Routine blood tests
When you open a pregnancy or booking date
Blood group
Rhesus factor
Iron levels in the blood
German measles (rubella)
Hepatitis B
Syphilis or syphilis
Examine the potential defects
When you open a pregnancy or booking dateBlood tests are a routine part of health care with stand. When you go for the first time to visit the doctor or the so-called book the appointment or registration in the clinic pregnant pregnancy or open a file, you will be asked to give a blood sample, in order to check the following:
• blood group• whether the rhesus or Rh have negative or positive• The level of hemoglobin (hemoglobin or Roe) you have• defects in red blood cells (sickle cell disease or thalassemia)• your immunity against German measles (rubella)• What if you have syphilis (syphilis) or hepatitis B• What if you have HIV AIDS
The tests (screening) blood raw necessary and very important because it gives you and give supervisors to follow your pregnancy is important information about your health and any potential problems during pregnancy may Tsadwinha.
Sometime in the first stage of your pregnancy, you should also Tkhaddaa the so-called test or blood test or analysis of the primary, which will tell you the potential for risk of carrying a child with defects in the chromosomes, God forbid, such as Down syndrome Mongolian. If you are owners of the Rhesus (RhD) negative, will be examined antibodies in your blood every four weeks starting from week 28 and above, or, according to the protocol followed in the hospital you go to.
Blood groupIt is important to know your blood group in case you need a transfer or diversion of blood during pregnancy or childbirth. Category O is the most common, followed by Class A and B, and AB.
Rhesus or RhYou need your doctor or midwife to see if you are owners of RhD positive, which means that you have a certain protein on the surface of red blood cells, or owners of RhD negative, which means you do not Temtlkin this protein.
If you have a rhesus negative while the husband is positive, there is a chance that the baby's rhesus positive. In this case, your body may produce antibodies start destroying your child's red blood cells. (Read more about the Rhesus (Rh) negative and what it means).
Iron levels in the bloodBlood test can indicate if the levels of hemoglobin you have a low, an indicator of the presence of anemia (anemia). Your blood needs iron to produce hemoglobin, which in turn carries oxygen around the body to the red blood cells. If you are infected with anemia, your doctor will prescribe tablets (pills) iron.
Hemoglobin will be checked again in the twenty-eighth week, but if you feel very tired and stress, will be concluded to check your iron levels.
German measles (rubella)If you do not have immunity to rubella, you will be advised to take the vaccine (vaccinated) against the disease when they give birth to your child. During pregnancy, stay away from anyone who has or is likely to be infected, because in the case of rubella infection picked up while you are pregnant, may severely hit your baby's heart and senses of sight and sound it has.
Hepatitis BCan pregnant hepatitis B without even know it, so a blood test is often the only way to make sure the issue. If you pass the disease to your child before or after birth, God forbid, his liver would be affected seriously. Can be given to children at risk of capture hepatitis B from their mothers an injection of the vaccine (vaccination) and the antibodies when born to protect them.
Syphilis or syphilisUnless this situation is treated during pregnancy, may cause defects in the child's birth, or even dead, God forbid. Sometimes, giving your blood test is called syphilis "the positive result of the error," as a result of the difficulty of distinguishing the bacteria that causes syphilis from other similar types of bacteria. If you have been diagnosed with syphilis (syphilis), you will Tadjin penicillin, which will protect your child from disease as well.
AIDS or HIVYou may have a blood test to check AIDS or HIV. If you find you have the infection during pregnancy, God forbid, steps can be taken and procedures to reduce the chances of transmitting the virus to your baby during pregnancy or at birth or after. Find out more about AIDS or HIV and pregnancy.
Examine the potential defectsYou may have a screening test for genetic defects. The best screening test is to collect the results of blood tests with CT of the neck of the background which is taken at the end of the first stage of pregnancy. As well as through meetings of the imaging ultrasound sequence.
These tests give you a test rate of the risk of having problems with your child. If you want to make sure of the order, must be conducted diagnostic test, such as the withdrawal of a sample of tissue to see the fertilized genetic diseases or test Alomenyusntesas.
