Ten Ways to overcome stress during pregnancy
What are the causes of stress during pregnancy?
1. Akhlqa time for yourself in order to attain a break
2. Yoga pregnancy
3. Talk about it
4. Relaxation and complementary therapies
5. Preparation for the birth
6. Change relations
7. Strategies in the regular-time work
8. Do you worry materialism?
9. Diet and exercise
10. Indulge yourself
What are the causes of stress during pregnancy?
There are many sources of tension during pregnancy, ranging from concern for the health and safety of your baby through the birth and near all the way to how to deal with the baby after birth. May be the reason behind the tension your trip daily to work that cause you stress or you are preoccupied with thinking about how to cover all the expenses necessary for the reception of the new baby. Whatever the reason behind your anxiety, there are many positive steps you can take to overcome such feelings.
1. Akhlqa time for yourself in order to attain a break
It's simple, but sometimes difficult to find time for yourself. The rest is not important to you alone but also for your child, so do not feel guilty when you relax, "without doing anything." At work, look for a place where you can extend your legs and raise the hands and relax during a break in the afternoon. In the evening, try to reduce household tasks. Washing to postpone a national holiday weekend, and try to forget about home based business for some time if you do not have a maid. If you have a child already, finding time to rest will be very difficult, so the kids were invited one evening under the auspices of your husband or girlfriend or your grandfather or grandmother, while you get the convenience of a well-deserved Tsthakanha.
2. Yoga pregnancy
The yoga during pregnancy helps your body to stay in the best case, but may help relaxation techniques that Staenk during labor and affect the well during pregnancy. If you are to fall prey to feelings of anxiety or passed earlier episodes of loss of control on the nerves, the practice of breathing and relaxation techniques may help you a lot. Ask your doctor if you know about the classes or pregnancy yoga classes in the area where Tqtunain.
3. Talk about it
If you are worried about the health of your child and whether it will generate a full safety and health, you are certainly not alone. Will help you a lot to talk about these concerns with either your husband or your mother or your friend with children. It will certainly Charkk your fears in other pregnant women who Tkablin in prenatal classes, while the doctor or midwife or a trained prenatal classes reassure your heart.
4. Relaxation and complementary therapies
Massage during pregnancy is a great way to get rid of tension, and there are many books on the market that contains tips and instructions on how to make the massage as an aid to relaxation.
If you are using an aromatic massage oils or essential oils, it is important to make sure that the safe use during pregnancy because some of them inappropriate in the first and last thirds of gestation. The oils that can be used safely after the twentieth week of pregnancy include lavender oils (lavender) and those extracted from citrus and ylang ylang, but you must check with a specialist aromatherapy massage oils.
The Rivleksologi massage or light pressure on the ends of synapses, a nice way to relax is also provided to make sure to find a specialist and professional trained to work with pregnant women. There is no evidence that this type of massage increases the risk of aborting the fetus. Preferably question your doctor to guide you to a specialist professional.
Some expectant mothers find relief from tension and stress in the therapeutic Bach flowers available in health food stores or some pharmacies and private treatment of nuts (walnuts).
May also help meditation and positive visualization techniques. It is a meditation relaxation techniques through mental focus, and imagination is a positive way to get rid of feelings of anxiety by creating an image of internal calm landscape, for example. Look for books that explain how to get to relax by using these methods if you do not you have already tried before. Buy some music tapes emitters to relax with a quiet background because it is an excellent way to rest your mind and your thoughts. Choose the right time, which you know you will not be exposing yourself to any inconvenience during, and try to give yourself at least thirty minutes.
5. Preparation for the birth
You may feel worried about the birth and how close to the face of pain and the possibility of making yourself a laughingstock? What about your husband's face for the event? Find out about the mechanisms of labor (birth) as well as physical and emotional changes of each stage of the birth through participation in prenatal classes, or by reading books, magazines, and collect information from site "BabyCenter". Help you see the subject in the sense of confidence and the ability to control the reins.
If you Stddin in the hospital, will help you to visit the maternity ward and labor room before the date of birth so that you know what to expect.
Some women feel very concerned about labor, so they prefer caesarean section to vaginal delivery. Know these fears as "Tokovobaa" or the fear of birth, which is widespread. Talk to your doctor or midwife about your fears. Research has shown that it can remedy this situation by providing the right advice and the necessary support, and have found that cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the choices available that can alleviate the problem.
6. Change relations
Very natural to worry about the impact of the new baby on your relationship with your husband, or how your disposal a new mother. Motherhood is one of the things that Taatalminha with time during the journey, and usually there is no right or wrong, you need only to do what you feel is right. Try to spend some time with a friend who has a child so small You meet them on some tips and useful ideas.
