Thursday, January 5, 2012

Codification of hours children's computer use should be

Codification of hours children's computer use should be

Barnaby is dedicated to Lennon that the communication skills of children weakened by excessive exposure to modern technology.
Recommended Barnaby Lennon, President of the Council of Independent Schools of America, to be the children's access to smart phones and devices Alkmpiotrmahdoda, to avoid becoming "addicted" to electronic devices.

Lennon said that parents should resist the wishes of their sons and daughters to buy smart phones until they reach the age of at least the age of 15, in addition to setting limits to hours of computer use, including no more than two hours a day.

Lennon was considered that exposure to computers particularly damaging to boys, and specifically in the process of development in the long run, pointing out that a very large number of children, particularly boys, become addicted to the use of the computer.

He added: "It is very difficult to prevent children from accessing harmful materials from your computer, but the main issue is that children who spend too long on computers not Asnh them time to practice the activities of reading and dialogue." He believed that he should be advised parents to set limits for the use of computers by their children, and to devote the time to read together.

Children's health


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