Thursday, December 8, 2011

Exercise for pregnant improved heart baby

Exercise for pregnant improved heart baby
And a new U.S. study found that the practice of women's sport during pregnancy improves the heart of the newborn.

The Web site, "Science Daily," U.S. researchers at the University of "Kansas City", they found through their studies, which lasted 4 years, that the health of babies heart of improving the practice of sport mothers during pregnancy.

A previous study showed that the embryos two years ago, women who engaged in aerobic exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week, have a lower resting heart rate, an indicator of heart health, during the final weeks of growth.

The researchers found their studies to improve the health of the new heart and arteries of the embryos, continues month after birth, demonstrating that women's efforts to maintain its activity during pregnancy have a permanent effect.

The researcher responsible for the study, Linda Mae, "I hope that the results show that the efforts that focus on improving health need to start during pregnancy and not during childhood," she said, adding that the most focus now is on the children of age to enter school, as should be to intervene before so much.

Included the sports practiced by the women surveyed, ranging from aerobic brisk walking and even jogging.

Women's Health


micrognathia on December 8, 2011 at 8:32 PM said...

Good thing! This exercise is very effective coz my sister in law did this.


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