Pistachios good for the heart
The results of a recent study by U.S. scientists that eating pistachios contribute to strengthening the blood vessels, also has an impact on reducing the risk of heart disease.
And concluded that scientists from the University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study and nutrition of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville province that the positive impact of the pistachio is due to the contents of dietary fiber and the article "Alvitusterol."
The researchers noted that about 90% of the fat it contains pistachio nuts as fat would reduce the level of cholesterol significantly.
Peanuts also contain nutrients and vitamins Kvatamen "by 1", copper, manganese, potassium and vitamin "to 6", magnesium and phosphorus, as the transfer site "MedVesti".
Doctors recommend everyone, including Americans who seek to get rid of excess weight by introducing peanuts in their diet.
The results of a recent study by U.S. scientists that eating pistachios contribute to strengthening the blood vessels, also has an impact on reducing the risk of heart disease.
And concluded that scientists from the University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study and nutrition of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville province that the positive impact of the pistachio is due to the contents of dietary fiber and the article "Alvitusterol."
The researchers noted that about 90% of the fat it contains pistachio nuts as fat would reduce the level of cholesterol significantly.
Peanuts also contain nutrients and vitamins Kvatamen "by 1", copper, manganese, potassium and vitamin "to 6", magnesium and phosphorus, as the transfer site "MedVesti".
Doctors recommend everyone, including Americans who seek to get rid of excess weight by introducing peanuts in their diet.

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