Depression during pregnancy
Signs and indicators of depression
What causes depression?
How do you deal with it?
When should I feel concerned?
What about the future?
When tested for pregnancy and Takbrin all this good news, you hear everyone say, "Good for you! Congratulations, you must be very happy event!". Yes, you're actually happy that you became pregnant, but I'm not very happy. In fact, you sometimes feel you are sad, and make matters worse you feel guilty being sad have you become more depressed. Do you feel that you alone? The answer is: No!Signs and indicators of depressionPregnancy may be times where your great positive feelings, but this does not apply to all women at all times. Woman suffers one of every 10 pregnant women from bouts of depression during pregnancy.
Likely to Tkpti these feelings as the pregnancy should be a cause for joy and pleasure, or perhaps we think that our grief is but mood swings associated with pregnancy usually. But depression can become a serious problem for some women.
There is no specific set of symptoms that lead to depression, It varies from person to person. Some people suffer from low morale in all the time, and feel others Ptekr mood and the tendency to cry or feel useless and then wishes to withdraw from life. Depression may affect you mentally and physically is reflected on your actions.
Here are some symptoms that may appear to you if you suffer from depression:
• inability to concentrate• Concern• irritability and severe emotional• sleep problems• extreme fatigue or constant fatigue• Standing in the desire to eat, or do not want to eat at all• loss of sense of fun in everything• the continuing grief.
What causes depression?Was thought that the pregnancy hormones play a "protective" of depression, because many women feel happy in pregnancy. With the identification and, increasingly, that the stresses and strains of pregnancy and care of young children can make women more susceptible to depression.If there are aspects of your life is not going well, will you become more susceptible to depression in these times.Among other reasons:
• pressure and tensions of life: no change or a major event in life can cause depression.
• low-income or limited: financial worries associated with pregnancy strongly depressed.
• problems in pregnancy: pregnancy volatile, such as to cause severe morning sickness (in the first period), for example, could adversely affect emotionally.
• a previous pregnancy complications: is likely to receive the events that passed during the pregnancy and birth (at an earlier stage) a shadow on your feelings about the current pregnancy. Studies have found that previous pregnancy complications associated with pregnancy depression.
• infertility or previous pregnancy loss: If you have suffered from many difficulties in trying to have children, or been exposed to the case of spontaneous abortion, it may find yourself concerned about the safety of this pregnancy.
• Exposure to abuse: pregnancy can bring painful memories to the surface of memory in women exposed to abuse or assault. Changes your body is now out of your control, which may bring to mind scenes of the events underlying the front folded long ago. Talk to your doctor about any ill affect you during the dates of examinations before pregnancy so what you need to get your help and support.
• previous injury depression you or any members of the family: in case of injury prior depression in your family, or if you have previously suffered from bouts of depression, you may be more susceptible to depression pregnancy.
During prenatal checkups, the doctor will ask about your health mental current and past in order to provide assistance if you need it.
How do you deal with it?• Take it easy. Quaoma the desire to accumulate many of the household chores before the advent of the new baby. Read a book or eat breakfast in bed, or Meet one of your friends. Represent an essential part of your care yourself to care for your child.
• Marcy some exercise. Although it is not advisable is to begin the commitment system sports an integrated during pregnancy, but the sport will help you to improve your mood and it is customary for the treatment of mild depression and the Mediterranean. As you can practice swimming, walking, and exercise prior to birth during pregnancy. Find out more information about exercise recommended during pregnancy.
• Talk about the situation! Keep lines of communication between you and your husband are mounted and clear.
• Think about the treatment or advice. If I tried for two weeks to recover from the case of moral decline to no avail, Stvidk counseling and treatment. You need to find someone you feel safe with him and you trust. You can also take advantage of some of the time of taking antidepressants if your condition is above average, some of these drugs are safe for pregnant women. But if you're not sure of that, Look for alternatives to drugs. Must Tnaakeca matter with the competent doctor.
When should I feel concerned?If you are thinking about harming yourself or thoughts that you are confused or unable to deal with your day, or if you suffer from bouts of extreme fear, you should discuss the matter with the physician. This is very important, especially if you find a hard time taking care of yourself and eat food should be what can affect your child, which is still in the process of growth.
Is not to seek the assistance a sign of weakness, but rather is an indication that you are aware of or willing to take the necessary steps to preserve the integrity and validity is her child.
What about the future?Researchers believe that there is a relationship between depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression, but this does not mean you will necessarily Tsaben him if I passed him in the pregnancy.
Ideally build a support network between now and which can consist of your husband and friends and family members and doctor, they can provide to help you and are present with you when your baby is born, if necessary.
