Painful menstrual cycles
What causes painful menstrual cycles?
What are the symptoms of dysmenorrhea?
Ways Tsaeidin by yourself
Are there any medicines available?
Other possible treatments
Can painful menstrual cycles affect on fertility have?
Will the children to reduce the reproductive menstrual pain?
What causes painful menstrual cycles?The medical term for painful menstrual cycles is dysmenorrhea. Doctors tell us about primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea:
Primary dysmenorrhea: is a common complaint in young women, but it is difficult to determine the number of women who suffer from it accurately. The results indicate that between 43 to 93 percent of young women suffer from a form of dysmenorrhea, and 4 to 23 percent are registering cases of severe menstrual distress. You may have women who suffer from severe menstrual hardship cases to be absent from school or take time off work for a day or two each month. Some girls find that the first monthly Dorathen painful, while others find that the menstrual cycle gradually become painful during the 6 months to the 12 following the first period for them. Pain occurs because of an imbalance in prostaglandins in the body (chemicals that affect blood pressure and body temperature and makes the uterus Anaqbd).
Secondary dysmenorrhea tends to start later than the initial shortness of menopause, and usually affects women aged between 30 and 45 years. It occurs because of a problem, such as the lining of the uterus migrating tumor or pelvic inflammatory disease. Tumor lining of the uterus is a medical condition occurs when the tissues are similar to the lining of the uterus outside the uterus, but gather the blood that comes out every month. Pelvic inflammatory disease occurs because of the long-term infection in the pelvis. It can occur secondary dysmenorrhea also because of the fibroids within the uterus or a tool to prevent pregnancy, such as the IUD. Matter while doctors treat these underlying problems, you are healing the pain associated with menstrual cycle the same way as the initial treatment of dysmenorrhea.
What are the symptoms of dysmenorrhea?You might become all or some of the following:
• You may feel tired or exhausted to the point that you are not so well in general.
• Pain may begin 24 hours before the descent of menstruation, and lasts about 36 hours.
• Pain may come in the form of contractions, or be constant and continuous, or both cases apply to him.
• You may feel pain in the abdomen or lower back or bottom of the inner thighs.
• There may be pain in the vagina as well.
• you may have other symptoms, including diarrhea, headache, vomiting, bloating and mood swings.
Ways Tsaeidin by yourselfIf you have painful menstrual period, perhaps afraid of this "time of the month," which begins the symptoms and repeated again. However, there are many modifications that you can make in your lifestyle and help you in such a situation:
• When increasing pain, Rest as much as possible and put hot water bottle wrapped in a towel on your stomach or put them in the highest part of your back and smaller.
• Pain may get worse because of stress and anxiety, so try some relaxation techniques. Do not worry about all the things that you feel that you have to do, Give yourself time to recover.
• It may help to watch your weight and exercise regularly. Aim to work out two or three times a week for 30 minutes, or swimming or cycling or brisk walking, according to what suits you best. This will improve your joints and your circulation, and may help your body to deal with the loss of blood during menstruation.
• painful menstrual cycles are more common and severe in smokers. In addition to all other health benefits of being a non-smoker, this is the case a good reason to quit smoking.
• may worsen pain if you have a screw (intrauterine device). The modern IUD within the uterus, such as the IUD hormone release hormones relieve dysmenorrhea. Think about the use of one alternative or try a different kind of contraception.
Are there any medicines available?A wide range of drugs classified Kmsknat NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory), which are useful. You can buy from the pharmacy:
• Aspirin
• Ibuprofen
• naproxen
• mefenamic acid
It works to reduce the amount of prostaglandins produced by your body. Start eating drive by a day or two of the expected date of your menstrual cycle and keep taking them over the first two days of the menstrual cycle. It is better not to take it for a long time every month without consulting your doctor. Each has an unsatisfactory side effects, such as inflammation of the lining of the stomach. If your doctor does not want you to take as many of these drugs, you may suggest paracetamol or Alkobroksmol Instead, although the research suggests that these species are not effective analgesics such as the NSAIDs.