When you open a pregnancy or booking date
Blood group
Rhesus factor
Iron levels in the blood
German measles (rubella)
Hepatitis B
Syphilis or syphilis
Examine the potential defects
When you open a pregnancy or booking dateBlood tests are a routine part of health care with stand. When you go for the first time to visit the doctor or the so-called book the appointment or registration in the clinic pregnant pregnancy or open a file, you will be asked to give a blood sample, in order to check the following:
• blood group• whether the rhesus or Rh have negative or positive• The level of hemoglobin (hemoglobin or Roe) you have• defects in red blood cells (sickle cell disease or thalassemia)• your immunity against German measles (rubella)• What if you have syphilis (syphilis) or hepatitis B• What if you have HIV AIDS
The tests (screening) blood raw necessary and very important because it gives you and give supervisors to follow your pregnancy is important information about your health and any potential problems during pregnancy may Tsadwinha.
Sometime in the first stage of your pregnancy, you should also Tkhaddaa the so-called test or blood test or analysis of the primary, which will tell you the potential for risk of carrying a child with defects in the chromosomes, God forbid, such as Down syndrome Mongolian. If you are owners of the Rhesus (RhD) negative, will be examined antibodies in your blood every four weeks starting from week 28 and above, or, according to the protocol followed in the hospital you go to.
Blood groupIt is important to know your blood group in case you need a transfer or diversion of blood during pregnancy or childbirth. Category O is the most common, followed by Class A and B, and AB.
Rhesus or RhYou need your doctor or midwife to see if you are owners of RhD positive, which means that you have a certain protein on the surface of red blood cells, or owners of RhD negative, which means you do not Temtlkin this protein.
If you have a rhesus negative while the husband is positive, there is a chance that the baby's rhesus positive. In this case, your body may produce antibodies start destroying your child's red blood cells. (Read more about the Rhesus (Rh) negative and what it means).
Iron levels in the bloodBlood test can indicate if the levels of hemoglobin you have a low, an indicator of the presence of anemia (anemia). Your blood needs iron to produce hemoglobin, which in turn carries oxygen around the body to the red blood cells. If you are infected with anemia, your doctor will prescribe tablets (pills) iron.
Hemoglobin will be checked again in the twenty-eighth week, but if you feel very tired and stress, will be concluded to check your iron levels.
German measles (rubella)If you do not have immunity to rubella, you will be advised to take the vaccine (vaccinated) against the disease when they give birth to your child. During pregnancy, stay away from anyone who has or is likely to be infected, because in the case of rubella infection picked up while you are pregnant, may severely hit your baby's heart and senses of sight and sound it has.
Hepatitis BCan pregnant hepatitis B without even know it, so a blood test is often the only way to make sure the issue. If you pass the disease to your child before or after birth, God forbid, his liver would be affected seriously. Can be given to children at risk of capture hepatitis B from their mothers an injection of the vaccine (vaccination) and the antibodies when born to protect them.
Syphilis or syphilisUnless this situation is treated during pregnancy, may cause defects in the child's birth, or even dead, God forbid. Sometimes, giving your blood test is called syphilis "the positive result of the error," as a result of the difficulty of distinguishing the bacteria that causes syphilis from other similar types of bacteria. If you have been diagnosed with syphilis (syphilis), you will Tadjin penicillin, which will protect your child from disease as well.
AIDS or HIVYou may have a blood test to check AIDS or HIV. If you find you have the infection during pregnancy, God forbid, steps can be taken and procedures to reduce the chances of transmitting the virus to your baby during pregnancy or at birth or after. Find out more about AIDS or HIV and pregnancy.
Examine the potential defectsYou may have a screening test for genetic defects. The best screening test is to collect the results of blood tests with CT of the neck of the background which is taken at the end of the first stage of pregnancy. As well as through meetings of the imaging ultrasound sequence.
These tests give you a test rate of the risk of having problems with your child. If you want to make sure of the order, must be conducted diagnostic test, such as the withdrawal of a sample of tissue to see the fertilized genetic diseases or test Alomenyusntesas.

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