7. Strategies in the regular-time work
Like many women these days, you may plan to become irregular attendance at work (ie, daily attendance) until a few weeks before the due date because you want to leave more time you spend with your child after birth. The regular attendance (a leading cause of tension for expectant mothers, the problem is worse in the more advanced stages of pregnancy.Ask your manager if you can avoid the busy times. Perhaps you start work early and Tnhenh're early or work from home for a day or two days a week if possible.
8. Do you worry materialism?
Concern may include facilities for the arrival of a new born baby to think about additional expenses. If you are assigned to think about how to cover the expenses necessary, put the list (in order of priority) and then Decide what are the things that you can borrow one from friends or relatives. It does not matter already buy everything, especially some of the things that Moses basket, for example, is usually used only for a few months.
9. Diet and exercise
Eating snacks sedative can reduce the hormone that appears in times of tension. More foods containing vitamin B, such as whole grain bread or whole grain rice, the rates of the hormone serotonin, a hormone, anti-tension. Necessary to make sure you eat a balanced healthy food during pregnancy.
Onariyadh has also proven useful in getting rid of physical tension, it should be continued in the performance of a sport that you are activity patterns before pregnancy - as long as was safe to follow. If you you prepare a description from the ranks of team sport, it must always inform the coach that you are pregnant.
Swimming is a sport where the ideal in pregnancy keeps your body in the best state of health without loading too much on your joints, but be careful of a lot of breaststroke has caused pain in the back. The water aerobics classes for pregnant women, is deemed also a fun way to maintain fitness.
At work, make sure you stand up and walking in the place regularly, especially if your work desk. At the time of the lunch break, go! Out of the office to get the fresh air and that for ten minutes if the weather allows you to do so.
10. Indulge yourself
The laughter is one of the best ways that give rise to relax the body, so Meet a group of friends or go to the cinema to see the latest comedies.
Enjoy the holiday weekend, and Milk of your time to spend the most enjoyable moments only you and your spouse or Treat yourself to go to a beauty salon (or spa) contains a special section on pregnant ladies.
The pregnancy is the perfect time to pamper yourself and Tnama cosmetic treatments that do not use at normal times. When your belly to grow enough to prevent you from trimming nails your feet, enjoy the pedicure session.
If you need to pamper yourself - you deserve it.
What are the causes of stress during pregnancy?
1. Akhlqa time for yourself in order to attain a break
2. Yoga pregnancy
3. Talk about it
4. Relaxation and complementary therapies
5. Preparation for the birth
6. Change relations
7. Strategies in the regular-time work
8. Do you worry materialism?
9. Diet and exercise
10. Indulge yourself
What are the causes of stress during pregnancy?
There are many sources of tension during pregnancy, ranging from concern for the health and safety of your baby through the birth and near all the way to how to deal with the baby after birth. May be the reason behind the tension your trip daily to work that cause you stress or you are preoccupied with thinking about how to cover all the expenses necessary for the reception of the new baby. Whatever the reason behind your anxiety, there are many positive steps you can take to overcome such feelings.
1. Akhlqa time for yourself in order to attain a break
It's simple, but sometimes difficult to find time for yourself. The rest is not important to you alone but also for your child, so do not feel guilty when you relax, "without doing anything." At work, look for a place where you can extend your legs and raise the hands and relax during a break in the afternoon. In the evening, try to reduce household tasks. Washing to postpone a national holiday weekend, and try to forget about home based business for some time if you do not have a maid. If you have a child already, finding time to rest will be very difficult, so the kids were invited one evening under the auspices of your husband or girlfriend or your grandfather or grandmother, while you get the convenience of a well-deserved Tsthakanha.
2. Yoga pregnancy
The yoga during pregnancy helps your body to stay in the best case, but may help relaxation techniques that Staenk during labor and affect the well during pregnancy. If you are to fall prey to feelings of anxiety or passed earlier episodes of loss of control on the nerves, the practice of breathing and relaxation techniques may help you a lot. Ask your doctor if you know about the classes or pregnancy yoga classes in the area where Tqtunain.
3. Talk about it
If you are worried about the health of your child and whether it will generate a full safety and health, you are certainly not alone. Will help you a lot to talk about these concerns with either your husband or your mother or your friend with children. It will certainly Charkk your fears in other pregnant women who Tkablin in prenatal classes, while the doctor or midwife or a trained prenatal classes reassure your heart.
4. Relaxation and complementary therapies
Massage during pregnancy is a great way to get rid of tension, and there are many books on the market that contains tips and instructions on how to make the massage as an aid to relaxation.
