Damage the mobile .. False illusions
Are the health effects of mobile phone use of problems that have not yet been resolved, so much so that the user hit confusion as a result of this "furore" of studies, it can almost read the study demonstrate that mobile phones are the main reason behind many of the diseases, however, comes a new study to exonerate him of the all charges against him, and confirms that these allegations are nothing but false illusions are not unfounded, and some supporters and the rest shows, each according to his evidence and Brahinh, and remains the last to speak at the end of the specialists in this field.

And open discussion of a new subject in this study showed that after the new Dnmarkiyh there is no link between long-term use of the mobile and the incidence of cancerous tumors in the brain or central nervous system.
The news agency "UBI" American scientists Danes found in the largest study of its kind in this area, which included 358 403 persons involved in mobile phone service in more than 18 years, that the risk of brain cancer in these no more than anyone else.
The study showed that the 356 people surveyed who were one of the types of brain tumors and 846 others were wounded, cancerous tumors in the nervous system.
The researchers at the Institute of Epidemiology of cancer in Copenhagen, who conducted the study, that these numbers are about the same rates of infection in those who do not use a mobile phone but the researchers recommended though users of these phones to conduct periodic tests to make sure there are no cancer cells on long-term follow-up effects of these phones on young people.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer considers that the electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular factor as a potential carcinogen in humans and advises the Ministry of Health of the British under the age of 16 years not to use mobile phones except in cases of necessity and that the call as short as possible.
The study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization about the possibility of a link between mobile phones and brain cancer, the results are inconclusive in this regard, although it requires a deeper study of the subject.
The researchers said the study, after having about thirteen thousand of users of mobile phones over a decade, hoping to find out whether the devices cause brain tumors, said that their research did not provide a clear answer to this question.
For his part, said Christopher Wilde and director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the results of the study do not allow us to conclude that the fact that there is any risk associated with using a mobile phone but it is also premature to say that there is risk associated with it.
The Wild and that part of the problem with this study, which began in two thousand is that the rates of mobile phone use in the period covered by the relatively low compared with today.
She explained Elizabeth Cardes who led the study from the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology Barcelona, Spain, that we can not conclude that there is no effect because there are strong indications to feel worried.
He said the Union "GSM" which represents mobile phone companies to international and British-based, that the results of the International Agency for Research on Cancer consistent with the huge amount of existing research and the views of many experts, which concluded in both cases that there are no health risks are uncertain.
The data showed that study, published in "International Journal of Epidemiology", that mobile phone users in general have had, in fact the risk of brain cancer less than people who did not use it but never said 21 scientists conducted the study that this result pointed to problems in the method or inaccurate information from the participants.
The results showed that high cumulative call time may slightly increase the risk of injury, but again the result is not reliable. The average age of the call cumulative to those who participated in the study, about one hundred hours at a rate two to two and a half hours per month, and was more than ten percent of mobile phone users reached an average of 1640 hours over ten years which is equivalent to about half an hour a day.
Effects of mobile illusions
Exposure to radio waves for mobile phones does not cause head pain or increase in blood pressure .. This was confirmed by a Norwegian research conducted recently, where he confirmed that the cause of people who experience such symptoms is that they expect it will occur.
The findings come after recruiting Dr. Gunnhild Oftedal of Norway, and colleagues at the University of Science and Technology in Trondheim 17 people usually feel pain or discomfort in the head during or after the talk on the phone for periods ranging from 15 to 30 minutes.
Has conducted a test of the participants in the study during radiofrequency exposure for mobile phones and other false without knowing which of those, Each session lasted 30 minutes was carried out 65 pairs of trials, including the showing of the research team that the radio waves emitted by mobile phones is not related to the pain of the head or high blood pressure.
The researchers did not observe any significant correlations between actual exposures and the subjects' study on the severity of symptoms and no effects of exposure to changes in heart rate or blood pressure.
Oftedal's team concludes that the most likely explanation for the headaches and discomfort he spoke with them both members of the study sample "is that symptoms are due to a negative outlook."
Previous studies have suggested that the mobile phone cause cancer, and soon emerged to study denies this, and confirms that the mobile does not cause cancer.
The study - prepared by the British scientists, which is the largest on the effects of mobile phone so far - that mobile phone use does not lead to the risk of brain tumors.
For its part, explained Patricia McKinney professor in epidemiology of children at the University of Leeds, that for the steadfast on mobile phone use, it has not recorded an increase in the risk of tumors, "Gelayoma" arising from the use of mobile phone, but pointed to a greater risk, it seems, between people with cancer in the brain, to appear in the side of the head that they were listening to the calls of the laptop.
The estimates have indicated that most cases of the emergence of these brain tumors in one side of the head, had been registered with people who said they used the mobile phone, and listened to phone calls through that entity.
