The growth of your child at the age of three months

Install the head
Better match in the muscles of the arms, legs and hands
Ease in sleep patterns
Clearly identify the mother and father
Read it today
Early language development
More sensitive in touch
Start to interact with others
Is my baby developing normally?
Install the headDuring this month, your child may become able to lift his head up and keep this position for several minutes while he was lying on his back. If you sat down with a little help, you may be able to install the head and lift it. But when it is lying on his stomach, it may find that he raises his head and chest, as if half the exercise sport, so encourage him and sit in front of him and inspired him a game.Better match in the muscles of the arms, legs and handsYour baby can now wave his arms and kicking his legs, his strength has increased as the buttocks and knees joints become more supple. If his campaign and his legs Mottaghtan toward the ground, you may be able to Frdahma. Can also combine his hands and opened his fingers, but he used his fist to strike the hanging purposes. (No doubt a blow to the game or anything else is progress in itself!) And you'll help him keeping the game in front of him and watch if he wanted to do so.Ease in sleep patternsFrom now on, will the parents who have been deprived of sleep, some rest. In the third or fourth month, starting with your baby's sleep patterns stable, many of the children in this age sleep through the night may wake up sometimes because of hunger. Another category of children may not sleep the entire night, (which means they sleep six hours each time during the first year) for three to six months, so you should not worry if your child Oikzk during the night.Clearly identify the mother and fatherBy the third month, or perhaps before that, your child may be attached to your face and a thousand and perhaps distributed smiles on strangers as well, especially if they looked directly into his eyes and spoke to him, but he started to classify people, no doubt he would prefer some more than others.
The parietal lobe, the part that controls muscle function in harmony and hand-eye in the brain and allows a person to identify objects, is growing rapidly now. The temporal lobe, which helps in hearing, speech, and smell, it has become more active and capable receiver. For this reason, when your baby hears your voice now, you may look at you directly and begin Balkerkrh or attempts to respond to you.Read it todayThe reading of the child, no matter how old, very positive and help him to identify the rhythm of language. In fact, if you change your voice and layer are used to different accents and sang and Mrnt voice, Stnctin the process of communication between you and your child. But do not worry if you or some ways his view has focus, and try to stimulate a new change of activity they are doing or Amnhah some time to relax. It is important that Tnsaga your interaction with the response and the degree of interest.
Find in the markets of many good books to Tqrinha for your child. Choose big books that contain large images and shiny simple text or even the books that contain images only.
But at this stage, we must not Ttakida guidelines of the Code, Books designed for older children and where the images are clear and attractive colors may draw the attention of a young child. You can even READ his hair originally directed to adults, yet he will not understand what he hears, but he certainly will be pleased to hear the bell music in this talk (as Ststmtaan so you too).Early language developmentThis period is very sensitive, Valthvez very important for your child. Milk every moment with him and talk with the assistance of a variety of words and sounds, the most recent studies have linked high IQ number of words your child learns during the first year. This is the time to prepare a stock of votes. Even a simple stroll to the shops had an opportunity to stimulate your child, With Ttjolin in place, Daly called on the purposes and objects in its name. Sure that your child is unable to repeat these words yet, but it stores all the information in his memory, which is evolving rapidly.
Has a child who lives in the house of a bilingual dual language training if he hears both languages on a regular basis. If you want to learn more than one language, all of the parents to talk to him in a different language.More sensitive in touchNational sense of touch can stimulate your child by Kalfru materials, cloth, felt and fabric lanugo, or look for books to add tactile experience to the experience of reading. Politicized and supporting his child and Msudaih and take him high, That effective ways comforting and may increase the degree of alerting.Start to interact with othersThe child received in the case of durable, which draws lessons from the world around him. In this period, he can recognize a face in the mirror Phipptzm (children love to look at themselves), and may stop sucking his thumb or bottle to listen to your voice. If Kerkrt issued to him or sounds, or described him even more monotonous household chores, you do not have to interact with him, but Chdjaanh to express himself. As you'll notice that your child has become Aktar active and welcome others, smiling to them and groaning and Akerkr. Here began the time of fun, so keep it next to you when you're accompanied by friends to be able to listen to the richness of human interaction.Is my baby developing normally?Remember that each child is unique and meets physical stages according to your style. And include it here is not only the general lines guide you to your child's potential and accomplish sooner or later.
If your baby (born prematurely), you'll probably find that it takes some time before being able to do things that those in chronological age. For this reason, premature babies give doctors Amrin, chronological age (which is calculated from the actual date of birth) and the average age (which is calculated from the original due date). From this point, you have to elevate your child's age according to the rate does not chronological age. Do not worry, most pediatricians living premature child growth and development of skills, according to the original date of his birth.
For any queries about the growth of your child, see your pediatrician.