Signs and indicators of depression
What causes depression?
How do you deal with it?
When should I feel concerned?
What about the future?
When tested for pregnancy and Takbrin all this good news, you hear everyone say, "Good for you! Congratulations, you must be very happy event!". Yes, you're actually happy that you became pregnant, but I'm not very happy. In fact, you sometimes feel you are sad, and make matters worse you feel guilty being sad have you become more depressed. Do you feel that you alone? The answer is: No!Signs and indicators of depressionPregnancy may be times where your great positive feelings, but this does not apply to all women at all times. Woman suffers one of every 10 pregnant women from bouts of depression during pregnancy.
Likely to Tkpti these feelings as the pregnancy should be a cause for joy and pleasure, or perhaps we think that our grief is but mood swings associated with pregnancy usually. But depression can become a serious problem for some women.
There is no specific set of symptoms that lead to depression, It varies from person to person. Some people suffer from low morale in all the time, and feel others Ptekr mood and the tendency to cry or feel useless and then wishes to withdraw from life. Depression may affect you mentally and physically is reflected on your actions.
Here are some symptoms that may appear to you if you suffer from depression:
• inability to concentrate• Concern• irritability and severe emotional• sleep problems• extreme fatigue or constant fatigue• Standing in the desire to eat, or do not want to eat at all• loss of sense of fun in everything• the continuing grief.
What causes depression?Was thought that the pregnancy hormones play a "protective" of depression, because many women feel happy in pregnancy. With the identification and, increasingly, that the stresses and strains of pregnancy and care of young children can make women more susceptible to depression.If there are aspects of your life is not going well, will you become more susceptible to depression in these times.Among other reasons:
• pressure and tensions of life: no change or a major event in life can cause depression.
• low-income or limited: financial worries associated with pregnancy strongly depressed.
• problems in pregnancy: pregnancy volatile, such as to cause severe morning sickness (in the first period), for example, could adversely affect emotionally.
• a previous pregnancy complications: is likely to receive the events that passed during the pregnancy and birth (at an earlier stage) a shadow on your feelings about the current pregnancy. Studies have found that previous pregnancy complications associated with pregnancy depression.
• infertility or previous pregnancy loss: If you have suffered from many difficulties in trying to have children, or been exposed to the case of spontaneous abortion, it may find yourself concerned about the safety of this pregnancy.
• Exposure to abuse: pregnancy can bring painful memories to the surface of memory in women exposed to abuse or assault. Changes your body is now out of your control, which may bring to mind scenes of the events underlying the front folded long ago. Talk to your doctor about any ill affect you during the dates of examinations before pregnancy so what you need to get your help and support.
• previous injury depression you or any members of the family: in case of injury prior depression in your family, or if you have previously suffered from bouts of depression, you may be more susceptible to depression pregnancy.
During prenatal checkups, the doctor will ask about your health mental current and past in order to provide assistance if you need it.
How do you deal with it?• Take it easy. Quaoma the desire to accumulate many of the household chores before the advent of the new baby. Read a book or eat breakfast in bed, or Meet one of your friends. Represent an essential part of your care yourself to care for your child.
• Marcy some exercise. Although it is not advisable is to begin the commitment system sports an integrated during pregnancy, but the sport will help you to improve your mood and it is customary for the treatment of mild depression and the Mediterranean. As you can practice swimming, walking, and exercise prior to birth during pregnancy. Find out more information about exercise recommended during pregnancy.
• Talk about the situation! Keep lines of communication between you and your husband are mounted and clear.
• Think about the treatment or advice. If I tried for two weeks to recover from the case of moral decline to no avail, Stvidk counseling and treatment. You need to find someone you feel safe with him and you trust. You can also take advantage of some of the time of taking antidepressants if your condition is above average, some of these drugs are safe for pregnant women. But if you're not sure of that, Look for alternatives to drugs. Must Tnaakeca matter with the competent doctor.
When should I feel concerned?If you are thinking about harming yourself or thoughts that you are confused or unable to deal with your day, or if you suffer from bouts of extreme fear, you should discuss the matter with the physician. This is very important, especially if you find a hard time taking care of yourself and eat food should be what can affect your child, which is still in the process of growth.
Is not to seek the assistance a sign of weakness, but rather is an indication that you are aware of or willing to take the necessary steps to preserve the integrity and validity is her child.
What about the future?Researchers believe that there is a relationship between depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression, but this does not mean you will necessarily Tsaben him if I passed him in the pregnancy.
Ideally build a support network between now and which can consist of your husband and friends and family members and doctor, they can provide to help you and are present with you when your baby is born, if necessary.

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