Even so .. Mobile weigh many
In the same context, another study confirmed that increased use of these devices increase the risk of brain cancer, due to the impact of radiation issued by them.
Through the study undertaken by Fini Khurana, a British expert in the field of cancer, it was found that this type of cancer needs to ten years to grow, and therefore can not be reassuring to previous studies conducted by the global mobile companies and stresses that the most dangerous of mobile phone.
Previous studies indicated that most cases of the emergence of these brain tumors in one side of the head, had been registered with people who said they used the mobile phone, and listened to phone calls through that entity.
The study was conducted at the Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University of Egypt, reported that the status of light energy may quote from a study prepared on the effects of mobile phones on the brain, that the use of mobile phones that deal in the frequency range of 850 to 1900 MHz cause was her employer for 45% of mental due to cirrhosis of the brain cells.
The limited study, revealed by the Center Director, Dr. Hatem El-Ghandour 0.138 thermal device generates electromagnetic serious effects on human tissue.
The study recommended that the distance between the device and the eye 6 ms for adults and 7 ms for children in the case of frequency 900 MHz, and 17 ms for adults and 24 ms for the children if the frequency 1800 Mhz, with no use of the device for more than three minutes continuously or 30 minutes different day, as can talk about after to reduce the risk of arrival of radiation to the brain.
Another study also showed that the use of mobile phone for more than ten years increases the risk of tumors at a rate four times.
The researchers found after studying 750 people that the risk of acoustic neuroma has increased by 3.9 times on the side of the head that assigns it a mobile phone during the phone calls, while there has been no danger to the auditory nerve on the other side of the head.
The acoustic neuroma is a kind of benign tumors that can damage the brain and nerves, and affects the tumor and one out of every hundred thousand people.
The Swedish study also confirmed that mobile phone radiation may damage the living cells caused by an increase in pressure forces applied by each cell on the other.
The study warned of the Foundation "Cleveland Clinic" of America that the excessive use of mobile may lead to the destruction of the sperm.
The study proved that the mobile cause impaired fertility, because the man who uses a laptop 4 hours per day or more the number of sperm has 50 million in the millimeter and her condition deteriorated, compared with 69 million who used only two hours a day , and refrain from using it at all Faisal sperm count has 88 million.
The study attributed the reason for this is that radiation from mobile may be harmful to DNA that affects the cells of the testes, which produce the hormone "Altisthusizon" or tubes that place the sperm.
Are the health effects of mobile phone use of problems that have not yet been resolved, so much so that the user hit confusion as a result of this "furore" of studies, it can almost read the study demonstrate that mobile phones are the main reason behind many of the diseases, however, comes a new study to exonerate him of the all charges against him, and confirms that these allegations are nothing but false illusions are not unfounded, and some supporters and the rest shows, each according to his evidence and Brahinh, and remains the last to speak at the end of the specialists in this field.
And open discussion of a new subject in this study showed that after the new Dnmarkiyh there is no link between long-term use of the mobile and the incidence of cancerous tumors in the brain or central nervous system.
The news agency "UBI" American scientists Danes found in the largest study of its kind in this area, which included 358 403 persons involved in mobile phone service in more than 18 years, that the risk of brain cancer in these no more than anyone else.
The study showed that the 356 people surveyed who were one of the types of brain tumors and 846 others were wounded, cancerous tumors in the nervous system.
The researchers at the Institute of Epidemiology of cancer in Copenhagen, who conducted the study, that these numbers are about the same rates of infection in those who do not use a mobile phone but the researchers recommended though users of these phones to conduct periodic tests to make sure there are no cancer cells on long-term follow-up effects of these phones on young people.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer considers that the electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular factor as a potential carcinogen in humans and advises the Ministry of Health of the British under the age of 16 years not to use mobile phones except in cases of necessity and that the call as short as possible.
The study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization about the possibility of a link between mobile phones and brain cancer, the results are inconclusive in this regard, although it requires a deeper study of the subject.
The researchers said the study, after having about thirteen thousand of users of mobile phones over a decade, hoping to find out whether the devices cause brain tumors, said that their research did not provide a clear answer to this question.
For his part, said Christopher Wilde and director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the results of the study do not allow us to conclude that the fact that there is any risk associated with using a mobile phone but it is also premature to say that there is risk associated with it.
The Wild and that part of the problem with this study, which began in two thousand is that the rates of mobile phone use in the period covered by the relatively low compared with today.
She explained Elizabeth Cardes who led the study from the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology Barcelona, Spain, that we can not conclude that there is no effect because there are strong indications to feel worried.
He said the Union "GSM" which represents mobile phone companies to international and British-based, that the results of the International Agency for Research on Cancer consistent with the huge amount of existing research and the views of many experts, which concluded in both cases that there are no health risks are uncertain.
