Friday, December 9, 2011

Drugs painkillers common

Drugs painkillers common
Divided into several types

1 - non-narcotic pain relievers:
The range of aspirin and anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen and Alchortazonah Alfoltarin Albarastimol and a group of these drugs are sold without a prescription

2 - narcotic pain relievers:
Alcodin such as morphine, and others, and these need to be private prescription.

* Aspirin:
Used to treat headaches, joint pain and pain cycle and high temperature in addition to its use as an antidote to the blood platelets as prophylaxis against heart disease and stroke. According to the most in cases of mild pain, and medium and should not be given to children under the age of 12 years or lactating women (may cause what is known as syndrome-ray in children and infants, a serious disorder which can be fatal) and not be given in cases of ulcers of the stomach and should be cautious when given in patients with asthma and patients with allergies or total failures, liver, and pregnancy.

* Albarastimol:
Similar to its influence aspirin, but has no anti-inflammatory effects or to dilute the blood has less effect on the stomach and more tolerant and is poisoning, or overdose (more of 6-7 g / day in adults) is a serious and may cause malfunction Qaibdia but is generally considered a drug is safe and the effects a few side effects.



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