Install the head
Better match in the muscles of the arms, legs and hands
Ease in sleep patterns
Clearly identify the mother and father
Read it today
Early language development
More sensitive in touch
Start to interact with others
Is my baby developing normally?
Install the headDuring this month, your child may become able to lift his head up and keep this position for several minutes while he was lying on his back. If you sat down with a little help, you may be able to install the head and lift it. But when it is lying on his stomach, it may find that he raises his head and chest, as if half the exercise sport, so encourage him and sit in front of him and inspired him a game.Better match in the muscles of the arms, legs and handsYour baby can now wave his arms and kicking his legs, his strength has increased as the buttocks and knees joints become more supple. If his campaign and his legs Mottaghtan toward the ground, you may be able to Frdahma. Can also combine his hands and opened his fingers, but he used his fist to strike the hanging purposes. (No doubt a blow to the game or anything else is progress in itself!) And you'll help him keeping the game in front of him and watch if he wanted to do so.Ease in sleep patternsFrom now on, will the parents who have been deprived of sleep, some rest. In the third or fourth month, starting with your baby's sleep patterns stable, many of the children in this age sleep through the night may wake up sometimes because of hunger. Another category of children may not sleep the entire night, (which means they sleep six hours each time during the first year) for three to six months, so you should not worry if your child Oikzk during the night.Clearly identify the mother and fatherBy the third month, or perhaps before that, your child may be attached to your face and a thousand and perhaps distributed smiles on strangers as well, especially if they looked directly into his eyes and spoke to him, but he started to classify people, no doubt he would prefer some more than others.
The parietal lobe, the part that controls muscle function in harmony and hand-eye in the brain and allows a person to identify objects, is growing rapidly now. The temporal lobe, which helps in hearing, speech, and smell, it has become more active and capable receiver. For this reason, when your baby hears your voice now, you may look at you directly and begin Balkerkrh or attempts to respond to you.Read it todayThe reading of the child, no matter how old, very positive and help him to identify the rhythm of language. In fact, if you change your voice and layer are used to different accents and sang and Mrnt voice, Stnctin the process of communication between you and your child. But do not worry if you or some ways his view has focus, and try to stimulate a new change of activity they are doing or Amnhah some time to relax. It is important that Tnsaga your interaction with the response and the degree of interest.
Find in the markets of many good books to Tqrinha for your child. Choose big books that contain large images and shiny simple text or even the books that contain images only.
But at this stage, we must not Ttakida guidelines of the Code, Books designed for older children and where the images are clear and attractive colors may draw the attention of a young child. You can even READ his hair originally directed to adults, yet he will not understand what he hears, but he certainly will be pleased to hear the bell music in this talk (as Ststmtaan so you too).Early language developmentThis period is very sensitive, Valthvez very important for your child. Milk every moment with him and talk with the assistance of a variety of words and sounds, the most recent studies have linked high IQ number of words your child learns during the first year. This is the time to prepare a stock of votes. Even a simple stroll to the shops had an opportunity to stimulate your child, With Ttjolin in place, Daly called on the purposes and objects in its name. Sure that your child is unable to repeat these words yet, but it stores all the information in his memory, which is evolving rapidly.
Has a child who lives in the house of a bilingual dual language training if he hears both languages on a regular basis. If you want to learn more than one language, all of the parents to talk to him in a different language.More sensitive in touchNational sense of touch can stimulate your child by Kalfru materials, cloth, felt and fabric lanugo, or look for books to add tactile experience to the experience of reading. Politicized and supporting his child and Msudaih and take him high, That effective ways comforting and may increase the degree of alerting.Start to interact with othersThe child received in the case of durable, which draws lessons from the world around him. In this period, he can recognize a face in the mirror Phipptzm (children love to look at themselves), and may stop sucking his thumb or bottle to listen to your voice. If Kerkrt issued to him or sounds, or described him even more monotonous household chores, you do not have to interact with him, but Chdjaanh to express himself. As you'll notice that your child has become Aktar active and welcome others, smiling to them and groaning and Akerkr. Here began the time of fun, so keep it next to you when you're accompanied by friends to be able to listen to the richness of human interaction.Is my baby developing normally?Remember that each child is unique and meets physical stages according to your style. And include it here is not only the general lines guide you to your child's potential and accomplish sooner or later.
If your baby (born prematurely), you'll probably find that it takes some time before being able to do things that those in chronological age. For this reason, premature babies give doctors Amrin, chronological age (which is calculated from the actual date of birth) and the average age (which is calculated from the original due date). From this point, you have to elevate your child's age according to the rate does not chronological age. Do not worry, most pediatricians living premature child growth and development of skills, according to the original date of his birth.
For any queries about the growth of your child, see your pediatrician.

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