If you are using an aromatic massage oils or essential oils, it is important to make sure that the safe use during pregnancy because some of them inappropriate in the first and last thirds of gestation. The oils that can be used safely after the twentieth week of pregnancy include lavender oils (lavender) and those extracted from citrus and ylang ylang, but you must check with a specialist aromatherapy massage oils.
The Rivleksologi massage or light pressure on the ends of synapses, a nice way to relax is also provided to make sure to find a specialist and professional trained to work with pregnant women. There is no evidence that this type of massage increases the risk of aborting the fetus. Preferably question your doctor to guide you to a specialist professional.
Some expectant mothers find relief from tension and stress in the therapeutic Bach flowers available in health food stores or some pharmacies and private treatment of nuts (walnuts).
May also help meditation and positive visualization techniques. It is a meditation relaxation techniques through mental focus, and imagination is a positive way to get rid of feelings of anxiety by creating an image of internal calm landscape, for example. Look for books that explain how to get to relax by using these methods if you do not you have already tried before. Buy some music tapes emitters to relax with a quiet background because it is an excellent way to rest your mind and your thoughts. Choose the right time, which you know you will not be exposing yourself to any inconvenience during, and try to give yourself at least thirty minutes.
5. Preparation for the birth
You may feel worried about the birth and how close to the face of pain and the possibility of making yourself a laughingstock? What about your husband's face for the event? Find out about the mechanisms of labor (birth) as well as physical and emotional changes of each stage of the birth through participation in prenatal classes, or by reading books, magazines, and collect information from site "BabyCenter". Help you see the subject in the sense of confidence and the ability to control the reins.
If you Stddin in the hospital, will help you to visit the maternity ward and labor room before the date of birth so that you know what to expect.
Some women feel very concerned about labor, so they prefer caesarean section to vaginal delivery. Know these fears as "Tokovobaa" or the fear of birth, which is widespread. Talk to your doctor or midwife about your fears. Research has shown that it can remedy this situation by providing the right advice and the necessary support, and have found that cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the choices available that can alleviate the problem.
6. Change relations
Very natural to worry about the impact of the new baby on your relationship with your husband, or how your disposal a new mother. Motherhood is one of the things that Taatalminha with time during the journey, and usually there is no right or wrong, you need only to do what you feel is right. Try to spend some time with a friend who has a child so small You meet them on some tips and useful ideas.
7. Strategies in the regular-time work
Like many women these days, you may plan to become irregular attendance at work (ie, daily attendance) until a few weeks before the due date because you want to leave more time you spend with your child after birth. The regular attendance (a leading cause of tension for expectant mothers, the problem is worse in the more advanced stages of pregnancy.Ask your manager if you can avoid the busy times. Perhaps you start work early and Tnhenh're early or work from home for a day or two days a week if possible.
8. Do you worry materialism?
Concern may include facilities for the arrival of a new born baby to think about additional expenses. If you are assigned to think about how to cover the expenses necessary, put the list (in order of priority) and then Decide what are the things that you can borrow one from friends or relatives. It does not matter already buy everything, especially some of the things that Moses basket, for example, is usually used only for a few months.
9. Diet and exercise
Eating snacks sedative can reduce the hormone that appears in times of tension. More foods containing vitamin B, such as whole grain bread or whole grain rice, the rates of the hormone serotonin, a hormone, anti-tension. Necessary to make sure you eat a balanced healthy food during pregnancy.
Onariyadh has also proven useful in getting rid of physical tension, it should be continued in the performance of a sport that you are activity patterns before pregnancy - as long as was safe to follow. If you you prepare a description from the ranks of team sport, it must always inform the coach that you are pregnant.
Swimming is a sport where the ideal in pregnancy keeps your body in the best state of health without loading too much on your joints, but be careful of a lot of breaststroke has caused pain in the back. The water aerobics classes for pregnant women, is deemed also a fun way to maintain fitness.
At work, make sure you stand up and walking in the place regularly, especially if your work desk. At the time of the lunch break, go! Out of the office to get the fresh air and that for ten minutes if the weather allows you to do so.
10. Indulge yourself
The laughter is one of the best ways that give rise to relax the body, so Meet a group of friends or go to the cinema to see the latest comedies.
Enjoy the holiday weekend, and Milk of your time to spend the most enjoyable moments only you and your spouse or Treat yourself to go to a beauty salon (or spa) contains a special section on pregnant ladies.
The pregnancy is the perfect time to pamper yourself and Tnama cosmetic treatments that do not use at normal times. When your belly to grow enough to prevent you from trimming nails your feet, enjoy the pedicure session.
If you need to pamper yourself - you deserve it.

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