The data showed that study, published in "International Journal of Epidemiology", that mobile phone users in general have had, in fact the risk of brain cancer less than people who did not use it but never said 21 scientists conducted the study that this result pointed to problems in the method or inaccurate information from the participants.
The results showed that high cumulative call time may slightly increase the risk of injury, but again the result is not reliable. The average age of the call cumulative to those who participated in the study, about one hundred hours at a rate two to two and a half hours per month, and was more than ten percent of mobile phone users reached an average of 1640 hours over ten years which is equivalent to about half an hour a day.
Effects of mobile illusions
Exposure to radio waves for mobile phones does not cause head pain or increase in blood pressure .. This was confirmed by a Norwegian research conducted recently, where he confirmed that the cause of people who experience such symptoms is that they expect it will occur.
The findings come after recruiting Dr. Gunnhild Oftedal of Norway, and colleagues at the University of Science and Technology in Trondheim 17 people usually feel pain or discomfort in the head during or after the talk on the phone for periods ranging from 15 to 30 minutes.
Has conducted a test of the participants in the study during radiofrequency exposure for mobile phones and other false without knowing which of those, Each session lasted 30 minutes was carried out 65 pairs of trials, including the showing of the research team that the radio waves emitted by mobile phones is not related to the pain of the head or high blood pressure.
The researchers did not observe any significant correlations between actual exposures and the subjects' study on the severity of symptoms and no effects of exposure to changes in heart rate or blood pressure.
Oftedal's team concludes that the most likely explanation for the headaches and discomfort he spoke with them both members of the study sample "is that symptoms are due to a negative outlook."
Previous studies have suggested that the mobile phone cause cancer, and soon emerged to study denies this, and confirms that the mobile does not cause cancer.
The study - prepared by the British scientists, which is the largest on the effects of mobile phone so far - that mobile phone use does not lead to the risk of brain tumors.
For its part, explained Patricia McKinney professor in epidemiology of children at the University of Leeds, that for the steadfast on mobile phone use, it has not recorded an increase in the risk of tumors, "Gelayoma" arising from the use of mobile phone, but pointed to a greater risk, it seems, between people with cancer in the brain, to appear in the side of the head that they were listening to the calls of the laptop.
The estimates have indicated that most cases of the emergence of these brain tumors in one side of the head, had been registered with people who said they used the mobile phone, and listened to phone calls through that entity.
Even so .. Mobile weigh many
In the same context, another study confirmed that increased use of these devices increase the risk of brain cancer, due to the impact of radiation issued by them.
Through the study undertaken by Fini Khurana, a British expert in the field of cancer, it was found that this type of cancer needs to ten years to grow, and therefore can not be reassuring to previous studies conducted by the global mobile companies and stresses that the most dangerous of mobile phone.
Previous studies indicated that most cases of the emergence of these brain tumors in one side of the head, had been registered with people who said they used the mobile phone, and listened to phone calls through that entity.
The study was conducted at the Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University of Egypt, reported that the status of light energy may quote from a study prepared on the effects of mobile phones on the brain, that the use of mobile phones that deal in the frequency range of 850 to 1900 MHz cause was her employer for 45% of mental due to cirrhosis of the brain cells.
The limited study, revealed by the Center Director, Dr. Hatem El-Ghandour 0.138 thermal device generates electromagnetic serious effects on human tissue.
The study recommended that the distance between the device and the eye 6 ms for adults and 7 ms for children in the case of frequency 900 MHz, and 17 ms for adults and 24 ms for the children if the frequency 1800 Mhz, with no use of the device for more than three minutes continuously or 30 minutes different day, as can talk about after to reduce the risk of arrival of radiation to the brain.
Another study also showed that the use of mobile phone for more than ten years increases the risk of tumors at a rate four times.
The researchers found after studying 750 people that the risk of acoustic neuroma has increased by 3.9 times on the side of the head that assigns it a mobile phone during the phone calls, while there has been no danger to the auditory nerve on the other side of the head.
The acoustic neuroma is a kind of benign tumors that can damage the brain and nerves, and affects the tumor and one out of every hundred thousand people.
The Swedish study also confirmed that mobile phone radiation may damage the living cells caused by an increase in pressure forces applied by each cell on the other.
The study warned of the Foundation "Cleveland Clinic" of America that the excessive use of mobile may lead to the destruction of the sperm.
The study proved that the mobile cause impaired fertility, because the man who uses a laptop 4 hours per day or more the number of sperm has 50 million in the millimeter and her condition deteriorated, compared with 69 million who used only two hours a day , and refrain from using it at all Faisal sperm count has 88 million.
The study attributed the reason for this is that radiation from mobile may be harmful to DNA that affects the cells of the testes, which produce the hormone "Altisthusizon" or tubes that place the sperm.

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