The growth of your child at the age of seven months
Oscillate up and down
Learn pick up objects
Appearance of the teeth
Test power
Concern away from you
Cognition skills
Discover things correlation
Stimulating games
Is my baby developing normally?
Oscillate up and downNow your child has become capable of carrying a bit of weight on his legs and swing. What else? Most likely that he can sit without help (which allows it to further explore using his hands), and turns around as he sat he wants to address the purpose, and move from lying down to sitting on his stomach with his arms pushing upwards.Learn pick up objectsBegan to show your child's motor skills, which is now able to pick up objects with one hand and move it to the second very easily. Can clasped his hands to drink from a cup two handles (your help of course). Will not be long before they find that the noise level has risen, not because your child is only gossip, but because he will understand also hit the fun things together.
For the development of these motor skills, Ibaadi to reach for a particular game and watch how your child is trying to reach. If a person starts crying because he could not be achieved, encourage him quietly without Tnaulinh game is venting his frustration and soon will become more self-confidence, if not Tsela these matters. After several attempts, will be able to bend to pick it up and then straightened again. Of course, this would give him new ideas and start swinging back and forth on his hands and knees or crawling or volatility constantly to move from room to room. Sleeves in his explorations and his movements Btalpash clothes loose and comfortable.Appearance of the teethProbably the onset of your child's teeth. With the average age for the emergence of the teeth is five or six months, but that process may be released early by the third month, or later with the child's first birthday. Expect to see at this stage, the main upper incisor teeth, and lateral incisor teeth. Do not worry if you see some of the gaps between your child's teeth, they often grow teeth from the gums in odd angles, and all of these spaces will disappear after the show all twenty milk teeth. As soon as teeth appear when your child, increasing the secretion of saliva and begins to make some sounds while get used to the presence of these new and strange things in his mouth.Test powerYou must be by this stage, your baby has warned repeatedly that the phone is not a game, as it aims not to rattle in your face. In fact, if your child is testing your authority by refusing to follow your directions or requests. When he refuses to do something, do not do so voluntarily in order to disobey your orders, but out of curiosity, and because he finds it difficult to remember what Tjih it for a few seconds. The best way to address this issue, is to say "no" and then simply exchange his attention to something else.Concern away from youIf your child has shown concern with keeping you away with him during the day, Awwada him this evening, when you put him shortfall in bed. When he wakes up at night, even for a moment, you will realize close to it and the votes will be issued to attract your attention. Iverg may reject your child keeping you away with him at times, but sometimes Christbtk. So help you fill a laundry basket with his toys and move him from room to room to get round to the required tasks and to enjoy him at the same time.Cognition skillsNow your child participate in games of hide and became remembers that "the Imp box" jumps suddenly at the end of the song. Can also recognize your voice tones and layers of different Vighish tears if his harshly.Discover things correlationChild began to understand how the interdependence of things in three dimensions, it is able to classify games and ranked according to their forms and sizes. If suddenly appeared behind him and hopes during his reflection in the mirror, Sistder probably looking for you instead of believing you're in the mirror.
If you find that the game "" hide "stuff" simple interest to your child to a large extent, due to the reason he began to understand the principle of survival of things and loves games where people disappear and then appear again. In fact, the easiest way to distract the child with the seven months is to hide something under the blanket or cover, and left him looking for.Stimulating gamesYour child plays the games themselves permanently to enjoy the things that he expected to be obtained. Repeat the same game several times a day can cause you boredom, but that is all your baby needs at this time.At this age, children are attracted to stuffed dolls, whether big or small. At most, it soon will prefer one particular form of "protection element" of it, and Sievergaha Belaabh and take her with him wherever he went. If you want to add new games stuffed to the group, make sure to be soft, well stitched and are washable. Other good games, balls and a game of movement corresponding to the word games that suddenly jump out of the box and large dolls.
If your child has a favorite toy or two, you will find it very difficult to taken away from them. While it is easy to remove the purposes of his hand, is now protesting loudly when you take it.Is my baby developing normally?Remember that each child is unique and meets physical stages according to your style. And include it here is not only the general lines guide you to your child's potential and accomplish sooner or later.
If your baby (born prematurely), you'll probably find that it takes some time before being able to do things that those in chronological age. For this reason, premature babies give doctors Amrin, chronological age (which is calculated from the actual date of birth) and the average age (which is calculated from the original due date). From this point, you have to elevate your child's age according to the rate does not chronological age. Do not worry, most pediatricians living premature child growth and development of skills, according to the original date of his birth.
For any queries about the growth of your child, see your pediatrician.