In some cases, described the pill (contraceptive compound that is taken by mouth or COC) for painful menstrual cycles. They contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone and prevents the ovaries from landing an egg each month. It also prevents the lining of the uterus filled with blood in preparation for a possible pregnancy. Because the blood is less, it becomes menopause have much lighter, and therefore less pain.
I have been using the pill for the treatment of painful menstrual cycles since the sixties of the last century, but at this time contain much lower levels of hormones than it was forty years ago. It is uncertain whether the "low-dose" of the new pill effective in the treatment of painful menstrual cycles. Review and summaries of reported Cokraan in research related to that: "We can not draw any conclusions about the effectiveness of the use of oral contraceptive compound commonly used dose at least for the treatment of dysmenorrhea." This does not mean that the pill is specifically useful for the monthly sessions, and advised to use modern tools inside the uterus, such as the IUD to reduce heavy menstrual cycles and may also help relieve painful menstrual cycles as a result.
Other drugs that can be described by a doctor to reduce the menstrual cycle are progesterone and its derivatives, and Aldanasul, and isotopes of the catalyst of hormone secretion Jawnadotrovin, however this may have serious side effects of drugs.
Other possible treatmentsPossible treatments include the following:
• SurgeryMay think that women suffering from dysmenorrhea secondary very sharp to undergo surgery. There are two types of processes: the eradication of cervical nerve and presacral neurectomy (PSN). These operations are conducted in the outpatient so you do not have to stay or to stay overnight in hospital. The goal of surgery is to reduce the painful sessions by blocking the sensory nerve fibers of the cervix and filling the path of pain. However, I found the review and summaries Cokraan that there is only limited evidence supports the use of these techniques for the treatment of dysmenorrhea.
Of course, will address hysterectomy (removal of uterus), painful menstrual cycles problem once and for all, but that is not an option for women who want to start a family or having more children.
• TENS (Electronic stimulation of the nerve through the skin)A stimulation of the nerve-mail through the skin TENS, which is size of a cassette tape almost mild electrical impulses pass through electrodes placed on the body (at the bottom of the back in most cases). May be the frequency of the pulses high or low. Research has shown that high frequency stimulation of the nerve-mail through the skin is very effective in reducing painful menstrual cycles. You may want to talk with your doctor about the best types of TENS devices do you buy or Tstajrenha, or about the possibility of description of this device for you.
• acupunctureUnfortunately, there is very little research on the use of acupuncture to treat painful menstrual cycles. However, a review and summaries Cokraan study provides one high quality, but small, and found that acupuncture is very positive impact. If you do not like taking any kind of medication, it may be useful to try acupuncture.
• physical therapy of the spineSome people believe that physical therapy for the bones down the spine relieves pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that go to the pelvis and reduces menstrual pain. So far, research shows that were held that the physical therapy of the spine has no effect on dysmenorrhea, whether primary or secondary.
• herbal remedies, vitamins, and mineralsDespite the great interest in recent years using herbs and vitamin supplements in the treatment of painful menstrual cycles and complaints "female" other, there is very little evidence to say that they are effective. Been verified by vitamin B 6, vitamin E, fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids), and Japanese herbs and reviewed with the participation of Cokraan, but is not reached firm conclusions. But it turned out that vitamin B-1 is an effective treatment when taking a dose of 100 mg daily, magnesium also may help reduce the pain of dysmenorrhea.
Can painful menstrual cycles affect on fertility have?This depends on the cause of the pain. Some medical conditions, such as the lining of the uterus migrating tumor or pelvic inflammatory disease, can also make a pregnancy more difficult for you. In both cases, it can clog the wounds healed scars that formed adhesions and fallopian tubes, making it difficult or impossible for the sperm and egg to meet naturally. Can increase the opportunities of modern fertility treatments, pregnancy, but it is better to ask for help sooner rather than later. Can redirect you to a specialist doctor for further tests and treatment.
Will the children to reduce the reproductive menstrual pain?This can happen. Studies have found that for each of the primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea can operate the birth of a child to improve symptoms. In one study, women reported living with shortness of menstruation secondary to the number of painful menstrual cycles has declined since the birth of the child, and that the pain became less severe.
