Buy tablets pregnancy vitamins supplements
Should I take them?
What should it contain these drives?
Where can I find it?
Should I take them?Experts agree that a good diet balanced and diverse is the best way to Thsali you and your baby the nutrients needed during pregnancy. And must include your diet fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fish. And you should Cut down a lot and the challenge of the consumption of refined sugar and processed foods, saturated fats and other animal proteins.
However, in some circumstances, it may be difficult to obtain through diet alone on all the food that you need if you suffer from morning sickness disturbing example. In this case, you may advise your doctor or midwife to take the tablets vitamin supplements for pregnant women.What should it contain these drives?There is a crucial point of what should be contained multivitamin supplements so-called drive for a pregnant woman, but in general is supposed to include folic acid, iron, calcium and more than a regular multivitamin. These minerals are important for several reasons listed below. Tablets do not contain vitamins for pregnant retinol (which is the animal form of vitamin A), which may harm the fetus if it was covered in large doses. Instead, it contains vitamin A derivative of the plant (beta carotene).
Folic acid
The folic acid is a B vitamin, which can find more in many foods, including beans and leafy green vegetables and fortified breakfast cereals. Taking 400 micrograms in the form of tablets of folic acid every day during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (ideally, it should start to take them a month ago and at least one occurrence of the process of fertilization, and preferably three months) reduces the risk of your baby's deformed spine, such as spina bifida, a serious birth defect happens when the spine is not closing completely on the central nervous system.
Studies have shown that women at significantly for the birth of a child with a defect in the spine (such as those who were born in the past children with slit cord or from taking certain drugs for epilepsy) Iklln this risk by 72% in the case have taken folic acid before and during pregnancy. You also need this group of women to take higher doses of folic acid each day (5 mg). Talk with your doctor before doing so because you'll need a prescription.
Highlight the need for iron for the production of more blood required to support your growing baby. Your body produces a much larger amount of blood and now you're pregnant so you need between 30 and 60 mg of iron daily, or 15 to 45 mg for an additional dose of the recommended daily allowance of 15 mg.
Finally, women need twice as much calcium you take normally and is now pregnant, 1,500 mg of calcium per day. Can be found on the metal in milk and dairy products and leafy green vegetables, tofu, sardines and canned salmon.
Other food items
In addition to folic acid, iron, calcium, what it contains vitamin pills good for a pregnant woman?Look for those containing vitamin C or C, and vitamin D, and vitamin B such as B 6, B12, potassium, zinc and vitamin E..
Make sure that the vitamin pills for pregnant do not contain retinol, the animal form of vitamin A, which may be toxic to the fetus if taken in large doses. Instead, should contain these drives beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A is extracted naturally in plants is totally secure.
Aosra on CD supplement provides 100% of the recommended amount per day of all the essential vitamins, and never eat more than the recommended dose (usually one tablet per day). Taking high doses of vitamin a can hurt you and hurt your child.
Vegetarian women must strongly and have health conditions such as diabetes, gestational diabetes or anemia, consult your doctor about any disk may need a special supplement to it.
Where can I find it?You can buy vitamin pills for pregnant almost all pharmacies, or may be prescribed by your doctor if there was any need for her health.
Before buying any supplement tablets for pregnant, make sure to read the label to accommodate what it contains all the disk.
Should I take them?
What should it contain these drives?
Where can I find it?
Should I take them?Experts agree that a good diet balanced and diverse is the best way to Thsali you and your baby the nutrients needed during pregnancy. And must include your diet fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fish. And you should Cut down a lot and the challenge of the consumption of refined sugar and processed foods, saturated fats and other animal proteins.
However, in some circumstances, it may be difficult to obtain through diet alone on all the food that you need if you suffer from morning sickness disturbing example. In this case, you may advise your doctor or midwife to take the tablets vitamin supplements for pregnant women.What should it contain these drives?There is a crucial point of what should be contained multivitamin supplements so-called drive for a pregnant woman, but in general is supposed to include folic acid, iron, calcium and more than a regular multivitamin. These minerals are important for several reasons listed below. Tablets do not contain vitamins for pregnant retinol (which is the animal form of vitamin A), which may harm the fetus if it was covered in large doses. Instead, it contains vitamin A derivative of the plant (beta carotene).
Folic acid
The folic acid is a B vitamin, which can find more in many foods, including beans and leafy green vegetables and fortified breakfast cereals. Taking 400 micrograms in the form of tablets of folic acid every day during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (ideally, it should start to take them a month ago and at least one occurrence of the process of fertilization, and preferably three months) reduces the risk of your baby's deformed spine, such as spina bifida, a serious birth defect happens when the spine is not closing completely on the central nervous system.
Studies have shown that women at significantly for the birth of a child with a defect in the spine (such as those who were born in the past children with slit cord or from taking certain drugs for epilepsy) Iklln this risk by 72% in the case have taken folic acid before and during pregnancy. You also need this group of women to take higher doses of folic acid each day (5 mg). Talk with your doctor before doing so because you'll need a prescription.
Highlight the need for iron for the production of more blood required to support your growing baby. Your body produces a much larger amount of blood and now you're pregnant so you need between 30 and 60 mg of iron daily, or 15 to 45 mg for an additional dose of the recommended daily allowance of 15 mg.
Finally, women need twice as much calcium you take normally and is now pregnant, 1,500 mg of calcium per day. Can be found on the metal in milk and dairy products and leafy green vegetables, tofu, sardines and canned salmon.
Other food items
In addition to folic acid, iron, calcium, what it contains vitamin pills good for a pregnant woman?Look for those containing vitamin C or C, and vitamin D, and vitamin B such as B 6, B12, potassium, zinc and vitamin E..
Make sure that the vitamin pills for pregnant do not contain retinol, the animal form of vitamin A, which may be toxic to the fetus if taken in large doses. Instead, should contain these drives beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A is extracted naturally in plants is totally secure.
Aosra on CD supplement provides 100% of the recommended amount per day of all the essential vitamins, and never eat more than the recommended dose (usually one tablet per day). Taking high doses of vitamin a can hurt you and hurt your child.
Vegetarian women must strongly and have health conditions such as diabetes, gestational diabetes or anemia, consult your doctor about any disk may need a special supplement to it.
Where can I find it?You can buy vitamin pills for pregnant almost all pharmacies, or may be prescribed by your doctor if there was any need for her health.
Before buying any supplement tablets for pregnant, make sure to read the label to accommodate what it contains all the disk.

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