Back pain

What are the causes of back pain during pregnancy?
Can I avoid back pain?
What do I do to get rid of back pain?
The main symptoms: are half to three quarters of pregnant women for back pain during pregnancy. There are several steps that you can do to alleviate the suffering.
Increase the ability of pain with the possibility of progress in the months of pregnancy for many women who have suffered from back pain before pregnancy. By following the tips and the necessary treatment, back pain is rarely caused problems in the time of birth.
What are the causes of back pain during pregnancy?Back pain can be divided into two types. The first type is the fact that the back pain due to causes the same factors that drive back pain in non-pregnant women. May be involved each of the ligaments, muscles, joints and disc due to fatigue and bad body positions, and the wrong methods to carry heavy things, and weak muscles or exposure to injury. Likely to be a pregnant woman has tested this type of pain before becoming pregnant. And worse back pain at the end of the day or after standing on the feet for long periods. And is usually the cause fatigue, which affects the muscles and ligaments stretch in the simple result of the weight of your body and your baby.
Suffers a small percentage of women from hip pain during pregnancy, and causes inflammation or nerve pressure back on the hip or what is known as "sciatica." Sometimes influenced by the work leads the nerve to feel weak, weakness or tingling sensation. Hip pain associated with nerve sometimes the presence of back pain or not, and may extend to the bottom of the man. Contrary to what is commonly popular, it had nothing to pressure the child to the backbone of the hip, and this is likely that the nerve pain (sciatica) will show whether or not you're pregnant.
The second type of back pain pain pelvic girdle. Suffer the majority of women seeking medical help due to back pain during pregnancy of this second type. Revealed pelvic girdle pain is usually the result of pregnancy and requires a completely different treatment for back pain treatments that may not do any good and are not effective for this particular type, so it increases the severity of pain in some cases.
If you feel pain in or around the pubic bone from the front, you probably suffer the so-called "non-symphysis and functional."Necessary to ask for help from a doctor or consultant physiotherapist in order to distinguish between these types of back pain.
Can I avoid back pain?Can alleviate back pain by maintaining your fitness before pregnancy. If you are already pregnant, make sure it is not too late to improve the status of your fitness. You can reduce the chance of developing back pain in pregnancy through exercise weekly. If you are not accustomed to exercise, you start Pettmarenha gradually. Help you pursue sport medium, and attention to the status of the body straight, and avoid lifting heavy objects and follow some simple steps in maintaining the health of the back, and to prevent injury back pain during pregnancy. If I had to carry something, make sure to lift adjacent to your body, knees bent, not your back and try not to twist.
What do I do to get rid of back pain?• Try a massage. Often help massage the lower back muscles to relieve tired and plaintive. Try to Tmila on the back of a chair or to lie on your side, your husband while you gently massage the muscles at the sides of the spine or let him focus on the lumbar region. You can resort to a specialist or a professional massage to your doctor or physiotherapist because they are better able to help you in the best way.
• heat and water. Contribute to ease your back pain, such as a warm bath or a batch of hot water shower.
• Use a belt assistant. May advise you to wear a physiotherapist assistant, to bring the belt on your tummy muscles and your back a little of the weight of your child.
• Try using a pillow to help sleep. Contribute to sleep on one side of your body with a special pregnancy pillow at the bottom of your stomach to get rid of back pain.
• Try to do some strength training and balance. The lower abdominal exercises may help reduce the weight of the load on your back. Exercise and the exercise safe and easy at the lower abdominal area, bow on your hands and knees so that your back is almost straight. Breathe in and when you exhale, Marcy exercise the lower abdomen, at the same time, tighten your abdomen inward and upward. Keep this position for a period ranging between 5 to 10 seconds, without locomotor Thbsa yourself or your back. Relax the muscles slowly at the end of the exercise.
If the greatness of the rear Talmk (coccyx), avoid always sit wrong and try to keep your back straight as possible. Try and sit on a soft pillow or soft cushion in the form of a vicious circle.
