Thalassemia in pregnancy
How do I know that I carry Thalassemia?
What should I do if I was pregnant and suffering from Thalassemia?
How do I know if my child unborn infected with Thalassemia?
How do I know that I carry Thalassemia?It is very common not to know of people who suffer from Thalassemia Minor that they are infected, because of the lack of noticeable symptoms usually has. If you're worried that one of you be you or your carrier of the disease, will determine your action routine blood tests if you are infected with Thalassemia Minor.
If one of you makes you or your spouse thalassemia patients and were you planning to become pregnant or expect a child already, you will need the other party to a blood test so they can assess the possibilities and risks. If test results are positive Ti_arka You can be the news value with the rest of the family, and who have to be tested if they are planning their part of pregnancy.
What should I do if I was pregnant and suffering from Thalassemia?Unfortunately, you can not do something to prevent the possible transfer of thalassemia to your baby. However, if you suffer from a mild type of thalassemia, there is a greater chance to be a healthy pregnancy. If you have thalassemia minor during pregnancy, you may be more susceptible to iron deficiency (anemia). However, the disease can affect the results of the beta-Thalassemia blood test during pregnancy, which will indicate that the stock you have low iron while it is not. If you are infected with Beta Thalassemia Minor, must Tkhaddaa for additional blood tests to make sure you suffer from a lack of iron in the blood, before taking iron tablets. If you become infected with anemia (anemia), you will need to take tablets (pills) containing iron supplements.
If you suffer from thalassemia, also should catch Eat 5 Mellj of folic acid daily.
Even women who suffer from beta thalassemia major the most dangerous they can have a healthy pregnancy if their situation has been addressed very well. If you're taking drugs to reduce the increase of iron you have, you should stop taking them you are pregnant. Talk to your doctor about Thalassemia and pregnancy.
How do I know if my child unborn infected with Thalassemia?If you are diagnosed with thalassemia minor and your spouse, there are three ways to find out if your child has inherited the disease or not.
• amniocentesis (CVS): and be taking a small sample of the placenta to conduct DNA testing DNA in the period between 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
• Alomenyusntesas: Examination of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby, and the test is conducted between 15 to 18 weeks of pregnancy.
• membrane sample of cord blood (PUBS): is taking a blood sample from the umbilical cord between 18-21 weeks of pregnancy. This test is less common, and is used only if it is in advanced stages of pregnancy or when the results of other tests are inconclusive and conclusive. If you're worried that your child may be infected with Thalassemia, Try to get the diagnosis early in pregnancy, because this information will give you time to Taathai you and your spouse for the command.
How do I know that I carry Thalassemia?
What should I do if I was pregnant and suffering from Thalassemia?
How do I know if my child unborn infected with Thalassemia?
How do I know that I carry Thalassemia?It is very common not to know of people who suffer from Thalassemia Minor that they are infected, because of the lack of noticeable symptoms usually has. If you're worried that one of you be you or your carrier of the disease, will determine your action routine blood tests if you are infected with Thalassemia Minor.
If one of you makes you or your spouse thalassemia patients and were you planning to become pregnant or expect a child already, you will need the other party to a blood test so they can assess the possibilities and risks. If test results are positive Ti_arka You can be the news value with the rest of the family, and who have to be tested if they are planning their part of pregnancy.
What should I do if I was pregnant and suffering from Thalassemia?Unfortunately, you can not do something to prevent the possible transfer of thalassemia to your baby. However, if you suffer from a mild type of thalassemia, there is a greater chance to be a healthy pregnancy. If you have thalassemia minor during pregnancy, you may be more susceptible to iron deficiency (anemia). However, the disease can affect the results of the beta-Thalassemia blood test during pregnancy, which will indicate that the stock you have low iron while it is not. If you are infected with Beta Thalassemia Minor, must Tkhaddaa for additional blood tests to make sure you suffer from a lack of iron in the blood, before taking iron tablets. If you become infected with anemia (anemia), you will need to take tablets (pills) containing iron supplements.
If you suffer from thalassemia, also should catch Eat 5 Mellj of folic acid daily.
Even women who suffer from beta thalassemia major the most dangerous they can have a healthy pregnancy if their situation has been addressed very well. If you're taking drugs to reduce the increase of iron you have, you should stop taking them you are pregnant. Talk to your doctor about Thalassemia and pregnancy.
How do I know if my child unborn infected with Thalassemia?If you are diagnosed with thalassemia minor and your spouse, there are three ways to find out if your child has inherited the disease or not.
• amniocentesis (CVS): and be taking a small sample of the placenta to conduct DNA testing DNA in the period between 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
• Alomenyusntesas: Examination of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby, and the test is conducted between 15 to 18 weeks of pregnancy.
• membrane sample of cord blood (PUBS): is taking a blood sample from the umbilical cord between 18-21 weeks of pregnancy. This test is less common, and is used only if it is in advanced stages of pregnancy or when the results of other tests are inconclusive and conclusive. If you're worried that your child may be infected with Thalassemia, Try to get the diagnosis early in pregnancy, because this information will give you time to Taathai you and your spouse for the command.

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