycle for a pregnancy test and the back of the Blue Line at the mouth of the test tool, it is likely that you are "on the road to a family." Book the Mural appointment with your doctor to confirm the happy news,
In case you are very attentive to your body and rhythm, you may Tstpehin you are pregnant shortly after the occurrence of fertilization. But many women will not know of any early symptoms of pregnancy to be suspended and the fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall, after several days of fertilization. While other women do not notice any signs of pregnancy for weeks until they begin to wonder "Am I pregnant?" After menopause only. In the following lines to the list of the first signs of motherhood:
1. Insatiable desire for food. Yes, it is a known state, but insatiable desire for food can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy. Do not rely on it as one of the positive symptoms (may be all in your head or even the sign of the shortage of certain food in your body), but if the owner of this desire for some of the symptoms mentioned in this list, start and after calculation of days since last menstrual period.
2. Dark color in the aura surrounding the breast Bhelmh. If you become a circle around the Helmatk dark color, perhaps the process of fertilization has been successful, although the issue may be related to hormonal disorder also has nothing to do with pregnancy or that the effects of the remnants of a previous pregnancy.
3. Seeing drops of blood or cramps occur as a result of implantation and the stability of a fertilized egg.After about three days to ovulation, you may take some blood to the implantation, which is a light pink spots or brown in color, along with some contractions, due to the implantation of the egg in the lining of the uterus of the Interior. The notice also the descent of some blood in your menstrual cycle date.
4. Frequent urination. When lined the fetus and the pregnancy hormones start secreting hCG may find that you Tktherin from entering the bathroom.
5. Stress and the desire to sleep. Do you feel tired? But stress. May make you high levels of the hormone progesterone Thrawlin you feel like you're in a marathon when all they did was go to the employment office. The fatigue of the outstanding qualities of pregnancy, although it is not conclusive evidence in itself.
6. Tenderness and swelling in the breast. If you are pregnant, your breasts may become Trien, as is the case before the coming of your menstrual cycle, but little more. As your body gets used to the flow of hormones, the pain will subside. Increase breast size if this is your first pregnancy with the emergence of blue lines on the skin and feeling some pain with the change of color of the nipple so that tends to brown.
7. Changes in taste. You may notice that your sense of taste has changed. Some women say they feel a metallic taste in the mouth, while other women may taste of coffee or tea or a particular food were usually Ergpinh.
8. Morning sickness. If you're lucky, morning sickness will not Adahmk only a few weeks after fertilization. (A few unlucky not get it in total). But may Experiencing nausea and discomfort. This does not only happen in the morning, Valgthian associated with pregnancy may be a problem in the morning and at noon or evening.
9. The absence of the menstrual cycle. If your menstrual cycle was regular practice has been delayed, this time, you should do pregnancy test. The absence of the menstrual cycle a sure sign of pregnancy among women in the age of fertilization if it were a regular menstrual cycle.
And finally ...
10. Positive pregnancy test result. If you wait at least until the first day of the absence of the menstrual cycle for a pregnancy test and the back of the Blue Line at the mouth of the test tool, it is likely that you are "on the road to a family." Book the Mural appointment with your doctor to confirm the happy news,

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