Oscillate up and down
Learn pick up objects
Appearance of the teeth
Test power
Concern away from you
Cognition skills
Discover things correlation
Stimulating games
Is my baby developing normally?
Oscillate up and downNow your child has become capable of carrying a bit of weight on his legs and swing. What else? Most likely that he can sit without help (which allows it to further explore using his hands), and turns around as he sat he wants to address the purpose, and move from lying down to sitting on his stomach with his arms pushing upwards.Learn pick up objectsBegan to show your child's motor skills, which is now able to pick up objects with one hand and move it to the second very easily. Can clasped his hands to drink from a cup two handles (your help of course). Will not be long before they find that the noise level has risen, not because your child is only gossip, but because he will understand also hit the fun things together.
For the development of these motor skills, Ibaadi to reach for a particular game and watch how your child is trying to reach. If a person starts crying because he could not be achieved, encourage him quietly without Tnaulinh game is venting his frustration and soon will become more self-confidence, if not Tsela these matters. After several attempts, will be able to bend to pick it up and then straightened again. Of course, this would give him new ideas and start swinging back and forth on his hands and knees or crawling or volatility constantly to move from room to room. Sleeves in his explorations and his movements Btalpash clothes loose and comfortable.Appearance of the teethProbably the onset of your child's teeth. With the average age for the emergence of the teeth is five or six months, but that process may be released early by the third month, or later with the child's first birthday. Expect to see at this stage, the main upper incisor teeth, and lateral incisor teeth. Do not worry if you see some of the gaps between your child's teeth, they often grow teeth from the gums in odd angles, and all of these spaces will disappear after the show all twenty milk teeth. As soon as teeth appear when your child, increasing the secretion of saliva and begins to make some sounds while get used to the presence of these new and strange things in his mouth.Test powerYou must be by this stage, your baby has warned repeatedly that the phone is not a game, as it aims not to rattle in your face. In fact, if your child is testing your authority by refusing to follow your directions or requests. When he refuses to do something, do not do so voluntarily in order to disobey your orders, but out of curiosity, and because he finds it difficult to remember what Tjih it for a few seconds. The best way to address this issue, is to say "no" and then simply exchange his attention to something else.Concern away from youIf your child has shown concern with keeping you away with him during the day, Awwada him this evening, when you put him shortfall in bed. When he wakes up at night, even for a moment, you will realize close to it and the votes will be issued to attract your attention. Iverg may reject your child keeping you away with him at times, but sometimes Christbtk. So help you fill a laundry basket with his toys and move him from room to room to get round to the required tasks and to enjoy him at the same time.Cognition skillsNow your child participate in games of hide and became remembers that "the Imp box" jumps suddenly at the end of the song. Can also recognize your voice tones and layers of different Vighish tears if his harshly.Discover things correlationChild began to understand how the interdependence of things in three dimensions, it is able to classify games and ranked according to their forms and sizes. If suddenly appeared behind him and hopes during his reflection in the mirror, Sistder probably looking for you instead of believing you're in the mirror.
If you find that the game "" hide "stuff" simple interest to your child to a large extent, due to the reason he began to understand the principle of survival of things and loves games where people disappear and then appear again. In fact, the easiest way to distract the child with the seven months is to hide something under the blanket or cover, and left him looking for.Stimulating gamesYour child plays the games themselves permanently to enjoy the things that he expected to be obtained. Repeat the same game several times a day can cause you boredom, but that is all your baby needs at this time.At this age, children are attracted to stuffed dolls, whether big or small. At most, it soon will prefer one particular form of "protection element" of it, and Sievergaha Belaabh and take her with him wherever he went. If you want to add new games stuffed to the group, make sure to be soft, well stitched and are washable. Other good games, balls and a game of movement corresponding to the word games that suddenly jump out of the box and large dolls.
If your child has a favorite toy or two, you will find it very difficult to taken away from them. While it is easy to remove the purposes of his hand, is now protesting loudly when you take it.Is my baby developing normally?Remember that each child is unique and meets physical stages according to your style. And include it here is not only the general lines guide you to your child's potential and accomplish sooner or later.
If your baby (born prematurely), you'll probably find that it takes some time before being able to do things that those in chronological age. For this reason, premature babies give doctors Amrin, chronological age (which is calculated from the actual date of birth) and the average age (which is calculated from the original due date). From this point, you have to elevate your child's age according to the rate does not chronological age. Do not worry, most pediatricians living premature child growth and development of skills, according to the original date of his birth.
For any queries about the growth of your child, see your pediatrician.

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