What causes painful menstrual cycles?
What are the symptoms of dysmenorrhea?
Ways Tsaeidin by yourself
Are there any medicines available?
Other possible treatments
Can painful menstrual cycles affect on fertility have?
Will the children to reduce the reproductive menstrual pain?
What causes painful menstrual cycles?The medical term for painful menstrual cycles is dysmenorrhea. Doctors tell us about primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea:
Primary dysmenorrhea: is a common complaint in young women, but it is difficult to determine the number of women who suffer from it accurately. The results indicate that between 43 to 93 percent of young women suffer from a form of dysmenorrhea, and 4 to 23 percent are registering cases of severe menstrual distress. You may have women who suffer from severe menstrual hardship cases to be absent from school or take time off work for a day or two each month. Some girls find that the first monthly Dorathen painful, while others find that the menstrual cycle gradually become painful during the 6 months to the 12 following the first period for them. Pain occurs because of an imbalance in prostaglandins in the body (chemicals that affect blood pressure and body temperature and makes the uterus Anaqbd).
Secondary dysmenorrhea tends to start later than the initial shortness of menopause, and usually affects women aged between 30 and 45 years. It occurs because of a problem, such as the lining of the uterus migrating tumor or pelvic inflammatory disease. Tumor lining of the uterus is a medical condition occurs when the tissues are similar to the lining of the uterus outside the uterus, but gather the blood that comes out every month. Pelvic inflammatory disease occurs because of the long-term infection in the pelvis. It can occur secondary dysmenorrhea also because of the fibroids within the uterus or a tool to prevent pregnancy, such as the IUD. Matter while doctors treat these underlying problems, you are healing the pain associated with menstrual cycle the same way as the initial treatment of dysmenorrhea.
What are the symptoms of dysmenorrhea?You might become all or some of the following:
• You may feel tired or exhausted to the point that you are not so well in general.
• Pain may begin 24 hours before the descent of menstruation, and lasts about 36 hours.
• Pain may come in the form of contractions, or be constant and continuous, or both cases apply to him.
• You may feel pain in the abdomen or lower back or bottom of the inner thighs.
• There may be pain in the vagina as well.
• you may have other symptoms, including diarrhea, headache, vomiting, bloating and mood swings.
Ways Tsaeidin by yourselfIf you have painful menstrual period, perhaps afraid of this "time of the month," which begins the symptoms and repeated again. However, there are many modifications that you can make in your lifestyle and help you in such a situation:
• When increasing pain, Rest as much as possible and put hot water bottle wrapped in a towel on your stomach or put them in the highest part of your back and smaller.
• Pain may get worse because of stress and anxiety, so try some relaxation techniques. Do not worry about all the things that you feel that you have to do, Give yourself time to recover.
• It may help to watch your weight and exercise regularly. Aim to work out two or three times a week for 30 minutes, or swimming or cycling or brisk walking, according to what suits you best. This will improve your joints and your circulation, and may help your body to deal with the loss of blood during menstruation.
• painful menstrual cycles are more common and severe in smokers. In addition to all other health benefits of being a non-smoker, this is the case a good reason to quit smoking.
• may worsen pain if you have a screw (intrauterine device). The modern IUD within the uterus, such as the IUD hormone release hormones relieve dysmenorrhea. Think about the use of one alternative or try a different kind of contraception.
Are there any medicines available?A wide range of drugs classified Kmsknat NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory), which are useful. You can buy from the pharmacy:
• Aspirin
• Ibuprofen
• naproxen
• mefenamic acid
It works to reduce the amount of prostaglandins produced by your body. Start eating drive by a day or two of the expected date of your menstrual cycle and keep taking them over the first two days of the menstrual cycle. It is better not to take it for a long time every month without consulting your doctor. Each has an unsatisfactory side effects, such as inflammation of the lining of the stomach. If your doctor does not want you to take as many of these drugs, you may suggest paracetamol or Alkobroksmol Instead, although the research suggests that these species are not effective analgesics such as the NSAIDs.
