The growth of your child at the age of atheist tenth month
Independence of the growing body
Wrote the reader little
Composition of his own personality
It's time to draw a border
Too much talk
Is my baby developing normally?
Independence of the growing bodyNow that much closer to achieving its first year, is no longer a small child who does not know to do anything without your help. Still need a lot of your interest and your support, but the independence and growing phenomenon in the standing and bending and Qrvsth, became more apparent. Can now walk, holding your hand or extend his arm or leg to help you wear his clothes. But while eating, he can count carrying a cup and drinking it by itself (except that many children can not afford to do so for several months) or a meal with his hands full.
Tdatrin will certainly bend a lot when your child learns to drink from a cup by itself, because it probably SERM on the ground whenever the finished drinking rather than put it gently on the table. He will also sign things deliberately on the ground to pick one and I mean that what you are.Wrote the reader littleYour child likes to look at the books and browse, but it will not turns them paper after another. And will have favorite books like to return to it constantly.Composition of his own personalityAt this age, your baby starts to prove its place among his brothers and his contemporaries and running the same parallel of any games that he plays alongside another child (but not with him). It seems that he chose the blanket (Haram), or toy stuffed his favorite.It's time to draw a borderYour baby now understands simple instructions, chooses deliberately disobeying orders when you say "no." (In order to give the meaning of this word is stronger, Astkhaddmiha only in dangerous places actually). With your child will not remember the next day what I said, but the time has come to begin to draw the frontier and to show the difference between right and wrong.
You should note that you do not Tksan him if he did not let him eat cake again, you have limits you place now. If the cat's tail-lift, for example, Ibaadi his hand and look in his eyes and say: "Do not do it because you hurt the cat," then how scientific gentle gently. His desire to excel in finding much on the desire to listen to your warnings, so it is up to you to protect and educated. What may seem disobedience to your orders, not really but the innate curiosity to discover how things go in this world.Too much talkCurrently, your child pronounces a lot of words or sounds, and he was able to use certain words properly construed, it started in the front parts gradually brain development, in conjunction with the acquisition of greater cognitive abilities such as analysis and speech. So you can continue to support his interest in language through listening and responding to his words and Trthurth. This type of interaction is crucial in defining the two-way communication. It also helps some games like "hide things" on the development of skills related to memory.
At this age, your child can imitate words and phrases Nbradtha also mimics the actions, and able to follow simple directions such as "Please give me the ball" or "pick up the spoon." Sleeves to give it a learning simple commands easy to implement.
Make sure to give great importance and greater affection for this short period, which starts where your child's communicative skills and stand out, may be the most important skills that Simlkha your child throughout his life.Is my baby developing normally?Remember that each child is unique and meets physical stages according to your style. And include it here is not only the general lines guide you to your child's potential and accomplish sooner or later.
If your baby (born prematurely), you'll probably find that it takes some time before being able to do things that those in chronological age. For this reason, premature babies give doctors Amrin, chronological age (which is calculated from the actual date of birth) and the average age (which is calculated from the original due date). From this point, you have to elevate your child's age according to the rate does not chronological age. Do not worry, most pediatricians living premature child growth and development of skills, according to the original date of his birth.
For any queries about the growth of your child, see your pediatrician.
Independence of the growing body
Wrote the reader little
Composition of his own personality
It's time to draw a border
Too much talk
Is my baby developing normally?
Independence of the growing bodyNow that much closer to achieving its first year, is no longer a small child who does not know to do anything without your help. Still need a lot of your interest and your support, but the independence and growing phenomenon in the standing and bending and Qrvsth, became more apparent. Can now walk, holding your hand or extend his arm or leg to help you wear his clothes. But while eating, he can count carrying a cup and drinking it by itself (except that many children can not afford to do so for several months) or a meal with his hands full.
Tdatrin will certainly bend a lot when your child learns to drink from a cup by itself, because it probably SERM on the ground whenever the finished drinking rather than put it gently on the table. He will also sign things deliberately on the ground to pick one and I mean that what you are.Wrote the reader littleYour child likes to look at the books and browse, but it will not turns them paper after another. And will have favorite books like to return to it constantly.Composition of his own personalityAt this age, your baby starts to prove its place among his brothers and his contemporaries and running the same parallel of any games that he plays alongside another child (but not with him). It seems that he chose the blanket (Haram), or toy stuffed his favorite.It's time to draw a borderYour baby now understands simple instructions, chooses deliberately disobeying orders when you say "no." (In order to give the meaning of this word is stronger, Astkhaddmiha only in dangerous places actually). With your child will not remember the next day what I said, but the time has come to begin to draw the frontier and to show the difference between right and wrong.
You should note that you do not Tksan him if he did not let him eat cake again, you have limits you place now. If the cat's tail-lift, for example, Ibaadi his hand and look in his eyes and say: "Do not do it because you hurt the cat," then how scientific gentle gently. His desire to excel in finding much on the desire to listen to your warnings, so it is up to you to protect and educated. What may seem disobedience to your orders, not really but the innate curiosity to discover how things go in this world.Too much talkCurrently, your child pronounces a lot of words or sounds, and he was able to use certain words properly construed, it started in the front parts gradually brain development, in conjunction with the acquisition of greater cognitive abilities such as analysis and speech. So you can continue to support his interest in language through listening and responding to his words and Trthurth. This type of interaction is crucial in defining the two-way communication. It also helps some games like "hide things" on the development of skills related to memory.
At this age, your child can imitate words and phrases Nbradtha also mimics the actions, and able to follow simple directions such as "Please give me the ball" or "pick up the spoon." Sleeves to give it a learning simple commands easy to implement.
Make sure to give great importance and greater affection for this short period, which starts where your child's communicative skills and stand out, may be the most important skills that Simlkha your child throughout his life.Is my baby developing normally?Remember that each child is unique and meets physical stages according to your style. And include it here is not only the general lines guide you to your child's potential and accomplish sooner or later.
If your baby (born prematurely), you'll probably find that it takes some time before being able to do things that those in chronological age. For this reason, premature babies give doctors Amrin, chronological age (which is calculated from the actual date of birth) and the average age (which is calculated from the original due date). From this point, you have to elevate your child's age according to the rate does not chronological age. Do not worry, most pediatricians living premature child growth and development of skills, according to the original date of his birth.
For any queries about the growth of your child, see your pediatrician.

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