Friday, December 16, 2011

I am overweight. Does this affect my chances of pregnancy

I am overweight. Does this affect my chances of pregnancy
May have this effect. If this is your first pregnancy, the chances of fertilization in every cycle of decline by 8% if you are overweight, and 18%, if you suffer from obesity. If this is not your first pregnancy, these figures go up to 16% if you are overweight, and 34%, if you suffer from obesity.
I have always been the belief that obesity affect fertility if you have irregular menstrual cycles. But new evidence has shown that women with regular cycles are also affected. It seems that the risk of infertility increase with the degree of obesity: in other words, the greater the weight, the bigger the problem. But despite this, there is a solution. That follow a weight loss and exercise program may help in the return of ovulation again if they had been stopped and improve chances of getting pregnant you have. Even modest weight loss can bear fruit. Studies have found on overweight women with obesity to lose weight by 10 to 20% of body weight helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and increase the likelihood of ovulation.
Being overweight is one of the possible symptoms of a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS. Thus, not produced in the ovaries of women with this condition a sufficient amount of hormones that stimulate the egg to mature and be released. Also, some women with polycystic ovarian syndrome Effersn a large amount of insulin. In the normal case, this hormone helps the body use and store sugar and starches from foods. However, the large increase in insulin causes the body to release an excess of male hormones called androgens. May interfere with the high level of androgens with ovulation to get pregnant and make it difficult. Among the signs of PCOS include irregular or absent menstrual cycle, and an increase in hair growth and pimples (grain face). See your doctor if you think you may be affected.
Studies have shown that the increase in weight can be difficult to have a baby through artificial insemination, IVF. Likely to become the embryo to implant in the uterus is impaired, resulting in lower conception rates and higher miscarriage rates. But did not know the truth and the reasons behind it. Again, the good news is that mitigation of some excess pounds before you try assisted conception can dramatically improve your chances of conceiving and of having a healthy pregnancy.
How much weight should you lose?Instead of focusing only on weight alone, it is best to look at your body mass index (BMI), which calculates the ratio of your weight to your height.
If you prefer to make the calculations yourself, Aksma your weight in kilograms by your height in centimeters, and then again Aksma your height in centimeters, then Adharbah call 703.
The doctors that body mass index between 20 and 30 is the best of success in pregnancy. Talk to your GP about the best ways to reach your ideal weight.

Women's Health


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