Friday, December 16, 2011

Support the interdependence of the brothers

Support the interdependence of the brothers
    Invited both of your babies interested in the other
Look at each child as an independent person
Take time for your first baby
Habar dispute
Listen to complaints and understand what your children are concerned
From conflict to peace

The first thing you think about it when discovering you are pregnant a second child is to focus on the benefits likely to bring a brother or sister for your child first, not the scene of sibling rivalry. But often accompanies being a mother of two children or more games tug of war, and the disk (fingers) in the back seat of the car, and the debate about the simple things on the dining table. So, is the task of helping the brothers to get along together more tasks faced by parents difficult. To support your children to build a strong bond for life, you must follow six steps to achieve clarity of brotherhood.
Invited both of your babies interested in the otherEncourage your children to take care of each other: Let the older child reads a bedtime story to his younger sister, or ask your child's vernacular, if they would like to pat on the back of her younger brother before slumber at noon, or Aqtrahi to accept your child's younger sister, when the major crying because they are injured while playing .
Take advantage of every opportunity to take a step back and let your children care for each other. If your child with a three years kicking his sister when the baby crying, rather than comfort her, let him try to interest Balredaah (without hurt). This way, your toddler will see the same people, compassionate, and not a troublemaker. On the other hand, your child will be considered the baby brother, the largest man meek and compassionate.
Look at each child as an independent personNot surprising that your children ask you who is dearest to you. While inclined to tell them that you Thpinhm equally, the fact that they do not want to hear it, but like all of them that love him love unique and special.
Instead, you can say something like: "you" Hala "only, and there is no one like you in all this wide world."
Another way to help each child a sense of personal value are you to be specific in your praise: "You eat your food well", "You arrange your games big boy", "you are very generous when it participated sister part of your piece of candy."
But be wary of the comparison, nothing breeds resentment and anger, such as the construction of praise at the expense of another child: "Why not be arranged, such as your sister?", Or "brother-sensitive table manners than you do!".
Even praise compared risk may spark hostility, perhaps you mean to say: "I grew up enough to wear your clothes yourself, no longer Kalsgar", but your child most may wish then to beat his sister to the point of feeling threatened by the older and can wear her clothes on their own.
Try to avoid classification of characters your children according to specific roles, such as if one mind, and other beauty, and one-Latif, another awkward, because the growth of the child requires testing many diverse roles, and you Tkhaatrin that make him interesting to the troubles of his life, and that the upset of the success of his brother in roles he hoped Try it by himself.
_khassa Time for your first babyAccounts for the new baby may all your interest, but try to set aside time for your first baby and where Tkonan Haddkma, even for a few minutes before bedtime, or listen to it when speaking to you.
Think of the biggest ways to help your child not to feel neglected when the junior, Tatnin. If you are younger Strdaan you can say "small Sareda now you want to read or you take a rest?". Make your first baby know that you are thinking about their needs as well.
Do not forget to put your baby in front of the biggest time to time. And from time to time, when the baby cries, rather than to say "small noise issue, Antzerna" Try to say, "Wait a little, O, I have to fasten your brother's largest pair of shoes." Baby can wait a few minutes, your child will see that it solves the biggest at the top of your priorities in some cases.
Habar disputeCan not avoid some sibling rivalry in the reality of family life when you have more than one child. Not logically expect that the brothers share love and cooperation all the time. Some experts believe that otherwise the brothers during childhood, a chance for them to learn the skills needed to settle their affairs during their relationship in the future.
Help your children understand that it is normal to feel upset and frustration, sometimes people die, but that does not mean that our attention be paid to reduce them. You may begin to help them to find positive ways to express their feelings and reconcile their differences.
Listen to complaints and understand what your children are concernedListen to your child's complaints of his brother, rather than ignored, and Hdjaehma to listen to each other.
Would try to Astmaltk to Being a part of the following provision: "You are always Tsain to your sister," or you're a lawyer: "I will stand on the side of Mary, for you taken over all a game," or Talba the role of the warden: "You stay inside your room to be able to post Abdullah play robot. " But sometimes it is better not to the exercise of their problem on their behalf.
Simply put, if you listen to your child tells you about the extent of his jealousy and anger, or pain from his brother support you will feel it, thus reducing the annoyance of his brother. I do not have to match the point of view, because your role is confined to stay calm and mediator listens to the story by each of them, so that every child feels that you are of them and captured in his reputation.
From conflict to peaceHelp your babies to understand the reality of their feelings: "seem very angry at each other," or understanding of their desires: "glad you like the fact that playing a car fire, and you, O Muhammad, wish I could play them well." Then, you can guide them towards a compromise solution: "Do you Todan Imagine having a fire and you are playing together, or Todan to take each other's role in the play?".
For Talvk that crawls on the ground with his feet and screaming with rage, you can help that auscultatory what they feel, for example: "that angers you collide with small Bmkaabatk and shoot it down. To look for a safe place where we play with blocks without that to happen."
If the fight broke out, and Avsalehma Amnhehma a chance to calm down, then Saeidihma that begin to express what Azaajhma in a more positive, by talking and listening and then reach a settlement.

Women's Health


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