In some cases, described the pill (contraceptive compound that is taken by mouth or COC) for painful menstrual cycles. They contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone and prevents the ovaries from landing an egg each month. It also prevents the lining of the uterus filled with blood in preparation for a possible pregnancy. Because the blood is less, it becomes menopause have much lighter, and therefore less pain.
I have been using the pill for the treatment of painful menstrual cycles since the sixties of the last century, but at this time contain much lower levels of hormones than it was forty years ago. It is uncertain whether the "low-dose" of the new pill effective in the treatment of painful menstrual cycles. Review and summaries of reported Cokraan in research related to that: "We can not draw any conclusions about the effectiveness of the use of oral contraceptive compound commonly used dose at least for the treatment of dysmenorrhea." This does not mean that the pill is specifically useful for the monthly sessions, and advised to use modern tools inside the uterus, such as the IUD to reduce heavy menstrual cycles and may also help relieve painful menstrual cycles as a result.
Other drugs that can be described by a doctor to reduce the menstrual cycle are progesterone and its derivatives, and Aldanasul, and isotopes of the catalyst of hormone secretion Jawnadotrovin, however this may have serious side effects of drugs.
Other possible treatmentsPossible treatments include the following:
• SurgeryMay think that women suffering from dysmenorrhea secondary very sharp to undergo surgery. There are two types of processes: the eradication of cervical nerve and presacral neurectomy (PSN). These operations are conducted in the outpatient so you do not have to stay or to stay overnight in hospital. The goal of surgery is to reduce the painful sessions by blocking the sensory nerve fibers of the cervix and filling the path of pain. However, I found the review and summaries Cokraan that there is only limited evidence supports the use of these techniques for the treatment of dysmenorrhea.
Of course, will address hysterectomy (removal of uterus), painful menstrual cycles problem once and for all, but that is not an option for women who want to start a family or having more children.
• TENS (Electronic stimulation of the nerve through the skin)A stimulation of the nerve-mail through the skin TENS, which is size of a cassette tape almost mild electrical impulses pass through electrodes placed on the body (at the bottom of the back in most cases). May be the frequency of the pulses high or low. Research has shown that high frequency stimulation of the nerve-mail through the skin is very effective in reducing painful menstrual cycles. You may want to talk with your doctor about the best types of TENS devices do you buy or Tstajrenha, or about the possibility of description of this device for you.
• acupunctureUnfortunately, there is very little research on the use of acupuncture to treat painful menstrual cycles. However, a review and summaries Cokraan study provides one high quality, but small, and found that acupuncture is very positive impact. If you do not like taking any kind of medication, it may be useful to try acupuncture.
• physical therapy of the spineSome people believe that physical therapy for the bones down the spine relieves pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that go to the pelvis and reduces menstrual pain. So far, research shows that were held that the physical therapy of the spine has no effect on dysmenorrhea, whether primary or secondary.
• herbal remedies, vitamins, and mineralsDespite the great interest in recent years using herbs and vitamin supplements in the treatment of painful menstrual cycles and complaints "female" other, there is very little evidence to say that they are effective. Been verified by vitamin B 6, vitamin E, fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids), and Japanese herbs and reviewed with the participation of Cokraan, but is not reached firm conclusions. But it turned out that vitamin B-1 is an effective treatment when taking a dose of 100 mg daily, magnesium also may help reduce the pain of dysmenorrhea.
Can painful menstrual cycles affect on fertility have?This depends on the cause of the pain. Some medical conditions, such as the lining of the uterus migrating tumor or pelvic inflammatory disease, can also make a pregnancy more difficult for you. In both cases, it can clog the wounds healed scars that formed adhesions and fallopian tubes, making it difficult or impossible for the sperm and egg to meet naturally. Can increase the opportunities of modern fertility treatments, pregnancy, but it is better to ask for help sooner rather than later. Can redirect you to a specialist doctor for further tests and treatment.
Will the children to reduce the reproductive menstrual pain?This can happen. Studies have found that for each of the primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea can operate the birth of a child to improve symptoms. In one study, women reported living with shortness of menstruation secondary to the number of painful menstrual cycles has declined since the birth of the child, and that the pain became less severe.

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