Safe baby shower

Bath time can be fun for you and your child, but you must remember the following tips for safety:
• Whatever the type of tool do you use to wash your baby, whether a chair or pillar, do not leave the child alone and unattended in the bathroom at all. Prepare everything you need to shower before you begin: towels, towels, and purposes of the preparation, landscaping, and clean nappy and pajamas. If a knock on the door or the phone rang and I felt the need to answer, for in the child in a towel or a towel and take him with you.
• Do not put your child at all in the bathtub (bathtub), while tap water is still open, may change the water temperature or water level becomes too high and deep.
• boy cold water first, then hot, reducing the risk of your child's exposure to combustion hot water.
• Make the family bath safe place to put a rubber bath mat and covered with water taps.
• Strive to make the water comfortably warm, not hot, and the temperature was about 38 degrees Celsius, it has proved that this would help children to maintain their body temperature.
• For newborns and children up to age six months, you have to fill the (bath) tub about five inches of water, or enough to make the water up to your shoulders. Should never fill the bathtub above the waist line (in the sitting position) for older children.
• In the case of children who are able to sit down, help you much chair shower of their own, but it is not a substitute for monitoring your child all the time, it happened between 1989 and 2003 drowning of six children in Britain by leaving them alone in a chair bathing their own without supervision .
• Teach your child the need to sit for the duration of the shower.
• Many of the parents and the children love bath time, while others do not like it. It is up to you to determine the number of times in the bath for your child, and it is important to be clean of dirt enough. Itsch older children are faster and usually enjoy taking bath daily. Do not wash your hair the baby or older child every day, because their hair produces little oil after the first few weeks of birth, and sufficient washing it once a week.
• Use soap, shampoo and bubble bath in small quantities, because the excessive use of these materials can make your baby's skin dry and sensitive. Choose a nice foam soap or bath products for children. Might like to shift between washing your baby with detergent or baby shower with water only. Avoid strong soaps or products intended for adults.
• Make sure you adjust the water heater to a maximum temperature of 49 degrees Celsius, has exposed the child to burn in less than a minute to the water temperature reaches 60 degreesA percentage.
• Do not allow your child to touch the water taps. Even if he could not open it now, soon he will do and are likely to suffer serious injuries.
• Try to reduce the loss of a child's body temperature after the bath, which is very important for the newborn. Make sure the heating temperature of the room, wrapped the child with a towel or a towel to cover her head, and then dry it immediately after the nappy stuck. To a dry towel or sheet again, and Ahtdhanah for ten minutes to help him stay warm. After completely stuck to the back sheet is dry and warm.
• Do not ever leave your baby unattended (Yes, it is very important so that we remember him twice). Children are drowned in less than an inch of water in less than sixty seconds.
Bath time can be fun for you and your child, but you must remember the following tips for safety:
• Whatever the type of tool do you use to wash your baby, whether a chair or pillar, do not leave the child alone and unattended in the bathroom at all. Prepare everything you need to shower before you begin: towels, towels, and purposes of the preparation, landscaping, and clean nappy and pajamas. If a knock on the door or the phone rang and I felt the need to answer, for in the child in a towel or a towel and take him with you.
• Do not put your child at all in the bathtub (bathtub), while tap water is still open, may change the water temperature or water level becomes too high and deep.
• boy cold water first, then hot, reducing the risk of your child's exposure to combustion hot water.
• Make the family bath safe place to put a rubber bath mat and covered with water taps.
• Strive to make the water comfortably warm, not hot, and the temperature was about 38 degrees Celsius, it has proved that this would help children to maintain their body temperature.
• For newborns and children up to age six months, you have to fill the (bath) tub about five inches of water, or enough to make the water up to your shoulders. Should never fill the bathtub above the waist line (in the sitting position) for older children.
• In the case of children who are able to sit down, help you much chair shower of their own, but it is not a substitute for monitoring your child all the time, it happened between 1989 and 2003 drowning of six children in Britain by leaving them alone in a chair bathing their own without supervision .
• Teach your child the need to sit for the duration of the shower.
• Many of the parents and the children love bath time, while others do not like it. It is up to you to determine the number of times in the bath for your child, and it is important to be clean of dirt enough. Itsch older children are faster and usually enjoy taking bath daily. Do not wash your hair the baby or older child every day, because their hair produces little oil after the first few weeks of birth, and sufficient washing it once a week.
• Use soap, shampoo and bubble bath in small quantities, because the excessive use of these materials can make your baby's skin dry and sensitive. Choose a nice foam soap or bath products for children. Might like to shift between washing your baby with detergent or baby shower with water only. Avoid strong soaps or products intended for adults.
• Make sure you adjust the water heater to a maximum temperature of 49 degrees Celsius, has exposed the child to burn in less than a minute to the water temperature reaches 60 degreesA percentage.
• Do not allow your child to touch the water taps. Even if he could not open it now, soon he will do and are likely to suffer serious injuries.
• Try to reduce the loss of a child's body temperature after the bath, which is very important for the newborn. Make sure the heating temperature of the room, wrapped the child with a towel or a towel to cover her head, and then dry it immediately after the nappy stuck. To a dry towel or sheet again, and Ahtdhanah for ten minutes to help him stay warm. After completely stuck to the back sheet is dry and warm.
• Do not ever leave your baby unattended (Yes, it is very important so that we remember him twice). Children are drowned in less than an inch of water in less than sixty seconds.

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