What are the causes of back pain during pregnancy?
Can I avoid back pain?
What do I do to get rid of back pain?
The main symptoms: are half to three quarters of pregnant women for back pain during pregnancy. There are several steps that you can do to alleviate the suffering.
Increase the ability of pain with the possibility of progress in the months of pregnancy for many women who have suffered from back pain before pregnancy. By following the tips and the necessary treatment, back pain is rarely caused problems in the time of birth.
What are the causes of back pain during pregnancy?Back pain can be divided into two types. The first type is the fact that the back pain due to causes the same factors that drive back pain in non-pregnant women. May be involved each of the ligaments, muscles, joints and disc due to fatigue and bad body positions, and the wrong methods to carry heavy things, and weak muscles or exposure to injury. Likely to be a pregnant woman has tested this type of pain before becoming pregnant. And worse back pain at the end of the day or after standing on the feet for long periods. And is usually the cause fatigue, which affects the muscles and ligaments stretch in the simple result of the weight of your body and your baby.
Suffers a small percentage of women from hip pain during pregnancy, and causes inflammation or nerve pressure back on the hip or what is known as "sciatica." Sometimes influenced by the work leads the nerve to feel weak, weakness or tingling sensation. Hip pain associated with nerve sometimes the presence of back pain or not, and may extend to the bottom of the man. Contrary to what is commonly popular, it had nothing to pressure the child to the backbone of the hip, and this is likely that the nerve pain (sciatica) will show whether or not you're pregnant.
The second type of back pain pain pelvic girdle. Suffer the majority of women seeking medical help due to back pain during pregnancy of this second type. Revealed pelvic girdle pain is usually the result of pregnancy and requires a completely different treatment for back pain treatments that may not do any good and are not effective for this particular type, so it increases the severity of pain in some cases.
If you feel pain in or around the pubic bone from the front, you probably suffer the so-called "non-symphysis and functional."Necessary to ask for help from a doctor or consultant physiotherapist in order to distinguish between these types of back pain.
Can I avoid back pain?Can alleviate back pain by maintaining your fitness before pregnancy. If you are already pregnant, make sure it is not too late to improve the status of your fitness. You can reduce the chance of developing back pain in pregnancy through exercise weekly. If you are not accustomed to exercise, you start Pettmarenha gradually. Help you pursue sport medium, and attention to the status of the body straight, and avoid lifting heavy objects and follow some simple steps in maintaining the health of the back, and to prevent injury back pain during pregnancy. If I had to carry something, make sure to lift adjacent to your body, knees bent, not your back and try not to twist.
What do I do to get rid of back pain?• Try a massage. Often help massage the lower back muscles to relieve tired and plaintive. Try to Tmila on the back of a chair or to lie on your side, your husband while you gently massage the muscles at the sides of the spine or let him focus on the lumbar region. You can resort to a specialist or a professional massage to your doctor or physiotherapist because they are better able to help you in the best way.
• heat and water. Contribute to ease your back pain, such as a warm bath or a batch of hot water shower.
• Use a belt assistant. May advise you to wear a physiotherapist assistant, to bring the belt on your tummy muscles and your back a little of the weight of your child.
• Try using a pillow to help sleep. Contribute to sleep on one side of your body with a special pregnancy pillow at the bottom of your stomach to get rid of back pain.
• Try to do some strength training and balance. The lower abdominal exercises may help reduce the weight of the load on your back. Exercise and the exercise safe and easy at the lower abdominal area, bow on your hands and knees so that your back is almost straight. Breathe in and when you exhale, Marcy exercise the lower abdomen, at the same time, tighten your abdomen inward and upward. Keep this position for a period ranging between 5 to 10 seconds, without locomotor Thbsa yourself or your back. Relax the muscles slowly at the end of the exercise.
If the greatness of the rear Talmk (coccyx), avoid always sit wrong and try to keep your back straight as possible. Try and sit on a soft pillow or soft cushion in the form of a vicious circle.

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